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Everything posted by Peela

  1. :iagree:I realised my issue was that unless I felt I could do it ALL and do it PERFECTLY I didn't want to even start.It was too overwhelming. Flylady taught me to do babysteps..10 minutes here, 5 minutes there. Better to spend 5 minutes in teh laundry than not go in there all week for fear of the huge workload. Its amazing how much can actually be done in 5 minutes. My to do list has 4 sections and I make a new one every time it fills up or gets too messy. I just divide a sheet of paper into 4 and call each section a different thing- Home, Out, Computer and Phone. Then I put my To Dos in the appropriate square. I have done this for years now and it just works for me- and it sits at my left on my computer desk. I have a pin board with the bills pinned to it on the wall in front of my computer desk, and a large squared calendar to my right at the computer desk. The computer desk is in the school room...so I can pay bills, write lists, check my calendar, and also fulfil certain things on my To Do list...all while supervisiing the kids' schoolwork. If I am not in the room...not so much work gets done.
  2. Dd15 has done 2 writing courses with home2teach.com She found the standard very high and didnt want to do any more :) until now she has decided they really did help her get her writing quality very high, and since she now wants to do into Journalism, she asked to do more, even though it is summer holidays here- so she knows its good for her :) I am glad I waited till she wanted to do it herself though...making her do them would have been too hard. We have also used Cambridge Latin's correspondence course and that was good but not enough support for my dd....I needed to be more involved and was hoping that I could hand over Latin to the course...didnt work so well.
  3. I dont know about cups but I have read a study somewhere that reckoned that producing paper bags used more resources than producing plastic ones, so all those shops that give you one of those designer paper bags instead of a plastic one are not helping at all. I wish there were ads on TV teaching people the facts about these things instead of selling us more crap. Its very hard to find the correct information.
  4. Lol, IKWYM, however I will often resond to a thread knowing that many others will be reading it and if what I say isnt relevent to the OP, it may be relevent to someone else at least. And I guess sometimes I respond just for the sake of responding, like now :)
  5. I empathise. My challenging child however has taught me that the concepts of unconditional love and endless patience are not lovely idealistic airy fairy concepts but absolute survival methods for not throttling a difficult child to death. He has strestched me to the limit. He is 14 now and pretty obnoxious as his body transforms into a man's, but I was just telling my dh, who was also a difficult child, that even though ds can barely be civil at the moment and considers us to be the worst parents in the world....I just love him to bits. What else to do?
  6. I used Flylady for years but kind of wing it nowadays. I recommend her as a good place to start to get yourself some better habits, a bit at a time. I suggest you keep decluttering though- more often than several times a year. Just making decluttering a regular habit has made a big difference here. When I declutter an area, I don't want it looking messy again in 5 minutes, so it helps me get my act together to keep things tidy...one thing just follows on from another. But without the dectluttering, I cant see my way clear to get a tidy space anywhere so I am unmotivated and overwhelmed. Regular and ongoing decluttering is the key for me. Its amazing how good I can feel just getting a drawer or a shelf or table surface clear of clutter.
  7. :lol::lol::lol::lol:Love it, Melissa. I am pretty sure most Aussies wouldn't want to be in America for anything more than a holiday for anything. But that could be a case of the devil you know. We do not tend to take our politiicians very seriously at all and to us they are just the bloke next door who happened to end up politician. We do find it surprising that Americans kind of seem to worship their politicians to almost godlike status at times- or at least movie star status. But thats just one of those American quirks.
  8. My answer depends on the frequency with which I would use them. I use them for parties- thats about it. If things were tough I might use them for 2-3 days- not that I ever have. But definitely not week after week or regularly. But then, I have two teenagers who can wash dishes. Not that I have ever felt the need to use paper plates even when they were smaller. The truth is it just doesnt cross my mind, no matter how busy I am. But that is my area of not wanting to waste resources. But in other areas we are shocking- its summer here and my dh has the air con on from 7am even on a not so hot day- I am working on him to actually experience a little heat now and again, but he doesnt like it! So I can't be holier than thou about my environmental awareness...I frequently forget my cloth bags when I go to the supermarket....I am just better in some areas than others. ETA: Everytime we drive a car or fly in a plane, or use plastics or electricity...we are polluting the environment. Minimising the impact is necessary and wonderful...being aware of the impact and not being in denial and just acting like it doesn't matter just keeps us heading teh the wrong direction a poisoned planet for our children and their children....but no way are we in the west able to live yet in such a way as we dont make an impact. I dont think it helps to walk around feeling guilty....but I do think its great that people think about these issues and find their own integrity within them.
