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Everything posted by mom31257

  1. All my errands out are done. I've tidied, dusted, and swept the floors. I cleaned the guest bath after realizing ds has been using it for several days and it might need some attention. I still need to work on the office because I have several piles of stuff to go through. It is very visible from the living room, so I should do a bit in here before cooking dinner, which will be an easy stir fry and a salad kit.
  2. I forgot to include laundry in the list. I did a load late last night that I just put in the dryer. The homework is done, and I just made my coffee.
  3. Good morning! Ladies' game night is here tonight, so that should be fun! dh's breakfast and lunch Bible study Coffee tidy all main living areas work on office organization prep some homework for a student I'm doing extra with meet with the student online shower and get ready to go out hair cut lunch out get two new tires dust main living areas floors in main living areas sweep front step and sidewalk dinner game night figure out stuff I need to do tomorrow watch something and relax
  4. @Lori D., thank you! I do something similar with my online classes. I use a Google spreadsheet so they can view grades, missing assignments, etc., at any time throughout the year. I'm teaching 3 classes in a new co-op next year. This group was in a co-op that used a software program for assigning homework, emailing parents and students, and recording grades. That program is fairly expensive, and they are looking for something else. I just showed them many of the features in the free version of Google Classroom, so they might use it.
  5. This was the last time I took the Saturday Sacks because my schedule next year won't work for it. Lunch out was nice. I took my car and had the tire tread checked, and I definitely need 2 new tires on the front. I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I shopped a bit at Walmart for a few things. I started a load of towels, and I have some other laundry sorted and ready to go.
  6. Good morning! Dh is off to work with his breakfast and lunch. Bible study coffee shower and get dressed to go out get Saturday Sacks from church and deliver them to the elementary school lunch out with a friend possibly walk with another friend if she is free work on office laundry dinner clean kitchen talk boys into playing a game? watch something and relax
  7. @ScoutTN, does the heat in a car not render some of those items ineffective (sunscreen, medications, etc.)?
  8. Thanks for asking @Myra, and welcome to the tackle thread! I did arm and some ab workouts at the gym, so I'll probably be sore tomorrow. Things with the students went well. The private student will come two more times this month before taking a break for the summer. Dinner was gyros and tater tots. I can't have the tzatziki sauce, but I had some goat's milk feta that was very good with them. Up next is working on bills and the budget.
  9. Good morning! I slept in and had my quiet time with coffee. I met with a student online. I'm doing a bit extra with her because she is going into public school next year. I didn't realize our state has brand new math standards this year (until recently), and the 8th grade covers a bit more with systems of equations than I do in 8th, so I'm doing more with her to make sure she is ready. lunch for ds and me pay a couple of bills online/update big budget book meet with private student maybe go the gym with friends grocery store after that dinner tutor a student online for her final work on my office (cleaning/organizing) watch something and relax
  10. Yes, I would like details, too. I often have people ask about curriculum in the younger grades, and I have seen so many people liking their material.
  11. We want to go to the UP in June, so I guess I should be investigating this further.
  12. I joined in 2008 when my kids were in pre-k and 4th grades. They are now 21 and 27, but I still love hanging around with my tackle friends and joining the occasional post when I have time. I teach homeschool math classes online and in a co-op next year, so I still find a lot of help here.
  13. Is anyone willing to share the program or system your co-op uses for recording/reporting grades?
  14. I forgot that I talked to a mom in Nashville about tutoring this summer and possibly joining a class next year.
  15. The meeting with the co-op board was good. I really like the women involved! I hope I like their kids. 😄 The exercise class tonight was small, so I was able to be upfront and see better, which was helpful. I just worked on more review problems because I meet with the same student tomorrow night.
  16. @HomeAgain, glad he is finally realizing it! I'm sorry he has the allergies to deal with. @TexasProud, hopefully, you will accomplish some things you want done! Dh is off to work with all his food for the day since he works at the charter school tonight. I'm meeting the co-op board mid-morning. Bible study get ready to go out meet the co-op board lunch out post office make sure I've got all the grades done and posted contact anyone missing anything pay bills/update big budget book tutor a student online for final make dinner hip-hop dance class with friends eat dinner (I don't eat before going to the class) tidy kitchen work on a summer list of things I want to do watch something and relax
  17. After dinner, I went to my mother's grave and the graves of my grandparents and great-grandparents (both on my mom's side). I miss them all so much. My great-grandmother was almost 98 when she passed away, and my grandmother was 88. My mother was 72, so I felt cheated out of more years since they had lived so much longer. I am grateful for the time I had, though!
  18. An update on my student: I was able to see the dad. The student contacted his stepmom's grandson, so I hope it is a sign he will eventually be in contact with more family. The "girl" in Mississippi is a 30-year-old woman with a 5-year-old child. My student is 19 years old. Because he is an adult, the police aren't involved. He didn't take a car that was in his dad's name or anything like that.
  19. Happy Mother's Day!! Dh made me breakfast and gave me chocolate, some favorite pens, and a non-dairy cheesecake I wanted to try. Ds came to church with us, and dd met us for lunch. We came to the house and played two new board games that dd owns, Calico and Planted. She gave me chocolates and herbal teas. Ds gave me watercolor pencils, oil pastels, and art paper because I did a few art classes and loved them.
  20. That is so amazing! Knowing your work can save lives must be humbling yet thrilling. Congratulations!
  21. I don’t know. I’m going to see his dad mid-day today, so I hope to know more.
  22. The graduation is today, and I’ll go home after it. The main n tackling I will want to do then is a quick tidy to the house.
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