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Everything posted by HSMWB

  1. You can also buy just the arm sleeves so it isn’t covering your core and very easy to change if needed between patients. here are several pairs for $13 as an example. https://www.amazon.com/Protection-Sleeves-Compression-Teenager-Cooling/dp/B0BX2V6Y37/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TdofYxNb5MJlQQ_zUmbLraLRWPhNLbIliOfSLsiqfvRHbdG2s19lE0Mu9mmxFKQHBToBnfCLJ-WmJWpb_DlozzWknfhfRe-vgPm3w3JI3uqQGo58AgjOsYZcLxKWtNfXNBhiyeW6xwl7maR14tgjbQVpaU1sOQPdmy6SsasX_Iyoh8A3PCJnfEn3stbkpgPBL8v_sMYC44aleOHllD1cRA.mb1jZ51dh0iGaicSOazwioqJunZyUaAZOIKJzi4S7cM&dib_tag=se&keywords=uv+arm+sleeves&qid=1717257458&sr=8-3
  2. If you want ‘non rain’ in the PNW - July/Aug is the time to come. Humidity is not a factor that would come into play. Possibly fire air quality in the past few years, but honestly I feel like there are no guaranteed ‘good times’ for the weather. The rain isn’t generally that bad either, it is just gray a lot of the time. Then it finally gets warm and sunny - but fires start.
  3. I have a group of 8-10 high school students who have been meeting twice a month and giving speeches. They would like to branch out and start doing actual debates in class with each other. I am looking for resources on how to teach them to actually debate, not just argue. They are already pro’s are the arguing part, lol. What I can find on-line seems to mostly be lists of debate topic ideas or joining national debate organizations. Any suggestions on places to look or resources for me to use in class?
  4. I was gifted a bag of mushroom ‘coffee’ that I am surprised by how much I am liking it. Adding in my normal flavored creamer and it tastes great to me without the acid, love the warm cup, and it has a rich creamy mouth texture like an expensive latte.
  5. I would add another vote for red light laser therapy as a possible non-invasive help. This seems like a really good list of ‘all the things’ that I have pretty much ever heard for pain.
  6. HSMWB


    It is so hard to try to figure out what to do. Good luck on whatever you decide!!
  7. Thanks for the link, I’m going to go check that out.
  8. I am currently trying to apply for a ‘youth arts program coordinator’ for a local organization like of like a community center. i have a BA in Business and an MBA - both over 20 years old at this point. I have a few other jobs, but the only ‘real professional’ job was pre-kids which is almost also 20 years old. Lol. Other then that I have been a very active homeschooling parent. Did years of Foundations/Essentials/Challenge A tutoring for Classical conversations as well as organizing a couple of 4 week student exchange programs. But I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to present those experiences. But if I don’t get the youth arts program job - I need to start applying for ‘anything’ because we need money coming in ASAP.
  9. . I am needing to go back to work after being out of the workforce for about 18 years. It is really daunting for me. Anyways, I am trying to figure out how to put some of my volunteer experience into the resume/job box. I have started and am running a meetup.com support group for about 200 families for the past 7 years. We have weekly park days and all kinds of field trips and activities and classes that an active support group might do. I have also during that time dealt with much of the behind the scenes family drama that occurs with running such a group. This is the back story to what I am trying to showcase for a hiring manager who knows nothing about homeschooling. Here is what I have so far: Started and manage a local homeschooling support group for about 200 families in (named local) area. Organize field trips to local venues. Teach interest-based classes and coordinate community building events. Run technical background to publicize events ran by other hosts in the group. Help me please, I know it’s not very good, but I don’t know what to change
  10. My husband does. It is a small private college that participates in a tuition exchange as well. So it is not only the college he works at (that our kids have no interest in attending) but the other ones that participate in the exchange as well. We are hoping to be able for our first child to participate next year. I’m am not positive of all the hoops to jump thru, but I am sure there are some.
  11. Does the line go ‘in’ you could put putty into it and then spray texture over it to blend it in.
  12. What kind of back pain?? My dd just started a course and is starting to say that it hurts when she takes a deep breath. I’m just wondering if they might be related?.?.?
  13. That is some amazing self awareness!
  14. Our dancer has been doing in-person auditions for Summer Intensives. She now has several acceptance notifications and we need to figure out which one she is going to attend. I am kind of annoyed because I feel like the websites are not giving real information about living situation, vax status requirement/recommendation, testing requirement/recommendation, masking requirement/recommendation and are basically pretending like it does not exist. However, I know for a fact that they do know it exists as some are located in cities that are in the news about local/state requirements. So, yeah. Several are not saying anything about even the cost of housing - am I to take that to mean there is NO housing provided, or just what?? It is frustrating because I feel like if they would give out the info, we could then make decisions and move forward. But without the info, I’m not sure how to move forward.
  15. OP here, I started this thread after seeing this particular flier. So originally I guess this is what I was thinking of ‘this’.
  16. I totally agree with your two points. I’m not sure how to go about having that conversation, I guess defining terms would be a good start - but what terms even to use?
  17. But we are talking about showing it to go to the gym or a restaurant or shopping mall. Which I think is a different order then the symphony or a professional sports game. And is it different if a government says it is required or if the establishment says it is required??
  18. But on the flip side - if it is an unlawful law that is discriminatory- is there not honor in fighting against it? * I am not saying this is ‘my’ position, I am curious, and think this is worthy of debate in democratic society.
  19. Wow, in the US we either don’t have those numbers, and/or those systems do not talk to one another. For example, my state did one of the vaccine lottery’s, and ended up with doing two. One for people who had received theirs through the Dept of Defense or Veteran’s Affairs, and the other for those who had received it through the testing sites available to anyone. And my state does not include does given through the DoD or VA in their ‘% vaccinated’ data because they are not given it. Which can be a serious issue in multiple counties that have major military presence.
  20. On this very board there was a link to an official US government website where there was the electronic file to ‘print your own’ official CDC covid vaccine card. It has been verified to me multiple times in person and multiple venues that there were stacks of cards available to pick up (or not). Then we had multiples of people posting their cards ALL OVER social media with lot numbers. If you want a fake card, it is super easy to get one. And now where I live health departments are debating making patrons show this to go inside various places. I’m truly not sure how this is supposed to make the community ‘safer’ when they are SO easy to fake if one is inclined. And do we even know what is fully vaccinated anymore? One shot, two shots, three shots?? More???
  21. I’m sorry to hear about your mom. Sending lots of caring your way.
  22. I think this is another angle that really probably needs to be considered, especially in the US.
  23. Is there a difference if a particular business wants to make this a policy vs. the government (and what level city, county, state, national) saying that the business MUST have this policy?? How much does this really help with the overall level of safety (vs people accessing their own personal risk and attending or not) when we know that vaccinated people can and do in fact still spread Covid?
  24. In places (not the US obviously) that have the infrastructure in place to do things like track the vaccine status of everyone - if it is required for admittance- is there a way for exemptions to allow allow the person admission (natural immunity, medical, religious, etc,)? If so, who decides when and how those are entered into the system? Also, how are visitors brought into the system? Does this mean that to go to the movies/restaurant/bar/place where it is being requested - you have to have access to a smart phone or computer and printer or how is it verified??
  25. Yes, I was asking for opinions, thank you so much for sharing yours! I was simply trying to contrast the opinion shown by you and the opinion shown by MEmama which was why I tried to quote both. They seem different to me by different degrees and I am trying to consider all the opinions offered. I certainly feel like I am living in a cornerstone time of history.
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