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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. :grouphug: Sorry! I felt the same way from about 28 wks on! Pure misery! Thankfully baby decided to come 4 days before my scheduled date!
  2. Thanks you! Yes, everything does seem a little more manageable. I am tackling eliminating food dyes from 5yo ds's diet. I know for certain he reacts to red#40 but I also suspect yellow #5. I guess I will be doing a whole bunch of from scratch cooking!
  3. UPDATE...... Baby does indeed have reflux. After increasing Zantac to appropriate does for his weight he is much happier and so am I! :D
  4. I have grapefruit seed extract and gentian violet on hand, anyone used either with any success. Also I'm breastfeeding if that makes a difference.
  5. Personally I like chunky baby thighs myself :). Luckily my newbie is a 14lb 2 month old so plenty of chunky thighs to go around!
  6. I had one that didn't sleep through the night til he was 2! He was a nurse all night kind of baby. The only thing that ever helped him was to make sure he had a full tummy before bed. I started feeding him yogurt with baby cereal mixed in as a bedtime snack and he started sleeping longer.
  7. I put A1 sauce on a baked potato and it HAS to A1 no generic stuff will do. I like to eat dill pickles with my popcorn. All my children have 5 letter first names. I remember numbers by using math (ex. The last four digits of a friends phone # is 9117 so 9-1-1=7). I "see" number patterns like this all the time and it drives dh nuts. I'm sure there is more...
  8. I'm Melissa and I am fairly new here. I have 3 boys ages 5,2, and 2 months. I am homeschooling for academic and logistical reasons. I have been married to dh for nearly 13 years and struggled with infertility for 6 of those! I'm also a registered nurse and work part time for sanity and financial reasons.
  9. I feel your pain! Really! My oldest was an angelic 2yo but then 3 happened and lasted til 5! If he asked for milk and you got him milk he would then throw a fit and say he wanted juice so you get him juice and he would melt into a puddle sobbing that he wanted milk!
  10. It is a control issue. What if you hold up two different pair of underwear and let him choose which one he likes? As far as the meltdown part, my now 5yo was the king of meltdowns (still is sometimes). I find if you remove the audience once they figure out that no one is listening they usually cut it out fairly quickly. Although mine could go on for quite a while they are getting less frequent.
  11. The social security administration will attempt to forward a letter for you to his last known address. Google "social security letter forwarding"...I'm on my phone or I would post a link. They have some guidelines so I don't know if this would apply to you or not but it's worth a shot!
  12. When my oldest was about 18 months old he was sitting in a booster seat that hooked to a chair in Cracker Barrel, well he was throwing a fit about something and pushed himself back from the table. The leg of the chair got caught in a groove on the tile floor and the whole chair flipped backwards and he smacked his head on the floor! He had a huge goose egg and cried for a solid hour but thankfully was fine. It totally freaked the manager out he was over there offering to call an ambulance and everything. I just scooped DS up and started driving to the ER while calling our pediatrician on the phone, they had me just bring him to the office. I can't even remember if we paid for our food!
  13. I had someone lift up the blanket I was using as a nursing cover once :blink::lol: they got an eyeful and was quite embarrassed. I bet they don't ever do that again.
  14. I tried a modification with Chase and they are a bunch of bumbling idiots. They lost our paperwork multiple times never had any info when I called and finally denied it because we weren't behind on payments.
  15. Didn't it come on Friday night? That's probably why I remember seeing it because I got to stay up late!
  16. I vaguely remember the original. I'm hoping to watch it again soon. I was born in 1979 so the series had already started when I was born but I remember vividly watching some of it with my parents.
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