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H.S. Burrow

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Everything posted by H.S. Burrow

  1. Well, we just returned from the doctor and DD has it. :glare:
  2. I *have* Vocabulary from Classical Roots, but found that with Latin and Classical Writing that it was not necessary. So I have it, but we don't use it. That's one thing that I *LOVE* about LCC.......using less curriculum to accomplish more. :)
  3. I would get the level 3 book to use with both your 8yo & 9yo. We started using the R&S English with the level 3 book when my DS was 8. Hope that helps! :)
  4. No. The slots are supposed to be just above his shoulders. You also have to read all the fine print with car seats and car seat laws. My kids were *always* on the 98th percentile for height and weight. They were too big to stay rear-facing long before they met the age requirement. Unless car seats have drastically changed, if a child weighs more than 30 pounds OR is longer than 32", then they are too big for rear-facing car seats regardless of actual age.
  5. Well, that price is what I pay for an ink cartridge. I haven't printed anything out at Staples yet.


    As soon as I do, I'll post it. I'll probably be sometime later this week.

  6. Weeelll, Staples just bumped my rewards to a "preferred" status and sent me a ton of coupons for printing. One of the coupons is printing 100 pages "free", so I won't know until I take a jump drive over and print out the workbooks how much it would really cost. I know how much an ink cartridge cost for my printer and I'm pretty sure that the rates will be comparable to that ~ $28.
  7. I'm sorry, but I don't know if there's any difference. If there's any difference, I would think it would be geared toward classroom participation and how to do NaNoWriMo with your class of 20 - 30 students. This will be our first year to participate. I signed up last year, but life happened and I didn't get to finish. This year, my son and I are doing this as part of school. We'll start pre-writing in October. :)
  8. I have never participated in a fundraiser that DIDN'T require payment up front. Around here, all fundraisers (schools, bands, churches, and scouts) require payment be made at the time the product is ordered. :001_huh: I think that probably all packs have at least one family that sounds like the family in yours. It's not easy, but how we deal with it in our pack is that ALL pack meetings are the 1st Monday of the month and den meetings are the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month. Period. Special events may be at different times, but that information is communicated very early....and plans cannot be changed just because 1 family cannot be there. As far as awards....well, unless you are going home with him every day, then you don't know for certain whether he has completed the requirements or not. Many of my son's requirements have been met in the course of our homeschool. Of the requirements that we have completed entirely at a den meeting, I can ask the boys about it a couple of weeks after - they don't remember.
  9. I didn't find out about the kids stuff until after NaNoWriMo started last November, so this year will be our first year to use it. I will be taking it to Staples and having it printed. :)
  10. Have you looked at NaNoWriMo? Click on the "Young Writers Program" circle and then "Fun Stuff" to download an elementary writer workbook. It's free. :)
  11. :iagree:Whenever I buy pork roast and pork loin they are vacuum sealed and usually have a "best buy date" waaay out from the date of purchase. I usually divide mine into meal-sized portions and freeze. They are fine. Honest. :)
  12. My DD just started 9th grade at our local high school. We are doing it for: soccer choir theater art French We do not live in a school district that allows part-time enrollment. So she is in all Pre-AP courses. We are *very* lucky in that she has teachers who teach because they love teaching. :)
  13. Our cub scout pack has a bake sale each Fall and Spring. We typically raise about $800 at each bake sale. Each family provides 4 baked items. Our pack does not pay for uniforms or camping. For pack camping, we get 6 - 10 campsites and that cost is divided evenly between the participating families. The pack does not provide the food - each family brings something. For Mom & Me and Dad & Lad, each family pays their own way. Our pack provides the following for each scout that comes from funds raised over the year: membership fee - ours is only $12 per scout awards/pins/badges earned boats for Raingutter Regata cars for Pinewood Derby supplies needed for various events (table coverings/plates/cups)
  14. I found this using an online translation English to Greek: ευλογήσουμε μας o Λόρδος και αυτές οι τον δώρα που πρόκειται να λάβει μέσω επιδοτήσεων μέσω Χριστός μας τον Λόρδο, amen Can anyone tell me if this is Modern, Koine, Attic, or Homeric? We're only on week 3 of Elementary Greek year 1...:o
  15. Hmm...not going to order it. The cheapest shipping is more than the book!! :001_huh:
  16. I'm thinking that I'm going to go ahead and order it as it's less than $10. At this point, I'm just about ready to try anything! :lol: Maybe by the time we get to Elementary Greek Year 3, I'll be able to translate it myself! Thanks again for your help! :)
  17. Ok, thanks! Do you know if the book has both the English and the Greek or is it just the Greek? Or just the English? I'm confusing myself....I'll have to go look at it again! Thanks!! :)
  18. I understand that it's a Protestant prayer. I would still like a correct Koine Greek translation of the words. :) Thanks for your help.
  19. WOW! This is great!! Thanks for all the info... What I'm really looking for is this prayer in Koine Greek: Bless us O Lord and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive through Thy bounty through Christ our Lord Amen. We learned it when while studying Latin and continue to use it daily. I would like to start with a Koine Greek translation of this simple prayer before moving on to The Lord's Prayer (Our Father) and other prayers. Thank you so very much for all your work in this post!! I will definitely be saving it!!! :)
  20. Does anyone know where I can find the Table Blessing in Koine Greek? We just started using Elementary Greek Year One and would really, really like to incorporate the Table Blessing (in Greek) as part of our memory work. I have googled this in every combination of words that I can think of and cannot not find it anywhere. I did find a pretty cool translation website that will translate English to Greek (and dozens of other languages!), but I'm not sure which Greek it is (Modern, Homeric, Koine, or Attic) and I want to be sure that we learn it correctly...tenses and conjugations of our nouns & verbs. We really liked how the Table Blessing was translated into Latin in Latina Christiana I and would like to find the same for Greek. Any ideas?? Oh, and it's not in Memory Work...that's the first place I checked.
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