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Everything posted by mom31257

  1. I haven't done much today at all. I binge-watched the rest of a series and took a nap. We just ate dinner and played Azul, the game I got dh for Christmas. I meet with the pre-cal student in the morning, so I have prep for that.
  2. I am so very sorry, Jann!! Praying for peace and comfort for you all!
  3. Happy New Year! I hope this year will be a great year for all of the tackle family! I appreciate each of you, and I'm grateful for the connections we have. I am feeling better, but congestion/inflammation seems to have settled in my nose and upper throat. I always lose most of my sense of smell and taste when I am congested, so I can sort of taste some stuff. I'm not sure what I will do today, so I might post as I go.
  4. @mommyoffive, I hope you can get some rest and sleep well tonight! @HomeAgain, hoping it isn't a full-blown sprain and will feel better soon!
  5. @math teacher, I hope you slept better last night! I'm feeling much better, so I will be a bit busy. We were supposed to be greeters at church today, so dh went on to do that. coffee and protein bar load the dishwasher and wash some dishes (Dh tends to do some and leave some. I'm glad he does part of them.) make a list of food that needs to be used meal plan grocery list shop or send dh to get stuff post office make a list of things I need to do for school before classes start back print new car insurance cards (need to put one in ds's car before he goes back to school) put new medical insurance cards in our wallets sort/put away the Christmas gift wrapping, bags, etc. work on a menu for having guests over later this week (ck with them on allergies/food aversions stay up to watch the ball drop
  6. I'm sorry! I had a fever and aches for 2 days, but today the fever is gone and I feel much better. I have a sore throat, ears, and some swollen lymph nodes. The doctor gave me a Z-pack. I don't know if it would make a difference, but I have been taking Claritin, extra probiotics, and extra vitamin D. I made warm drinks of raw honey with lemon, too. Maybe those helped the fever and aches go away sooner.
  7. Tests were negative, and my ears are not red. She did give me a Z-pack because I have some swollen lymph nodes, and it might be a sinus infection. Overall, I feel much better today than the last two days. I need to pay bills and update the checking records. Dh and I should probably sit down and take a look at our finances. I always take care of it, and he has no idea what is what. I have a notebook with a list of all the accounts and bills as well as passwords and other important information, but that's just in case something happens to me.
  8. @math teacher, I like this channel. https://www.youtube.com/@yes2next I woke up without a fever, but now my throat and ears are sore. I'm looking at urgent care clinics because I might need an antibiotic.
  9. @DawnM, hugs! The anniversaries are difficult but should be honored how you feel best. Thinking of you and praying for peace and comfort.
  10. @Terabith, I hope you feel better soon! I have a fever but slightly lower than yesterday. My throat hurts some if I cough or sneeze, but I’m not doing much of that. I’m still a little achy. Ds is at his last day of work. He leaves this afternoon to spend the weekend with friends in Ohio. He’ll stay close to his grandma’s house, so he plans to go by and see her. Dh is leaving soon to go keep the clock at some home basketball games.
  11. I’ve been sleeping off and on today. I have a low grade fever and feel achy. There’s really no other symptoms, though. I don’t think I’ve had a fever for 4-5 years, so it’s weird. I hope I can sleep tonight since I’ve slept so much today.
  12. The third load of laundry is washing, and the load is almost done in the dryer. I got to the bank and the post office. Dh wanted us to watch an episode of a show. Dh is keeping the clock at some home basketball games. I took a nap.
  13. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!! On Christmas day, I had a lot to do to help my mother-in-law get everything ready for the family coming to her house. We had Christmas dinner and then opened presents. It was good to be with dh's family! We traveled home yesterday. We stopped in KY to visit with my younger sister and see her new house. The weather and traffic were miserable after we left her house, and the trip took two hours longer than it should have. Today: make breakfast/lunch for ds coffee devotion laundry, laundry, laundry one load is washing now meal plan grocery list bank post office grocery shopping meals tidy house make a list of everything I need/want to get done during this break watch something and relax
  14. We stopped at Buc-ee’s in Kentucky. It wasn’t as crowded as I expected. We’re now less than 2 hours from my MIL’s house.
  15. @WildflowerMom, I’m so sorry! I pray your back feels better and you can find some joy in the day! @history-fan, praying your cough goes away! @HomeAgain, yes, things definitely get quieter as our kids get older. Neither kid is sure they want kids, at least not anytime soon, so it will be quiet for a while for us I suppose. Thankfully, I do enjoy some amounts of quiet. We are on the way to Ohio. Yesterday was an all day event. My family came, and we had lunch together. We played an Unsolved Case Files together that I gave dh for his birthday. The kids and dd’s gf stayed. We opened presents and had breakfast for dinner. We played a new game, Skull. It was a lot of work because I made all the food, but it was a really great day!
  16. @Terabith This is the package at Costco. 9 nuts is a serving!
  17. Good morning! Ds is off to work, but dh is on break now. We are going to Costco this morning, so I'm about to shower and get ready. Costco back home, make a shopping list of the final stuff for tomorrow lunch go shopping put everything away wrap gifts tidy house dinner make a time order list of cooking in the morning prep a breakfast casserole for tomorrow night watch some shows and relax
  18. Ds did get home in time for us to all go out. Dinner was good, and they said the movie was very good and I should have gone to see it. I went shopping and found a few more items. I'm mostly done, but I have all of tomorrow to get anything left and all the food in for Saturday. I decided on soup, chili, and a baked potato bar for lunch. The second meal will be breakfast for dinner. I'll make a breakfast casserole late Saturday night so I can pop it in the oven late afternoon. I'll fry bacon and make some crescent cinnamon rolls that always turn out very good. I'm going to change into comfy clothes and watch something.
  19. Good morning! Today is dh's birthday. If ds gets off at his regular time, we are going to dinner. Then, he is taking dh to see the Gozilla movie. It will get moved to tomorrow if he has to work late. It's dh's last day and just half. I met with a student this morning. The rest of the day is Christmas prep and birthday fun!
  20. I've never watched Suits, but Erin was Georgie on Heartland.
  21. I still can't figure out what food to have on Saturday, and I just realized I need two meals, lunch and dinner, if there aren't leftovers to eat. My dad, sister, and BIL are coming at lunchtime for my family side Christmas, although we aren't exchanging gifts. We're having Christmas with the kids that night. I don't want traditional holiday food. We had that at Thanksgiving, and we're having it again on Christmas Day in Ohio. I don't want to be in the kitchen all day. Neither kid likes lasagna or more tomato-based dishes. I'm the only one with food issues (dairy, shellfish), but I don't mind eating something separate from the rest. I do want to cook and not order food out, though. Any ideas?
  22. Good morning! Since our family Christmas is Saturday, I don't have much time left. I did get my car back yesterday, so this morning is going to be spent shopping. food for the boys to take to work order a couple of items ds just told me he wants for Christmas (one will arrive Friday and one later) look at some creative ways to give cash coffee make a shopping list get ready to go out shop, shop, shop tutor 1 student in person figure out dinner and make it start wrapping gifts watch more of Victoria and My Life with the Walter Boys (started last night)
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