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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I love that Fractalgal! When I get to my computer, I'll add your blog to my favorites
  2. I've only seen gravity as well. It was good, but not Oscar worthy in my opinion. I want to see Her and the Streep film too.
  3. How did I not see this earlier???? Please share photos.What project are you doing?
  4. I have one I love. It's a shamrock. I used to keep it on my desk next to my computer. Unfortunately, my bird also loves it and liked to bite off all the stems. :glare: I now keep it up in the kids bathroom where there's a sunlight.
  5. I'm not on FB anymore, but have been thinking about going back. Anyway I totally get what Prairie Song is saying. At least I think I do. It makes total sense to me. Everyone uses FB differently and those who are the "super likers" need to get that some of us aren't as comfortable with that, and might even find it a bit intrusive. Anyway, I understand the need to clean up your account and unfriend those you really aren't in contact with and don't have much inclination to resume an online friendship. I don't think it's being mean, I think you're being practical and honest with yourself. I also used to pride myself that I had a small FB friends list (less than 100). I'm weird that way. I think it's weird that she would contact you anyway. I'd probably get it that this person wasn't interested - or wanted a simpler FB account or whatever and I'd move on. If it was an online IRL friend then I'd be worried... but not someone I only see on FB and haven't been really friends with for years.
  6. oh no! So sorry. what a headache for you. :grouphug:
  7. Ushpizin: What a great movie. Saw that a few years ago and LOVED IT! Never heard of Jiro... before. Thanks for starting this thread Michelle, but sorry you're sick. I've had a very emotionally bad couple of days and all I want to do is lie around myself.
  8. I've considered saying the same thing myself over the years.
  9. oh no! That is very discouraging. I've gained wait in the last year and it will.not.come.off. I'm so discouraged. Glad the shingles was really something else - even though it was probably more embarrassing :grouphug:
  10. It's been a very difficult week. My life is not in a good place right now. I'm feeling very unloved and unappreciated. So, Tues. I made plans to get together with a friend of mine for coffee & tea. We've known each other for about 7yrs but have been building a close friendship for about 2.5 yrs. She told me her husband has applied for a job several states away. Even though this one might not work out, I know the writing is on the wall. He's dissatisfied and, even if he doesn't get this one, he'll still be looking. I live in an area where people move away from here a lot. It's happened all my life since my 3rd grade best friend moved away. My friends ALWAYS move away. It never gets easier.
  11. I can relate. I don't do well if I'm too busy...especially busy outside the house. The older I get the more of a homebody I become. I'm tired too and I'm not even a homeschooler anymore, but it's been a very stressful couple of days. I can take it's toll. I hope you get some time to yourself. :grouphug:
  12. Wow! Some of your stories. Crazy. I think I''ll probably unsub from Freecycle. Now that we've been here 2 yrs I really have no need. Previously, when we were downsizing and clearing out the old house, it served a purpose...but no more.
  13. It rather surprises me the things people ask for on Freecycle. Kitchen Aid mixers Andriod phones flat screen tvs Queen sized mattresses I mean, these seem like luxury items (except perhaps the mattress), but still. Freecycle?? I guess they're mentality is that it can't hurt to ask, but it seems rather presumptuous and gutsy to even ask for such things on a free recycling board. Does anyone else see these kind of requests on their Freecycle?
  14. Are you talking about the one by Giertz? Then, I agree about the "The Hammer of God" great book. Very thought provoking. Thanks for reminding me about it.
  15. I agree -this site is very helpful. Thank you, Kand. I found it interesting that, among adults hospitalized, obesity was the highest underlying condition for this season.
  16. "Father Elijah" is a lovely and exciting book. It is considered Apocalyptic but don't let that scare you off. It was quite the page turner. Elizabeth Goudge was a great writer from last century . Her books are infused with Christian themes....but they're not the "hit you over the head" obvious kind. I've read the "Dean's Watch" which was a wonderful book. I still think about some of the characters from that book. Ben Hur is a wonderful Christian book - hardly like the movie version (what a surprise). If you don't mind something that very unusual and rather "out there" Buechner is a wonderful writer. "Godric", "Brendan", and "On the Road with the Archangel" are some of my favorite books of all time. You'll not find a sticky sweet Christian novel within his pages. He makes you *think* and he's not afraid to make his readers squirm. Buechner's non-fiction is some of my favorite as well, FWIW.
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