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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I just keep a large variety of books in the house. He reads 20 minutes a day, whatever he wants. I also have him read his grammar lessons out loud to me each day. I did not buy anything special. It seems to be working very well.
  2. Some studios will evaluate a student and move them to another class. This is a bad time of year to join moat dance classes. We are weeks away from recital and adding new student i.to many of our classes is difficult. It is not an ideal time to evaluate a student and move them.around. No matter where they.are placed, they are behind. I would look for summer session classes and talk to the owner/director about moving her to a more challenging class. I teach a ballet for gymnasts class for our neighbor gym and they do tumbling with my comp team. I know that a 7 year old competitive gymnastics can do a lot more than a 7 year old taking ballet once a.week for fun, just like my 6-8 year olds who compete can do a lot more than the rec dancers. They just practice more and are better focused. I hope you can find a teacher who understands as well. We do exist ;)
  3. I had some students very close to the Friday tornadoes. Some of them were on school busses when the sirens went of and were taken back to school. It was scary. As far as I k ow that tornado did not cause any injuries. Last night they fizzled out before they reached us, I don't think we even had any rain. The town of Woodward, OK was hit very hard. There were two kids killed in a trailer park. They are looking for missing and trapped people today. It hot in the middle of the night. I think Witchita was hit as well, but I don't k.ow as much about that one.
  4. My first grader can compose a sentence with a subject and verb. He can take a set of sentences and eliminate what does not fit and put the rest in order and write them in paragraph form with correct punctuation and capitalization. He can write sentences and paragraphs from dictation with correct punctuation, capitalization and spacing. On his own he can write short notes to his friends and family members. We used Rod and Staff 2 and Spelling Plus with Dictation this year. He has masyered evwrything in those texts. First graders should be learning the mechanics, not doing a lot of forced creative writing. Anything creative or original he does is outside of school and I don't critique it.
  5. Lilly loves the muscle movers cards and does not care that there are only six. I did not notice a full set. I will look when I go pick up the lower case kit. I was waiting to see if they were a hit, and they are! Plus, the box works as a nice carrying case :) we brought it with us to escape the tornadoes.
  6. We are almost to my parent's house, they have a storm shelter, we don't. I grabbed baby books, ultrasound pictures, birth certificates, cameras and computers.....I hate leaving my house and all of our pictures and books. We have about an hour before they anticipate it hitting our area.
  7. I put all of our plans in edutrack last year. Then I just opened the program and checked it off as we got it done. If we ran out of time, I bumped a lesson....if we got ahead, I checked ot off ahead of time. As DS gets older, I can print a weekly plan for him amd let him work independantly. Everything we use is open and go. I just put the lessons In and planned vacations so that everything got done. :)
  8. Congrats on the new baby! I know it really depends on the hospital. I am sorry you had a bad experience, but for my vbac, I did have a natural birth in the hospital. I had an IV in my hand but it was not hooked up to anything, it was there in case I needed something, bit it came out during delivery anyway and they just left it off. I wanted monitors because my first child went into distress in labor and delivery. But no meda, no water broken, nothing but watching me amd talking to me until I said I needed to push, then we pushed. It was hard, it was painful, but it was also amazing. I did not want to walk or move....I just wanted to lay down and rest between contractions. I am sorry you had a bad experience, but not all hospitals are that way. Actually, neither of the two I delivered at were.
  9. DS6 goes to bed at 10 on his own somenights, usually we get both kids in bed by 11pm. I like to be in bed by midnight. We get up between 8&10am. DH works days, but on his own schedule. He only has to be up early on occasion. I teach after school until 8-8:30....we don't have a typical schedule.
  10. We have had sirens go off once already...it is going to be a long weekend....
  11. Our big research papers were 7-10 pgs, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins, double spaced. Before that, they were 2-4.
  12. If he is good at math, try Singapore. You can print placement tests. I think you year until they get below an 80 or 90%. It gives Instructions on the website. We do different curricula for each subject.
  13. It was about a dollar less than the Amazon price at my Target. If you get free shipping, it would be close. The magnets are STRONG!!! You could use it in the car and not have them fall al over. It is a double aided dry erase/magnetic board. The kit comes with one practice book too. DD is lovog It!!
  14. I took a picture, but cannot upload it from my phone:glare: it is by Fundanoodle. It was in the school supply area. This was the first time I had seen it. It may really new.
  15. My DD would not drop, I was a week over due. I did plie in second position and I could feel her press down more everytime....basically I stood with my feet apart, toes and knees turned out and bent my knees until my rear end was between my knees.you can do the same thing on an exercise ball. I went into labor after teaching a tap and jazz class ;) moving around and plies/squats.
  16. I picked up a kit for capital letters lasy night. It is like HWOT. It comes with a magnetic dry erase board, 14 magnetic pieces to make letters, ss tablet for practicing with a pencil, some little action cards and a die to make a game with the cards. It was only $24. My 4 year old Is loving it! They also had lower case kits, and kid scissors with worksheets to practice cutting. It was all pretty cheap. I love Target :)
  17. The gas station down the street from my grandparent's house is the Kum and Go....
  18. I have one that looks just like that on my foot, minus the black spots. Mine has never hurt though. I do have extreme callous from dancing. I have tried everything to get rid.of it and nothing has worked....it appeared while pregnant with my now 6.5 year old!
  19. I got the same email. I don't think it is worth paying for either. My DD was just clicking until she got it right, even when I sat with her. I would use it for free, but not worth the money.
  20. I had one kids who could have taken tamiflu and one who had been symptomatic too long at the doctor appointment. We opted not to give it to the kids. The side effects seemed worse than what they were suffering. They did not have the stomache flu.....why add throwing up to an already miserable child :confused: plus, the paperwork said it might shorter the illness. Try a lukewarm bath if the fever is still bad. It will make the kids more comfortable and I think bathing and getting clean always makes me feel better. A little gentle massage for aches may help them sleep. Of it is warm, I might even try to get them in the sun for a few minutes. Obviously, that depends on the weather where you are.
  21. Go to the concepts she has not learned, do those and move on. My son hates extra review of easy stuff. We still do it, but a few problems a day. If I want him to practice multi digit addition with regrouping we do 3-4 problems a day for a week along with new material. He has better retention that way too. So, do the new stuff and do short reviews of topics you feel she needs more work on and move onto 1b. My son skipped all of level 1 of SM. We had never done a number bond, but he knew everything else. I taught him.number bonds in about 10 minutes and made up some problems to practice. 2 days and we were done.
  22. I just use a good grqmmar and comp program and we read. We are working through Spelling Plus to learn spelling rules. I let him read what ever he wants. Right now that is harry Potter, a few weeks ago it was picture books. He reads well, but he is still just six. I just keep a variety at home.
  23. I know people who have used Shurley and loved it. It was too scripted for me. We love R&S though.
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