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Everything posted by umsami

  1. Thanks everybody. Her jail does have a GED prep course, but according to my Mom she hasn't enrolled in it yet. So, I sent her the "GED for Dummies" book along with a note about how smart she is, and how she can do it, etc. I also sent her three books based on the suggestions here as well as a subscription to "US". (Yeah...I know...cheesy tabloid. :001_rolleyes: ) I can only send books from a publisher or Internet retailer. There's a limit of four books at a time.
  2. So, I just found out that my niece is in jail...for the next 200 or so days. She's had a tough life...with two drug addicted parents, basically left to be raised by sisters not much older than herself. She dropped out of high school, but I'm not sure how much she ever really learned. She needs to pass the GED, and has expressed interest in doing so. I fear it will be a long road for her. Does anybody have any recommendations for GED books that are good self-teachers? Colorful and engaging would be best if they exist. Also, I'm looking for recommendations for some books to send her. I don't think she was ever much of a pleasure reader...so perhaps ideas which might intrigue a 20 year old girl with very little exposure to literature for pleasure. Also, any magazine suggestions for that age group that could inspire her. At one time, she loved going to church and Sunday school--so if you have recommendations for Christian teen books/mags, that would be appreciated as well. Sorry if this is the wrong thread. :)
  3. 15 lotto/scratch off tickets. Gift card to a restaurant, Starbucks, etc.
  4. Hi Everybody: Al Jazeera just launched this learning Arabic page. I'm assuming by looking at the page that you need some Arabic, but it might be useful for those who are intermediate+ students. http://learning.aljazeera.net/arabic
  5. DS was having a tough day earlier in the week. In one hour, he had done only three of his math problems...and they're not difficult. When I gave him his English, all he did was complain. So we switched gears... watched a bunch of Horrible Histories on youtube... which prompted a real interest in the Vikings. He's been Viking obsessed since. Today, he did his math quickly and then watched a Nova PBS episode on Viking swords. We also made runes out of salt dough. Nothing very academic. Didn't check any boxes off...but I bet he learned a lot more.
  6. We're doing 4th grade. It really depends on the lesson. Can be as fast as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. (Also, depends on DS. :))
  7. DS1 cannot handle getting anything wrong. He totally breaks down on me if he gets even one problem out of 100 wrong. Today, he misread a story problem as being 25 cents vs. $25...so he got the answer wrong. I said, "you did it right...you understand it...it's not a big deal"... but he was upset for at least an hour. Help. He's only 10. I want to encourage him to try new things and not be afraid of failure.
  8. Or... the Developing Critical Thinking through Science? If so, what did you think? TIA :)
  9. I buy the textbooks used on Amazon, and then a new workbook through CBD. I do like having access to the teacher's guide for 4th grade, as I've never used a Singapore-style program before. I access it online for free, though....through virtual sampling.
  10. Probably not a popular opinion, but I find his voice annoying. Not sure why--but simply don't like it. Does anybody know of other good storytellers on CD/mp3?
  11. I don't have a book but a long time ago (20+ years), A&E had a "Mysteries of the Bible" series which basically examined the archaeological evidence for some of the tale in the Bible. They used to be on Netflix. Found some here http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/mysteries-bible/ ALso try Youtube.
  12. Just going to chime in about "The Arrow." We're using it for the first time this year, and so far, I am sadly not impressed. I think I could have come up with better passages (or at least the same) for dictation on my own. The little blurb on a literary element at the end is not enough to justify the cost IMHO. I love TWJ, but not "The Arrow."
  13. I was a GS before there were even Daisies. :) DD is in her second year of Daisy Scouts. She has completely loved it. They are merged with a Brownie troop, so do a lot together. We meet twice per month. Usually we plan a craft like activity that may or may not coordinate with the petals. Pinterest is awesome for that. Biggest highlight for her was selling cookies and then the trip they took with their cookie money to a GS event at the Universal hotel in Orlando. Brownies is where they start more traditional "badge" earning. She's the only girl among three boys, so she really loves the whole "sister" aspect of GSs.
  14. We're doing OM4 and have abandoned a lot. LOL Why not doing a poll to see what is "delicious" to various family members? Also try to define other words that way...maybe even create your own picture dictionary filled with collages of pictures of what different words "mean"? Plan a field trip to where they make delicious things...like a local bakery, ice cream place, or chocolate factory. Might get a really knowledgable person who can explain the science of chocolate or what not. :)
  15. And for art, you can paint with zinc oxide on black paper. ;) Just kidding. They were probably trying to tie things together... kind of a unit study thing.
  16. I've heard good things about Calvert's spelling software. It's now $30/year vs. a CD. We've been playing with the Wordly Wise 3000 app, and DS likes that. It's free! (So far. :))
  17. We are slowly abandoning OM4 more and more. I *do* like the OM stories--but it's taken awhile to get there. Everything else has been just so-so so far. I liked OM3 better, I think...and am wondering whether or not OM5 is worth it. What's working for us is doing some handiwork....finger knitting right now... and recorder in the afternoons. DS really loves both. Galore Park Jr. English and Science have become OM replacements for those topics. We just started CHOW this week, and DS really loves it. OM is just a supplement right now.
  18. So, I've been a total and complete slacker when it comes to spelling. Oak Meadow basically gives you a list of spelling words in the back of the book and tells you to pick 10 or so each week. Well, they're too easy for DS, and I haven't really been that good at ferreting out words from our reading, etc. I saw Megawords and thought it might be good for DS. If you've used it, how independent is it? Is the first level OK for a 4th grader who is a good natural speller? Any other recommendations?
  19. DS1 read all the the BA books by himself, because he totally loved them. BUT, he had no desire to actually go do the workbook. So, we went back together and read together and then I assigned various problems in the workbooks. :)
  20. Teaching Textbooks might be good for confidence. There are sample lessons on their website to try out. Math Mammoth is good at repetition. I also like how it is written to the student. CLE is spiral, and one good thing is you can buy just one or two light units for $3.00 or so to see if he likes it.
  21. DH always counts in Arabic for casual stuff...although he's fluent in English. However, for medical stuff (calculating dosage or whatever), he thinks in English because med school was in English in Egypt. :)
  22. Calvert lets you choose between their math and "Math in Focus" (Singapore "My Pals are Here" for the US market). It would give you a daily lesson plan; where as Oak Meadow is weekly. Some school districts provide Calvert as a virtual school option if that interests you. Sonlight, too, is daily...but IMHO it has gotten much more....can't find the right word...young Earthish? In the past, I didn't really get that, but then I had used earlier Cores. Now I've read some stuff in even the 3 week samples which make me uneasy. Timberdoodle also has a "boxed" curriculum.
  23. Worked great for me on our Mac. (Some of the reviews had issues with Macs, but we had none.) Thanks! :)
  24. Right now, I'd say "no"... even though we're having trouble. I ordered some books that people recommended from Singapore Math... I think I paid $11.00 or so a book, and ordered two. However, realistically, with four kids, it would be worth it for me.
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