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Everything posted by mom26

  1. I'm thinking I will use Shutterfly to document our adventure out west but just wanting to double check before I bite the bullet. Thanks! Kathi
  2. Just curious in how much this costs? Our blog is 5 years old and chronicles the adoption of 2 of our children and the ensuing transition and just life :) Will you all make a book each year? Thanks! Kathi
  3. Hospital of the University of pa (HUP) in Philly-My mom was treated here for uterine ca and had a good experience(She is cancer free 13 yrs later :) Fox Chase cancer center-Philly suburbs Sorry to hear about your brother's MIL though...
  4. We are going camping and I always have 'issues' when we do this so I'm hoping this will make a difference;) Thanks for letting me know!
  5. yes, those are the exact ones :) Thanks so much!!!!
  6. Are they worth the money? There were other less expensive choices but these seemed to have more of the 'good stuff' in them. Thanks! Kathi
  7. I guess I misunderstood ...someone told me there was a Dive cd that demonstrated all the Apologia expts...for the life of me that made no sense at all I couldn't figure out why Saxon and Apologia would coordinate like that? Thanks for your help! Kathi
  8. Someone told me that there is a dvd that demonstrates the Apologia Physics experiments however I can not locate it. Does anyone have a link...better yet, anyone want to sell theirs;) Thanks! Kathi
  9. We are going through A Girl Of Beauty-Building Character in Young Girls by Carol Fiddler. Chapter titles include: Truthfulness, Character Building, Sincerity, Careful Words, Ambition, Service, Loyalty, Courtesy and Respect, Keeping Confidences This is for 8-12 year olds and my dtr and I really enjoy going out to Wegman's, grabbing a special drink and cc cookie, and completing a chapter :) http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0847414280/ref=dp_olp_used?ie=UTF8&condition=used Sadly it looks like it is OOP and is ridiculously priced new :( There are some used copies but I would inquire to see if they are written in as there are sections to fill in. The watercolor pictures are beautiful though~ Hope you find what you are looking for!!
  10. I started running using C25K a couple of years ago and was able to work up to running 10 miles last month...slow and steady really works! Best wishes on your new endeavor!
  11. As a fellow adoptive mom I can so relate to those moments...they are gifts,aren't they?!
  12. Thanks so much for the input,ladies:) I will certainly give it a whirl next time around. I think when it hit in the lessons, life was just a bit overwhelming and I was cutting corners where I could as we were transitioning our newly adopted kiddos into the family. I appreciate the advice :) Kathi
  13. Please tell me why I should not skip teaching digit sums. I allowed my 11 dd to skip that but I have 3 others rising in the ranks and would love to hear your input. To be honest, I found digit sums confusing and cumbersome and she does not seem to be at any disadvantage due to not learning them. There are other methods to check for computation errors that I find easier and less confusing. Any thoughts? Thanks!! Kathi
  14. I agree...I was poking around about it last nite' on the web and that's what many people said...one woman said she actually tasted it:tongue_smilie: and yeah, it's ear wax alright!!!
  15. We have once in the past and it did not seem to make a difference ...just curious about others experience with this.
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