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Everything posted by hsmom2011

  1. I voted yes. Before children and when my first was very young, I swore I would never buy a Barbie doll. As she got older, I caved. Now both girls enjoy playing Barbies, but we do have lighthearted discussions about how unrealistic they are. My girls understand that nobody really looks like a Barbie doll, and they are so not to scale.
  2. I am a timeline dropout. I think it may be because I also am a bit of a perfectionist. I have tried several only to become frustrated and circular file them. I purchased the cc timeline cards at the beginning of the year, and have only just started using them. We add one card each week. I'm doing this as a separate "subject" so I don't have to stress over how perfectly it lines up with everything we read in history. My youngest is studying American History, and my oldest is in the Midle Ages. We are starting the timeline cards at the very beginning and working through them chronologically. I think I may be able to stick with this through the long haul. Only time will tell - lol.
  3. I have not used BF, but am using Trail Guide to World Geography with my 2nd and 6th graders. It's working out well - they both enjoy it.
  4. I was just reading about this - how devastating. :(
  5. I guess I'm in the minority. I love Ticonderoga, they are the only pencils I buy and I have to hide them or they disappear. :)
  6. Wow Sahamamama, this is awesome! I have thought about purchasing America the Beautiful for my dd next year (she will be in 3rd). I love your schedule!
  7. I will definitely have a good hiding place for these! Thanks! :)
  8. Well, it's almost 10pm and I have done pretty well today. No junk food, except for an 8oz glass of ginger ale this afternoon (it's hard to go cold turkey). I had my evening snack (a bowl of cheerios) around 8:30, so no more snacking tonight. I still have to get to the store for my chocolate chips! :)
  9. Other: We are using SOTW with Biblioplan for grades 5-8. I prefer Kingfisher to Usborne though, so we use the KF encyclopedia. We don't use the companion, just the schedule with maps and dd writes summaries for her notebook.
  10. We are also using this. We started with Adventures in America(which is also a great curriculum), but I wanted a little more.
  11. That chocolate chip thing sounds like a great idea, I'm putting it on my shopping list now. Everyday I say I need to lose weight, and everyday I say I will just start tomorrow. Well, I just had a brownie, so I guess I will start tomorrow - lol! Starting Sun. - No junk food (except a few choc. chips), and I will try my best not to snack after 8pm (can't make promises on this one). My biggest downfall is after 8pm when everyone is settled and the house is quiet.
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