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Everything posted by mommymilkies

  1. No problem. It was a general tone (not pointing to you in specific) that I think doesn't really contribute to conversations about other religions or practices. Exactly. The way our teacher described it is not to hurt an attacker, but you are stopping them *for their own good* as they do not really want to hurt you and in hurting you, they really are also hurting themselves. It's an act of kindness to stop and not maim. There are different beliefs behind the different martial arts, though. We chose Aikido for its non-violence after some very rough experiences with assault-oriented dojos. What? Have you never had a Momma Bear come out in you? I have been assaulted and people respond differently. I'm a "claw the eyes" type person on instinct. ;) There's the Fight or Flight reflex and it depends on the person and circumstances. I wouldn't say most freeze up at all.
  2. Edited: Sorry this isn't technically a straight "Christian response" but I hope my link and experience will give you something to think about. My children took a few years of Aikido (the practice shut down to move and isn't back up yet :( ). I'd say there's a little spirituality there. My children are agnostic/atheist and the teacher a Christian. However, the only time it ever came up was at closing you would bow in respect to your teachers and bow to a "greater being"/God/universe (whichever you choose). They can respect his beliefs and the beliefs inherent in a practice such as Aikido without any problem. I am a little perturbed by the amount of disrespect for Eastern Religions and martial arts on here. "Hinky" and other words. Simply because they are not your flavor of religion should not give you the right to be offensive about them. Of all of the studios we've taken lessons at, only one required prayer and that was a Christian TWD studio. So maybe a wee bit of respect for these other religions and ancient traditions even if you don't practice them? An article on spirituality with Aikido (and each other martial art may have a million more opinion articles, as well): http://www.aikidostudent.com/oldasc/content/?p=155
  3. I've been unsure about Memoria Press. I'd prefer something Classical vs. Ecclesiastical and secular. I've heard excellent things, though. OTOH, I already own all of Wheelock's for my own study!
  4. Thank you. I have a spiral bound book I made where we are recording time spent/accomplishments for each area so that we can give credits correctly. Do you have recommendations for standardized tests for substantiation?
  5. I can't see signatures! I'm 100% sure I didn't change any settings, but I haven't been able to see them on here for months and I've tried a bunch of things to get it back. Does anyone know what I've managed to mess up? :)
  6. Sorry for joining late! My dd is very particular about doing all of these languages and I am by no means forcing them. I require one, they are just her biggest area of interest. It's funny thinking about how different this will look for my son next year! So far our plans are: History: Ancient History-a variety of sources. English: Essay Voyage, The Writer's Journey, On Writing, Writing from the Senses, Elements of Style, Deluxe Transitive Vampire, Writing Without the Muse, EIL, Teaching with Movies units, Help for High School (Bravewriter), finish Vocab From Classical Roots, Don't Forget to Write, Perrine's Literature, Well Educated Mind. Obviously this is a lot, I will organize it as units later and will spread some of this out over years. Science: Intro Chemistry at the local college over the summer for 1 credit. Anatomy & Physiology. Right now I'm using my old college texts, but I'm looking for something better. Math: Algebra. No idea what program yet. Reading List: (still working on this one) Languages: Ancient Greek with Lukeion, Breaking the Barrier French, Viking Languages I and II, Norwegian , German. Latin we will continue but I'm totally lost on what to use. I want Latin for the New Millennium but I got a very bad deal on the last one I bought and it's unusable, so maybe Wheelock's? PE: Baseball, Yoga if the Aikido school doesn't open back up. Music: Suzuki violin, composer study Art: Art in Focus, Ceramics class at the college.
  7. This is all very helpful. I'm worried about how many credits dd can get in 9th grade, too. She does a lot of languages on *her own* request (I only require one and she does French, Latin, German, Viking Languages-program, and Norwegian), and so it will look like padding but she really does work 9+ hours a day by her own choice outside of reading requirements. :/
  8. I wish more places actually offered variety! I know we didn't have any at school until high school. And when my dd was at public school they didn't even offer a vegetarian alternative. You had ONE choice. Dd is a vegetarian and they just told her to eat it anyway as she was required to have protein. That ended well. I'd rather see kids eat well with more healthy choices.
  9. This was what they did when my dd went to Kindergarten. It was all poptarts and sugary muffins. I would LOVE for this to be a thing if they gave them a hot breakfast (I got one as a kid in public school) or something healthy.
  10. I love her. Her videos are great, especially the yoga tune up ones. :)
  11. I use my rollers all the time. I think you'd have to try really hard to injure yourself. ;)
  12. 1. Many, many, many factual errors outside of the evolution thing. 2. You don't like being talked down to that only idiots believe in evolution. 3. It's highly overpriced for what you get, IMHO.
  13. Hey, I have black friends. But she was referring to Sharia Law in the USA and Europe. :iagree: :iagree: Which is what the OP was about to begin with, at least. As for whether I'm concerned-nope. Not concerned with Sharia Law here in the slightest. A smaller concern over a nutjob shouting in the streets harassing people? He's hardly the first or last of any race or religion to do so. Annoying, yes. If he crosses the line to the illegal that's for the local authorities. We have people like that even in Podunk, USA.
  14. I agree with the de Becker books-fabulous. I had my doubts, but I'm hooked.
  15. At first I thought there was some hyperbole going on in the friend's story. I mean, when I'm frustrated I complain about how we really haven't done anything for years and we never get anything done. And that's simply not true. It's just me whining even though I have lots of proof we've done tons. ;) But from further anecdotes, I'd say this friend really is having problems and I hope something works out for her soon. I had a friend like that-I didn't take it seriously, but no really nothing had been done for years. That's so sad. :(
  16. Beware of documentaries on Pompeii if you're iffy about very graphic sex talk. That one caught me off guard. :p
  17. Something tells me Jesus wouldn't sit down to read most books ever written. And we can't say exactly what he would have read as he lived 2000 years ago and he has yet to update his Goodreads account. If you've read HP, you'll see many parallels in Christianity and there's a good reason many Christians appreciate the books. Best not to speak for all people "of faith". :D
  18. At this point, most are discussing this with another poster who said sex with animals is ok. And I have yet to see anyone else support the idea that Beast Academy is secretly indoctrinating children with evil math.
  19. That's a great idea. Does anyone have suggestions for decent ones? I know some are better than others here in the USA.
  20. Those dern Veggietales spreading teh evilz. And cats!! I love you. Wait...did you just say sex with animals is ok? And you have an issue with cartoon math?
  21. My oldest teen is getting very frustrated trying to find more on the history of Australia. Our local library has nothing helpful and all of our "excellent" history texts make only vague allusions to Australian history or brief bits on the initial founding of Australia. Researching this she is shocked at how little there is in most available homeschool and education textbooks and resource books on areas besides the USA and Europe. I do have resources for elementary on Asia and Africa (but still almost nothing on Australia besides fiction). Does anyone have a good list of high school level resources on Australia, Africa, Asia, and beyond?
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