  9. I think it's quite different to feel negative toward a country because of their policies towards other countries, their domination of many world affairs, the wars they enter, and their attitudes which can seem superior and arrogant....and feeling negative toward a people simply because of the colour of their skin and nothing else. Completely different and incomparable prejudices. What we are saying is that there is a prejudice against the image of America, not the individuals, and that is not the same at all as saying we have a prejudice against the image of a race because of the colour of their skin. I find it interesting that Americans can get so defensive about this. It is just what is and many countries also get upset with their own governments over the same issues they get upset with America. Would you rather know or not? The original question of the OP seemed genuine and sincere enough.The defensivness to the answers has just made it even more obvious as to why the image is there.
  10. Yes, I would use agave instead of honey in a cooked recipe because honey should not be cooked, in my understanding, but both a probably fairly equivalent in terms of sweetness and consistency. In a raw recipe, I would use either agave or honey...at the moment my preference is honey because I feel it is less processed and a more natural food. Sometimes honey crystallises...I would still prefer it.
  11. I did some delayed vaccinations for my two. I am not really into vaccinating but my dh is into delayed vaccinating, so we compromised over the years by my being really, really slack about it. I would do all the research you can so you can make a very informed decision. I took my two kids a few years ago now for some boosters and my doctor, who herself is very careful with vaccinating and knows I am too, insisted they get a titre (sp?) to see if their bodies still had the antibodies...it turned out they did and therefore didn't need boosters at all...and we are talking about a 10 year time gap here, from 2 till about 12 years of age. So...only one shot was necessary, at age 2, to give immunity possibly for life. Vaccination schedules are very generic- they don't take individuals into account- they are for the masses, to get the greatest number of people vaccinated to the greatest degree possible. It's all about economics and figures, not about your individual child. If my kids can need only one shot, how many others are getting two or three unecessarily?
  12. Wow, I would develop bristles very quickly at that kind of behaviour toward me OR my daughter. And I would teach my daughter to protect her personal boundaries, her space. Touching a stranger is not really acceptable anyway, is it? Kids need to feel that their body is theirs, and just because they are a child doesn't make it ok for a stranger to touch them. I think your boundaries need some firming up- people are sensing you and/or your daughter won't do anything, so they walk right into her personal space, both physically and verbally. Sometimes it gets getting annoyed, even angry, to get the power to say no, to draw a line, and to just not tolerate that sort of rudeness- no matter how well intended.
  13. I agree...no difference EXCEPT that it still has some of the minerals attached to it that help balance it, such as chormium, which helps balance blood sugar and stop cravings. But, generally speaking, no difference. If you are on medication...you can eat sugar because you are balancing the effect with the medication. Not necessarily the ultimate best thing to do for your body though.
