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Everything posted by zillymom

  1. DD is a preemie and came home from the NICU a whole month before her due date. Then RSV and flu season started, and it was a bad one. So we didn't have our first outing for months.
  2. My shower ended up occurring after DD arrived (7 weeks early)...my favorite gift was a preemie-sized blanket that a friend knitted as soon as she heard DD had been born. It meant a lot to receive something that was just her size, and had all that love and thought behind it.
  3. Benjamin Britten Leonard Bernstein Lowell Liebermann John Adams Eric Whitacre ... and many of the others already mentioned :)
  4. Amelie Blame It On Fidel Eat Drink Man Woman Life is Beautiful
  5. :iagree: My 2 year old goes to sleep around 10 or 10:30 pm, and sleeps in until 9:30 am (pretty much 9:30 on the dot every morning!). She goes to bed very easily, sleeps soundly, and takes a great nap each day. DH and I are night owls, so she must have gotten that from us! :D
  6. DD got her leg stuck in between the crib slats last month - thank goodness for Crisco cooking spray!!
  7. Yeah, I'm leery about that sort of thing, too. A friend of mine who teaches voice uses it as well, and a number of my students purchase from there. None of us have had any problems with it so far. I've been using it for a couple years now. Hope that helps!
  8. I like the ones already mentioned, and also musicnotes.com (you can preview a bit of the music, and if needed, change the key signature before purchasing).
  9. We have both Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in the Hat in Italian here, and I agree, it's a fun way to pick up vocab!
  10. I got a PayPal debit card so that I could use my PayPal balance anywhere. It runs through VISA (or maybe Mastercard, one of the two).
  11. Love Faith's response! And on the coffee side note... some colleagues and I performed parts of the coffee cantata on a baroque recital we did. Soprano, flute, bassoon, harpsichord. Was soooo much fun seeing that side of Bach!
  12. Control + minus sign ( and control + plus sign makes it bigger)
  13. I'm a hookless lefty, too. I turn my paper until it's practically sideways, though.
  14. Ester Maria, those are strong, important points that are worth a good bit of consideration. I'm in the same boat, and I love this perspective. :iagree:
  15. We Italian language lovers have to stick together! :D oh yeah, I can definitely relate to this feeling! :tongue_smilie: For me, blogging in Italian has helped a lot. I have a lot more fun to work on grammar writing about things I like to talk about while also getting some interaction with native speakers. I do this on an Italian blogsite (Splinder) and have a request permanently posted in the sidebar for readers to correct my mistakes (which they do!). Sometimes I'll write with a specific grammatical goal in mind - say, past tense, as a simple example - so that I'm not mentally hopping all over the place. (just thought I'd throw that out there in case you're looking for ideas)
  16. We have the Radian XTSL and looooove it.
  17. No problem! I have an 11th grade flute student who was using that book to learn piano, but now she's playing easy sonatinas and other little pieces. I love how Faber moves them all over the keyboard, so the student doesn't associate the thumb with C, 2nd finger with D, etc. They really HAVE to read the notes, not just the fingerings, from very early on.
  18. Maybe starting off with their "older beginner" book would work well... it moves faster than the beginning books and is great for students who have a bit of music background already.
  19. I bought mine from B&N because I just couldn't bear to wait for it to arrive in the mail. LOL (Also, I used to work at the local store and they were wonderful to me, so I kinda wanted to help add to their sales in my own little way) :D
  20. You can check email and browse the internet with Nook Color (which is Wi-fi, you can connect at any wireless hotspot), and I wouldn't call the experience "clunky" at all! I post on forums, send email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. all on my Nook Color. I love it! The touch keyboard is pretty good. If you are going to be doing especially long emails/messages, then you might not like it as much for that purpose, but for your average email, it works great. You can also view YouTube videos and such on it... it's not as clear as a laptop would be, but it's not shabby.
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