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Everything posted by HSMWB

  1. bean dip and tortilla chips hard boiled eggs from the store? fruit of all kinds
  2. We really liked the Bamboo floors that we put in, there does seem to be different 'grades' of it.
  3. I would think an 8 year old could handle it. We have taken our kids every year, this year my 4.5 year old made it 'this close' to the end when I then took him out for the remainder of the service. At our church, there were quite a few kids (we have lots of families).
  4. I am still looking - seems like lots of books, but I don't want a book, we have those, but no time to read, especially for both of us to be able to read and discuss . . . I did find Homeschool Start: Basics and Beyond http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001YJZ9RK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER and No Grades + No Homework = Better Learning http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001T4Y1QA/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER Has anyone seen these and willing to share what they think??? And searching for positive homeschool experiences on DVD especially.
  5. I am looking for some DVD's about why homeschooling, vs. private schooling, pro's and cons, different families experiences, that kind of thing. I can find quite a few movies that are negative about public school's - but I am having harder time finding more balanced homeschool vs. private school or why school in general is negative that is not 110% anti-public school. Christian centered is ok, even welcome if it is not hard core fundamental. I saw IndoctriNation and would love something like it but that is 'positives of homeschool' not 'negatives of public school'. Also, something that explored different educational philosophies like Montessori, Waldorf, Classical, Progressive, Unschooling, etc. would also be lovely to find in a school or homeschool situation.
  6. Eastern Star, Amaranth - you could also be an adult in Job's Daughters or Rainbow
  7. I've had one - I used it while cloth diapering a baby as well. That was a bit tough, and I was really glad that one a month or so I ended up just using the pay machines to have everything. done. now. I think that if space is a premium, it can be nice. I appreciate the fact that I could put a load in and come back to it 4 hours later and have it be done, not wet and waiting to be switched to the dryer. However, small loads are the key. Ours, if you over loaded it, would take more then twice the amount of time to dry. Another pro for us, was that it ran off of 110 electricity. Where we put the unit, we did not have access to 220 electricity. So we would not have been able to put a 'normal' dryer even if we had the space for it.
  8. I voted go if cheaper. It would have to be a LOT cheaper. Like 10-20 dollars tops. I would have to figure in gas to the 'big city' which would probably run me about 20 bucks, as well as 'child care' for the kids either paying for it or having to give up another whole day worth of time to watch their kids in return. So while it sounds nice, I just see it probably better as a webinar type presentation.
  9. Most of Europe including Eastern/Central Europe, most of the Balkan states (as states) a few North Africa countries, Canada, Mexico, and a handful in the Caribbean. Both of my kids had passports before they were 1.
  10. 'I' do not think we need to revert to TSOfficer bashing at all. But I do think that this is a topic that needs more open discussion in our country. LOTS more. How would you re-frame the discussion and still discuss the point of the pat down's and back scatter? While I can see the point, what about the person (maybe a survivor of abuse maybe not) who thinks that they can handle going through security till they witness what is going on and then decide that they can't because they are on the verge of a panic attack or other meltdown of some sort and just want to leave and remove themselves back into personal safety? I have to believe that the hard data is going to suggest that there are a lot more survivors of abuse flying then potential terrorists.
  11. I agree. Then this was on the news just today, I didn't even see it till after all these posts, but I think it is very timely. http://todaytravel.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/05/10582817-tsa-apologizes-to-humiliated-mom-for-breast-pump-gaffe?chromedomain=moms with a quote from the article "There was a TSA agent in there using the restroom and I asked her if there was a private place to pump, and she said no,†Strand said. “I had to stand at the sink in my heels and dress pumping as travelers came and went. I was humiliated and fighting back tears." " How is this not an instance of abuse at the hands of the TSA? And no one is even touching her. I believe the ACLU is working in this - what to do in the meanwhile?
  12. So is it that we have said that TSA is 'ok' and 'bulling' is 'not-ok'????? What if a person has to fly often, there is not a good alternative, and does feel violated? What if a person has to go to a specific school, there is not a good alternative, and does feel violated?
  13. From http://mpoweredparent.com/blog/2010/...hat-you-think/ " “Credit Carding” is the act of inserting your bladed hand between the legs of an unsuspecting victim, then swiping up across the g******s or through the ch***s. " Seriously, how is this so different?????? I am not trying to 'stir the pot', I think it is abhorrent behavior for ANYONE. I have seen and experienced TSA patdowns described like this. Or like this: The TSA’s new “palms down” technique is leaving many passengers like **** feeling very violated, comparing the security screening to being sexually “groped.” or this one: "She felt along my waistline, moved behind me, then proceeded to feel both of my buttocks. She reached from behind in the middle of my b******s towards my v****a area. She did not tell methat she was going to touch my b******s, or reach forward to my v****a area."
  14. Sorry, evidently I kind of derailed a thread because I compared a situation in public schools known as 'credit carding' to what the TSA has been sanctioned to do to the flying public. Here is a thread for us to discuss such a topic. I will see if I can go find my post and put it here instead.
  15. I am so so so happy for you! I hope this is just the beginning down a wonderful path.
  16. Honestly, in WA, in that situation I would suggest they enroll in WAVA or one of the other parent partnerships. She can technically continue to be a public school student and just do her learning at home (or some of them have class sites) using public resources. And that way if they move or not it is not such a big deal. Would the move be within WA or to another state? Different states have different requirements for high school graduation, so even if it were ALL classes at a brick and mortar public school in both places there might be some issues, throwing homeschooling or ALE into it just adds another level of complication, but nothing too difficult.
  17. I personally would not do a vow renewal - although I will confess that technically my DH and I had one - but our first wedding was done in a foreign country with no family at all present and then my DH deployed shortly after that, and then the renewal was right after he got back so we had a 'real wedding' 9 months after the fact. And this situation I know a number of families who have done and I don't think it is tacky. But what I would do, is have a big party and invite everyone, and maybe have some really nice toasts that talk about your commitments to one another.
  18. Oh, to have a house that 22-Billy's would fit in . . . we have three and love them. A good 7 years and no bowing at all.
  19. I had a different one a few years ago - I really liked it. The sleep information was the best. At the time I had a nursing baby and a still night waking toddler. It really helped me to be easy on myself when in black and white it said I had '24 minutes' of actual restful sleep last night as I tried to give myself a pep talk that I could make it through another day.
  20. We go to churches where kids are welcome/expected to be at the service and the education classes are before or after and they have adult education classes as well. We narrowed our search down a little by the church website and then went to a church a week. Our kids really liked it, the older generally went to her class by herself, and one parent went to the class with the younger, and one parent went to an adult class. If we liked a church we went a second time, but we went to all of them that we were interested in before we went to any for the 2nd time. It was actually kind of interested to see so many different churches of the same denomination.
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