  14. Most sweeteners are concentrated forms of energy and should be limited. However, I have done a lot of study of this over the years, both reading and seeing what affects my body. Table sugar- whether white or raw, is not so good. Just pure calories really. Agave has been touted as a new kind of wonder sugar because it doesnt raise blood sugar the way sugar does...but thats only because it is almost 100% fructose. Fructose has to be converted by the liver first, which is why it doesn't immediately spike blood sugar- it's a slower process...but its not any better for your body- it's a strain on the liver....anything high in fructose has that affect and is not exactly good for you. Except fruit...because its not so concentrated and it is in its natural state. I feel that honey isnt too bad in small quantities because it is also in a fairly natural state...if you have good quality honey. Here in Western Australia we have some of the best honey in the world because of our isolation. I visited an apiary yesterday and bought a kg of organic bee pollen and 6 kgs of organic honey from the man who collects it himself. He told me how he does it and I just love buying it from him. But its not something I will eat much of. I have been off sugar for 18 months and feel much better for it- I feel ready to add in a little honey. Never cook or heat honey though. It changes it into a different substance that isnt healthy. Any of the more natural sugars like honey and maple syrup are a definite step up from sugar- they are real foods that our ancestors have eaten for thousands of years. The less processed something is, the more your body can deal with it, unless your body is already pretty unhealthy. Agave is made with a chemical processing method- even organic, raw agave. Its not as "natural" as it is made out to be. But for all that, I have some in my cupboard because I dont mind cooking with it occasionally. There is another product called xylitol which I have used at times. It is processed but comes from plants. It doesn't spike blood sugar and I dont think it has many calories either. It can be used just like sugar. I havent yet seen any information that points to any problems with it- in fact it seems to be quite healthy and is used a lot in some countries. I like to study these things so I have read quite a bit. The thing that turns me off it is actually the look- it looks like white sugar- probably fantastic for many people, but I dont like it and i dont want my family eating something that looks like white sugar. But perhaps I should get over that. If you want to give up sugar...well, I did it 18 months ago and it was easist to do it cold turkey, otherwise just a bit would set me off to bingeing. But I did find that having some dates or other dried fruits around, or sweet fruits, helped me get past the worst of it. I didnt binge on them, or not often, but if I was really craving, they did the trick to get me past that.
  15. My kids tend to need something to look forward to each day. My son has kids on the street he plays with when they get home from school...so he is motivated to finish school so that he can go and play. He also has gym one evening, and Scouts one evening and some weekends, and a science class with other homeschoolers. Other years, he has done drama and sport with other homeschoolers. My daughter socialises online, as well as has activities most afternoons (gym, art class, Scouts), or work (accounting job at a friend's business- she loves it). Having something to look forward to later in the day helps both my kids get through the sometimes tedious job of schoolwork. I too find it boring at times.
  16. I cant see a connection here...my first, my easy going one, was a 3 day labour- although teh baby was never stressed during teh labour- she just took her own sweet time. My 2nd, my challenging one, was 90 minutes and easy, although there was muconium which suggests he did get stressed during the birth. I have wondered if, being my 2nd, he didn't get the amount of nourishment my first did, as they are quite close together and I breastfed right through the pregnancy and afterwards. I was never short of milk, and he got all that first newborn milk, but he was skinny and I was also more stressed during the pregnancy with him....but, I guess I will never know. The birth itself though was easy for me.
  17. I loved P&P when I read it in highschool. The language enthralled me and I think I wrote like that for years, it made such an impression on me. However, as a 42 year old adult...with limited reading time...I am not sure I would be able to get through it again. Its just not my interest any more. My dd15 has it assigned soon, and after reading this thread, I will be more patient if she doesn't enjoy it. I would never have thought to show her the movie or mini series before reading it either, but if she struggles with engaging with the book, I think I will.
  18. Cloudstreet by Tim Winton is a modern Australian classic that has won a prestigious award. I haven't read it yet..it is on our list this year for my kids and I. It is set during the 1940s and 50s I believe and reflects the culture here during that time. Here is the Wikipedia entry on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudstreet
  19. While obviously these people who accost you are being clumsy in their attempt to communicate....I do feel its important that Americans realise that they are voting not just for themselves, and that their votes impact teh whole world. America happens to be top of the heap right now....it will pass, but for now they are the most powerful world power and that does affect the whole world. They cant afford to think only of their own needs if they want to maintain so much power over everyone else's. We can be patriotic about our own country at the same time as realising all people everywhere are very similar in our emotions, our passions, our love for our children, our care for our families etc...we are all the same. I personally feel everyone should have a mind for the whole world nowadays, not just their own country, when they vote or do anything that has impact on other countries. One of the reasons Americans are disliked at times is because of a perceived attitude that Americans feel they are somehow more special than any other country, and more righteous. I suspect that is changing though.
