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Everything posted by hsmom

  1. I don't have the option of giving them away locally. There is not any home school families near me. I wish there was!
  2. I have tons of stuff here that I need to get rid of and after listing things a while back I noticed not too much is really selling anymore. Also donating them sounds better anyways. So, how many here have or are planning to donate to The Book Samaritan? Have you had an easy time in doing so? Also if you do donate do you ask for the donation receipt for a tax deduction? I am not too worried about that part, but a small perk I guess.
  3. Personally I do not care much for the program. It was just too much for me. Now if you want 2 the workbooks I have both of them (I have the whole program actually).... You pay shipping and it is all yours.
  4. My son was doing this when I would read the book first then he would read it. No more here. He is a listen, know and remember kind of kid. So when he hears it he knows it (for the most part). So once I stopped reading the books to him, he really dropped back on pace and started actually reading the books. Now if he reads a book more then 2 times himself he knows it by memory and we don't do that book again. He tries to get an easy time out of it, but I caught on and know better now. So, my suggestion would be you drop the reading the book to him first. See how that goes.
  5. It is not downloading at all. It opens up a window (another tab in my google chrome) and sits there an loads and loads but never actually loads up to download. I contacted them, but have not heard back yet. I am trying the save link option now, it is just sitting there not downloading. I will let it sit and see what happens.
  6. I am having a problem getting it to even download. I have 2 books I cannot download.
  7. Now I just found this site you can get 5 free samples for each order with free shipping on different flooring. This way you can test it to scratches yourself. Now you can make more than one order, but you have to check out after 5 samples to get the free shipping each time.
  8. Why is the no white after labor day a thing anyways? Or no white shoes? I am confused on the big deal. Please explain this to me. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful time.
  9. Yes, I missed it. I am off to search that one out. Can you link it? I am not finding that one.
  10. Yes, green chili soup/stew. The kind with pork, green chilies, jal peppers and such. Yummy.
  11. I just made a huge pot of green chili, I was craving it really bad. :D Well now I have tons of green chili here, honestly I did not mean to make so much it just kept growing.:001_huh: Anyways can I freeze this? If so what should I freeze it in? Bags, plastic container? Thank you for any help.
  12. That age she knows what she put. So I would say bi also.
  13. DS 14 - Pepsi DD 12 - Mountain dew DS 7- Coke Me - Rootbeer DH- coke
  14. Does anyone have any experience with the Gerber College plan? I am really considering this, the payout is great and it takes it out of my hands. I am not a great saver but a wonderful spender.;) So, I need to invest in something that will help them out whether they decide to go to college or not. If you have or use something else please share. I am all ears on the best and safest ways to go about doing this. Thank you for any help.
  15. Chicken fried steaks, cube up meat and brown for stews and chilies, make up a great roast beef with only gravy freeze it to use for roast beef sandwiches or a quick roast on a busy night, grill the steaks then slice thin for sandwiches- casseroles-fajitas- salads.
  16. what resource books did you use? Did you get all three or just one? The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia The Usborne Internet-linked Science Encyclopedia The Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science
  17. That is horrible, but at least you are able to still use all that meat. Now a few suggestions of what to do so you can freeze when done then pop in the oven for a quick meal later. Roasts with gravy, stews, BBQ chicken, BBQ ribs, soups, chilies, or just have the meats ready for other stuff. Like chicken and beef cut into strips of fajitas, cubed for soups or casseroles, gosh the list can go on and on. Oh don't forget to prepare it different ways, slow cooker, grill, baked, etc that way you have so many different ways to use it later. My first thought was yeah time to make jerky.:D
  18. Well I made salsa today and it is wonderful. This is the recipe I used, except I used Poblano peppers instead of green chilies. I will for sure make more of this again soon.
  19. They are still cheap here, $2.99 for a 10# bag and reds are $4.99 for a 10# bag. Same as it has always been.
  20. I want something that is thick and chunky. Also that uses vinegar or lemon juice to bring up the acid content so I can water bath the jars. I am not brave enough to pressure can yet.:tongue_smilie: Any great tried and true recipes you would like to share? Please.:D
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