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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. so glad to hear an update and that he's doing just fine.
  2. Your youngest is quite young. You do have a long time to go, if you do indeed end up homeschooling through high school. Also, I agree that your interests will change a lot through the years. AT one time I thought maybe I'd go be a nurse, then a midwife. Both of those interests gone. I'm now post-homeschooling too. I find that I am much busier than I thought I would be. Also, one unexpected thing for me is that I'm helping with my new grandson 3x per week. I love having him around and being a part of his life (I would not see him nearly as much otherwise), but it does eat up a large chunk of my time. I hoped that I would be doing something like this, but not quite this soon (she still has 2.5-3yrs before finishing her PhD) or as often. You really don't know what the future will hold. you'll figure it out and your interests will change and grow as you do.
  3. I totally get that. There was a long, long ---long time when that was the case for me too. I think my dh finally got it - but it took a long-- time. He still has his messes, but they're in his place. The kids have just needed to get older and move out before they've really changed...and of course, not all of them have changed. I did have one kid who did care- but then he could still be just as messy, then he'd complain TO ME about the mess :glare: yeah, but it was very defeating that they'd never do anything of their own accord. I thought I'd raised them to help other people and, to me, taking out the trash or doing the dishes without being asked is helping someone else.
  4. Sadly, I feel like I'm becoming a "the country is going to hell in a hand basket" kind of person. I never used to be that way, but the news lately is just filled with stories that make me concerned. I can't believe the judge let him get away with that. She should be removed.
  5. yes, call the cops. she assaulted your son and you're being harrassed by mom. keep the texts and evidence.
  6. definitely report the dog. The authorities should be involved before a child is attacked. Clearly the owner is irresponsible.
  7. I'm not too keen on seeing it. We were all so disappointed with the first one.
  8. I want to do a giant snowflake with my son. He said some of the kids did it at school last year. They're really striking. http://letslassothemoon.com/2013/11/29/diy-3d-snowflakes-video/
  9. I dunno. I vote for drama queen based on that remark. I think someone who truly feels unlovable doesn't actually SAY that. There's lots of times when I feel lonely & sad - but I'm not about to post something like that to the public. I wouldn't want pity-friendship... kwim?? Sounds to me like she's looking for attention. She may have an annoying personality so this is how she makes others feel guilty for not really liking her.
  10. I read Byzantium many years ago and LOVED it. It was a great book. Other Lawhead books weren't as good.
  11. I know she's a bit of a four-letter word these days but Paula Deen's bbq meatloaf is excellent. I've never put veggies in my meat-loaf, and I'm not sure I've ever seen a recipe doing that, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
  12. So I went and looked at my Goodreads list for 2013 and I'm initially shocked at how little I've read this year. Makes me sad. But, I had three books that I absolutely loved this year: Fiction: Cloud Atlas Wool Omnibus Non-Fiction Everyday Saints and Other Stories - it moved and encouraged me profoundly. off to check out some of the others...
  13. For many, many years I didn't have a hobby - unless you count surfing the internet. But, there were things I always wanted to do, but just didn't have the time (6 kids, homeschooling - you know the drill). There were a couple of things I did (soaping) that I would do in spurts and then go years without doing it. There were also some other stops and starts. I made cherry wine twice from our cherry tree... then the tree died and I lost interest. As the kids got older, and I had a bit more time, I started blogging. That was a fun hobby for many years. I don't do it so much now. But now that I've retired from homeschooling, and I'm not working outside the home, I have a lot more time to invest in my own interests. I wanted to learn to weave for many years before I actually had the time, space, and money to pursue it.
  14. That's a lot of pressure when it's already Dec. ACU butterfly looks like it's coming along
  15. yes, the link worked fine and I'm going to share it with my sister, who is a crocheter. Thanks!
  16. CountryGirl - love the minecraft idea. C?an't wait to see how it turns out. Jenn -- all those crafts look wonderful. I love the monster potholders, especially.... you can keep the spiders... (shudder))
  17. Saraha - so sorry that last one was a flop. What a disappointment. Yay! for a potential long-term arrangement. I love the tote bag idea too. I hate stepping on cold wet gloves/socks/scarves. I hope others will have time to share some photos too! I'd love to see the embroidered hot pads and all the other things being made.
  18. welcome to the group. A couple of hours ---- how wonderful (and satisfying).
  19. how about khaki's from Dockers? There are lots of nicer shoes that aren't dress shoes but also aren't sneakers. Check out Kohls
  20. OMG! I would NEVER want my grandkids to have my maiden name as a first name! I got teased so much as a kid and it was just my last name. We gave it to my oldest son as a middle name - mainly because my dad didn't have any boys, and our only boy cousin never had kids of his own. We wanted to keep the name going somehow. That, and I am very proud of my heritage (Dutch). But yeah, definitely wouldn't work as a first name for either gender.
  21. yeah, when did that happen? I'm so sorry. What a weird reaction she had.
  22. No, not anymore. I'm pretty satisfied where I'm at. I used to have a longing for something deeper and more rooted, but I don't think that's what the OP is talking about. I am someone who loves/admires old churches though. I'd love to do a tour of old-town church architecture someday. When we drive out west we can see this church from the highway. as you can see there's more than one. It's just a small town in Western MD too... nothing big like Baltimore or NY... but it has several lovely looking church buildings. But, I don't really envy them - I have no desire to go to a service there. It would probably annoy me anyway (shhh.. I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to church services :leaving: )
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