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Everything posted by Cynful

  1. We are into the Revolution right now and my son is wanting to learn more about the British side of the Revolution. Any good book recommendations? Thanks,
  2. We quickly tried Horizons a long time ago and found it moved much too fast for us. I switched to Saxon and although boring, I credit it for teaching my children to read and spell well. At least for my daughter anyway, it was perfect. It was perfect for my son too, but he's dyslexic. I quit it too early though since it was pretty drawn out. That was my biggest mistake. Now I'm back to Saxon Interventions with my son. If I can answer any more specific questions, just let me know.
  3. Is it the Chem2000 experiments that no one likes or the way they fit in with NOEO? I have just the Chem2000 experiments and I wanted to get started with them just as something fun to do with my daughter. I think she's a mad scientist, really. :) I'm not hearing alot of love for it though. :(
  4. My children loved these books: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Take-Along+Guides&x=0&y=0 Good luck,
  5. They sent out a newsletter last night that said in February the price would be $20 off the listed prices. I assumed that meant $150 as well. :) HTH,
  6. Of course, it will depend on how often you do the lessons - though it could be easily once a day or three times a week or even once a week depending on what the rest of your days/week look like and also on her reading level. In History of the Horse, King of the Wind is started in Lesson 2 and finished in Lesson 11. Then Black Beauty is started in Lesson 15 and ends in Lesson 34. I don't even think you'll need the horse deck of cards but my daughter does like them to play with and play games too. Hope that helps,
  7. I would have tears if mine read a book for two hours too. Actually, he can, but he doesn't even want to try. He HATES having to come ask me how to pronounce a word. He's extremely hard headed and even HATES doing the REWARDS program. It's just so frustrating trying to find the right puzzle pieces to put together the picture for him so he can do it. I've heard of others mentioning repetitive reading. Do they mean reading the same passage or same book over and over several times? I could see that being a good thing. I just really need to make reading more enjoyable for him. I can fully understand not wanting to read alot when its so much work. I have him read for 30 minutes a day and I'm thinking of breaking that up into 2 different 20 minute sessions (these are to himself). I read tons to him during the day and he LOVES that and remembers it all. We'll keep up with the REWARDS and I also have been doing Saxon Phonics Intervention too. I actually started with that first, but decided to try REWARDS since Saxon was moving slowly. I throw it in every few days as a spelling lesson now. I guess I'm rambling now.... just frustrated..
  8. I'll wait before purchasing Secondary until I see how he is after Intermediate. And, I'll wait on Megawords too. I was wondering how it helped reading but figured it couldn't hurt. I'd be interested to hear how the REWARDS plus Science goes for you. Or if anyone else here has used it??? Where would I find ABeCeDarian Level D? I really, really appreciate the replies and help,
  9. I'm on book 3 (after my Twilight obsession :blushing: ) and they've been ok. Not the best read, not the worst. When I'm tired of thinking through Pride and Prejudice, this fits the bill. :) They are most definitely adult, just so you know.
  10. I think it could be science, history and literature all in one. :) The first books you need in the lessons are King of the Wind and DK Handbook of the Horse (or something like that). She's also used the drawing one, something like How to Draw 50 Horses. (In case that helps.)
  11. Another you might want to look at is American History Stories by Mara Pratt. You can see them for free here: http://www.mainlesson.com/displayauthor.php?author=pratt
  12. I'm currently using REWARDS Intermediate with my dyslexic ds12. We are only on Lesson 6 so far. He's doing ok with it. I'm just wondering, if after doing Intermediate, do I need to then do Secondary with him also? It seemed like more of the same thing when I viewed the samples, but its hard to tell without seeing it. Any thoughts? I was also going to do MegaWords with him. Should I wait until I'm finished with Intermediate or start now? Would doing MW take the place of doing Secondary too? Thanks,
  13. Mine are both about at the 5th grade level. My daughter a bit under and my son a bit over (he has delays). We school from about 9am (sometimes 10am) to 2pm every day with about 30 minutes for lunch. They have a few things they do outside of this time if they don't finish them during this time and reading. My son tends to be there till 3pm since we do extra to help his dyslexia right now. Any more would fry their brains and mine. :ack2:
  14. http://gardenofpraise.com/art.htm That's our favorite so far.
