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Everything posted by keyjoh62080

  1. Oh and... Math U see Primer, Alpha, & Beta. Harcourt Science & Social Studies grades 1 & 2.
  2. Rod and staff science soooooooooooo drrryyyyyy and boooring (yawn)! Rod & Staff Social Studies...same reason. BJU Heritage Studies. BJU Science. Saxon Math K, 1, 2 & 3. BJU Math 1 & 2. Rod & Staff Reading 1 & 2.
  3. Yes! we use Rod & Staff for math and also do the HOD math activities, 106 days of creation for science and still do the activites in the guide as well and Easy grammar. I still absolutley LOVE the program. This is our first year and we are having a BLAST!!.
  4. I was just going to ask the same question. This book is huge and I am pondering on whether or not to just write in it or purchase the student book. :glare: I did only pay $1.50 for it at Goodwill.
  5. For those that have asked...I think I purchased just about every curriculum on the market over the past 2 years of homeschooling. I was trying to find my way just to see that what I am using is SO simple and inexpensive. I really wish I had someone to tell me the does and the dont's in my first 2 years, I have a few friends that have decided to homeschool this year and I am trying my best to help in every way that I can so that they dont make the same mistakes that I have. It's just a little depressing thinking of how much of my DH's hard earned money was wasted. Alot of times I feel like a crazy woman. I dont know how many times I put things away....pulled them out....put them away...pulled them out....put them away again....pulled the same books out again. It's insane. Soooooo...I cleaned out my so called curriculum closet and 'gave' everything away that I am not using and only kept what I need. I had to do that in order to get off the CRAZY roller coaster that I was on. Because I gave it all away instead of trying to resell it all I am feeling a little bit of guilt. Sorry for venting!
  6. ...I wish I had known this before wasting the thousands of dollars that I did....ugh!
  7. This is my first year using it and we are doing just fine with only the textbook. I did see at timberdoodle.com that you can download free notebooking pages for it though.
  8. ...using Little Hearts for His Glory and Little Hands To Heaven at the same time. I think I attached it right.
  9. Breakfast, snack, and lunch times. This works great because they're usually quiet during this time :D
  10. My dd8 had the same problem until we started using rod & staff math (simple, sweet to the point). We do all the problems on all the sheets everyday. She is doing wonderfully and is so happy and proud and so am I.
  11. I also think that once you find something even if you're just trying it out it is VERY important to stay off the boards and surfing the web for other curriculum and reviews on the curriculum that you are trying out. If I am doing such I find myself rethinking my decision and often time finding reasons why its not working so that I can try what others are raving about...although never intentionally. :D
  12. TONS and TONS of old books that I have downloaded. ALL of the levels of MEP math. Honestly I could go on and on....
  13. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I purchased the extras.....what a waste of money.
  14. I just print mine from here... http://www.marriottmd.com/sam/ my son loves to color each new book before reading.
  15. Are there any good science programs out there for the early years? I've tried a few and they all seem to be dry and boring. I SO wanted to enjoy Rod & Staff Science :glare: I am thinking about just using living books and throwing in science experiments here and there. Can you recommend any good resources for easy science experiments? Thanks SO much!
  16. Thanks SO much for your wisdom. We are using Rod & Staff math. It can get pretty boring at times and can seem kind of slow. I have had people tell me that its old fashioned (it is) and that my kids will be behind. This was only the 2nd curriculum that we've tried and my 1st & 3rd grader are doing well. We are sticking with it and will add to it as needed. Thanks SO much for sharing.
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