  20. I have tried many supplements and some have seemed to work but until recently I felt nothing was making much difference and I had resigned myself to just needing a nap every afternoon, and a not very energetic life. With homeschooling, I would feel bad I found it exhausting to sit and work with my kids, and so I would try and get as much done first thing in the morning before I was whacked for the rest of teh day. Then I went on a raw food diet- 6 weeks or so ago, and wow, I am amazed at the energy I have. I can skip my afternoon nap easily if I want. I am going bike riding instead of gentle walking. May seem small to others..but I feel energetic! I know a raw food diet seems a bit extreme, but there are a lot of people doing it and having amazing health turn arounds...including from major diseases. If anyone is interested in looking further into raw foods, this lady is wonderful- she cured her whole family of serious conditions by going raw, and she is a wonderful ambassador. http://rawfamily.com/
  21. Teens are absolutely awesome, but yes, hard work. I had a reality check recently when I realised how much my teens need me to set boundaries for them. They keep wanting adult freedoms already- at 14 and 15...and they are just not ready in so many ways. They constantly test boundaries. We have just been through quite a tough and stressful time with our two...but once we got very, very clear about things- and I became willing to really be the bad guy rather than their easy going friend- everything settled down to harmony again. It actually got very tough on my marriage because dh was left feeling he had to constantly set boundaries and the kids would turn to me and I would be softer...then I saw what was happening and dh and I became united and it was peace again. Teens have stretched us as they have become more powerful people. On the academic side...I dont have to jump through the hoops you guys do in the U.S. in terms of credits. I have found alternative pathways to higher education. I just move on- its just a continuation for us. Yes, my kids are both more independent...but this is our lives, now, not just a preparation for the future. They have begged me to allow us to do history together again on the couch this coming year, simply because we all just love sitting on the couches and doing it together. They swear they remember more than when they have to slog through it themselves :) I find I need to be more involved in some ways and less in others. Their social lives are also more intense..but they have also learned to catch public transport. There's a balance, and it is bittersweet. Dh and I have more freedom too...we are about to go for a drive together alone. We are also about to have our first holiday together without the kids. Life moves on.
  22. I think it's very mixed and on the whole most people are willing to meet individuals as individuals. I dont, and I certainy dont think most people I know would, hold being American against anyone. That doesn't mean that America's general image isnt tarnished though. Everyone is looking carefully to see how Obama manages things. There is also a sterotype of a class of very ignorant Americans such as on the Jerry Springer show. That doesn't help American's image. And nor does the whole war thing, to put in bluntly, but we Aussies are over there too. Many Aussies dont like how much Australian governments always brown-nose American governments. But I think most people realise that politics are complex and most everyday people have no say. I know many Americans and they are pretty much the same as Aussies. Americans I know who come here often say we are lucky though as it's not as stressful here overall....yet, anyway. Theres not much I can point my finger at Americans for, that we in Australia arent also doing to some degree.
  23. Yes. On the one hand, we give the media way too much power and underestimate the home environment- most kids are not going to turn gay no matter how acceptable it appears on TV. On the other, the media can be insidious in what it does place in our minds- adults as well as children. Lucky for me though, it would not be the end of the world for me if either of my kids turned out gay, so I don't have that one to worry about :)
  24. Oh yeah, that woudl be good, Rosie. Tell me when you find it :) I love the idea of classical world education but I dont see the problem...TWTM does cover it, SOTW does cover it, KHE covers it...you just keep going in the same direction. There is an abundance of literature available. We have the internet...I dont see an issue, except that we all (well, many of us) would like a SOTW for older kids so we didnt haven't to work it out for ourselves. My problem is not lack of resources at all. In fact, just the opposite. There is only so much time in the school day, and only so many books we literally have time to read. The other issue is...because time is a limited resource, you can cover the world thinly and not go too deep anywhere. Somewhere, you will have to prioritise. We did spend extra time on Greek and Roman history because it is our western history. But we still have covered India, China, Africa etc
  25. Mine were both early- the first 3 weeks, the 2nd 12 days. They are all unique and individual.
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