  15. Liberty's Kids 1776 Probably not for your ages, but one you might want to consider is The Patriot with Mel Gibson. It is pretty violent though, so read previews on it carefully before you decide. It's a great move however. Good luck,
  16. My daughter is doing the History of Horses. It's her "elective" so she pulls it out and does about 1-2 lessons per week. She really likes it alot. We've also done the Geography through Literature program and I can't recommend it enough. It's wonderful and definitely get the maps if you choose to do this. Even my reluctant, almost teen, boy liked this. I've also bought, but have not done, their History of Science and Classical Music programs. I'm hoping to incorporate those sometime this year and/or next. We use Sonlight, but I do like BF too. Their guides are much more simple compared to Sonlight which sometimes seems very appealing (and other times I don't like :) ). BF's books are great also. If I weren't committed, at this time anyway, to Sonlight, I'd seriously consider BF as my alternative. Let me know if I can answer any further questions for you,
  17. We are using Writing Tales. PLL has some writing in it and I like it, but its not alot. I also throw in a few SL assignments since I had their LA. We really love Writing Tales though. Very gentle, just like PLL. Good luck,
  18. :iagree: LOVE this site. It's how we "do" art appreciation. If you want to get some great prints to just hang on the walls, Ambleside Online groups have some great ones. They have one yahoo group that has a ton of great art prints that you can print out or have kinkos/staples/etc. print for you. Let me know if you want the link to the group and I'll dig it up.
  19. It is also on sale on the Creativity Express website for $24.97 I think, not sure what the shipping is on it though. And if you choose their online version, its only $19.99 I think. I did one of the sample lessons once and I really like this. We also do Atelier art though too, but I learned more from this than I have from Atelier. Of course, I also have Meet the Masters and Artistic Pursuits (yes, junkie.........) which I haven't yet used. :)
  20. My solution for my love/hate (hate is too strong a word - more like you, just missing something) affair with Ambleside, Sonlight and TOG has been to just use Sonlight. Others may not agree, but I find Sonlight a sort of inbetween of the two. I can still use what I've learned from Charlotte Mason with Sonlight easily. I also add in a bit from AO too. For instance, we are doing Core 3 right now and I'm incorporated This Country of Ours. This definitely may not work for everyone, but its been my solution. I'm still trying to figure out what we'll do for upper middle/high school. I've been leaning toward TOG for the depth, but I'm just not sure. At least I have more time to think about it.
  21. I apologize, I haven't actually used Meet the Masters, but its always been on my list to try. I've heard good reviews of it. I'm guessing it can't be resold either. They did do this program via dvd/cdrom before they switched to this online version so you may be able to find old copies of it for sale; perhaps on homeschoolclassifieds.com. I'm not familiar with I Can Do All Things. Good luck,
  22. I have no idea if these would work, but you can look into these two: Meet the Masters (through homeschool buyers co-op): https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=936 Mark Kistler's Online Drawing Lessons: https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=1194 Creativity Express (I like the art concepts this teaches - at least in the samples - for instance, I never understood color, saturation and hue): http://www.madcaplogic.com/ Good luck. The only other I know of is Atelier and I've seen your other thread on that one.
  23. Not to highjack, but I have a related question. Would you consider a child as a high schooler if they were there by age, but not abilities? I ask because my up and coming high schooler is just no way going to be able to do high school level work once he turns 14 (which is just over a year from now for him). This is due to his learning issues and dyslexia. So I've been wondering, just when do I consider him in high school? Thanks,
  24. We use this site all the time: http://www.classicsforkids.com/ Good luck,
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