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Everything posted by Cynful

  1. So it sounds like both might be worth it. I'm right in the middle of Saxon Intervention with him and it does help. He needs the constant repetition and the review cards from it are good. I think maybe we'll finish that and then go on to REWARDS. Or would it be better to just switch over to REWARDS now? Then after go on to Megawords.
  2. My son is still having trouble reading longer, multisyllabic words. He has learning delays and, most likely, dyslexia. Which of these programs would work best for us? Or are they both vastly different? Any information would be great. Thanks,
  3. http://www.shopatron.com/products/category/ I bought one of these myself a few months ago. It's only missing the box. It's great. :)
  4. I run my own webhosting company and can help you. I also do domain registrations. I can't help build the site, however, your son may want to do that himself. Let me know if I can answer any questions or provide assistance.
  5. I am so happy to hear that I am not the only one who doesn't use sunscreen. :) We live in FL too and we never use it. I don't want the chemicals nor the blockage of vitamin D.
  6. I've got this but haven't used it yet. Perhaps it might work for you? http://www.handleonthearts.com/cart/time-traveler-volume-i-p-34.html Good luck,
  7. We've been doing AO this year and liking it, however, I just ordered CLE Math and CLE LA. It should be here this week. I know its completely at odds with AO but *I* need it. It should allow them to work more at their own pace too which they've really been wanting. I think its all about what works for you and your family - not being boxed into doing only one thing. I, too, think different approaches are a good experience. Life and work isn't only about doing it one, right way. :) Good luck,
  8. I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you but you must be describing my 12 year old son. How do you know him? :D I really hope some others have some wonderful advice to give, because I, too, am completely at wits' end with these type of issues. Good luck... for us both.
  9. I can answer any questions you might have. We were going to do this ourselves last year with our RV, however, the prices on homes were so good in our area, we decided to buy a home. So now we just RV as we can. Actually, we are out on a month or two RV trip right now. I know of many families doing this. Here's a website that you might like: http://www.familiesontheroad.com/ If I can answer any questions about different types of RVs, what its like, campgrounds, etc., please don't hesitate to ask. It's a bit of an adjustment, depending on the size of your current house, but its definitely doable. I'd highly suggest finding one with bunks or a bunk room (we have that) and slide outs, IMO, are a must. Good luck,
  10. I am currently doing a combined Year 1 and Year 2 with both of mine, ds12 and dd9. Basically, we are doing 1/2 year for each year. A few things we are leaving out as I'm trying to make it more secular for my family, other things we've already done. We'll do Year 3 and Year 4 combined after that, though it may take 1 1/2 years instead of just one. I've been drawn to Ambleside for years but I just couldn't wrap my head around it until after I'd homeschooled for a while. I've always come back to doing things the CM way and finally decided this would be the best way for our family. I've looked closely at SCM also and like them as well, but since my children are older, I felt AO would be a better fit. I do add in readers from the SCM list though when we are looking for more. I tweak everything, I mean literally every single curriculum I've ever used, so this is no different. :) I don't think you can go wrong with either one and feel free to use elements of both as needed. Good luck,
  11. http://www.intellegounitstudies.com/products.html I haven't tried these yet, but have heard good things about them. Good luck,
  12. This is an issue on their site/server, not your end. It has to do with their script to run their website. I'd let them know about it though and let them know what browser you use. HTH,
  13. Check AmblesideOnline. We read a poem a day and much of the poetry they have already setup on their site. Look at the booklist for each year and scroll down to poetry - just click on their name or link beside them. Here is a link as an example: http://www.amblesideonline.org/04bks.shtml HTH,
  14. I love Singapore, but I can't teach it, even with the Instructor Guides. I switched to Right Start and LOVE it. I'm the same as you, I know what to do, but not how to tell someone else to do it. RightStart alleviates that problem for you. And, once you use it alot, you actually see where its going and can "ad lib" some (though I don't very often because RS already makes sense). Now, I use Singapore as a supplement instead. We use their Intensive Practice and World Problems books. It's a great combo, imo.
  15. I have all 4 that I'll be using. I've looked over all of them and they look great. If I can answer any other questions on it or look something up in them, let me know.
  16. The lines in FLL3 are so much better than WWE 1 or 2. At the back of the FLL3 Student Workbook are some blank sheets with just lines on them. I'm using it to make copies and then I'm using it with WWE2 since the size is so much better for us.
  17. What about something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Get-Organized-MATE-PORTABLE-TABLE/dp/B001PN5UG0/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1247445601&sr=8-5
  18. This is hard. :) I wish I could pick two. No, maybe three. I think for younger elementary, you can't go wrong with FIAR. But for older, I really like Ambleside. Anxious to see others thoughts too.
  19. I also have been doing WWE and I like it alot. I wasn't sure either about Sentence Island, however, now that I've looked it over, I'm very excited about starting it. It's completely different than WWE and, as far as I can tell so far, there really isn't that much writing involved with it. I think I'll even continue with WWE while working on the Island. I don't think either one will take too much time - WWE is only about 15 minutes a day or so and I won't spend too much time on Island either, maybe 20-30 minutes to let the lessons sink in.
  20. It's the same book, but I'll do it 3x a week for part of it, then drop to 1x a week once I add in Sentence Island and Music of the Hemispheres. My other option is to maybe finish Building Language at 3x a week and then work in just Sentence Island and Music of the Hemispheres until they are finished.
  21. I just bought and received, but have not yet started, our package of Grammar Island. I have all the books. I sat down and looked at MCT's recommendations and then went through the books and came up with this tentative schedule: Grammar Island 3x/week till finished Building Language - start when GI is half-way finished - 3x/week till GI is finished Practice Island - start when GI is finished - 3x/week till this is finished Sentence Island - start after GI is finished - 1x/week Building Language - start after GI is finished - 1x/week Music of the Hemispheres - start after GI is finished - 1x/week This doesn't include reading books like MCT recommends. That can be added anytime. It looks like Grammar Island will take about 6-8 weeks to finish. Building Language probably about the same amount of time, maybe a bit more once it slows down. I'm not sure the entire program will take us all year, but if not, that's ok. If I'm really loving it (or the kids), then we'll just purchase the next level and move on. Let me know if you have any questions or opinions on my schedule. :)
  22. Thanks, that helps. Now I just need to decide about needing a teacher's manual or anything else for this series. It's a bit confusing.
  23. I bought the cd-rom's interactive textbook for all the science books and, after looking at some of them, I can tell that some of them are above my son's head. Is there a recommended sequence to them or does anyone have an opinion on which ones would be considered "easier"? Thank you,
  24. "If the student’s score falls below this level, our new Math 3 Teaching Textbook (which is coming out in the Fall of 2009) is probably a better starting point. " That is on the Teaching Textbooks site. Maybe TT3 would be better for you?
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