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Everything posted by v-girl

  1. Hi! I'm a fellow newbie. :) Congrats on your little blessing!
  2. Hi, I'm new (but already started posting). We just started homeschooling in the fall 2009. I have three kids. My husband finished his peds residency in June and began a genetic disorders fellowship that will last until June 2012. I didn't become a SAHM until Oct 2007 and actually worked a pt job for part of 2008-2009, so I'm still adjusting to SAHM-hood, in addition to finding our homeschooling groove. This was totally a God-deal though and we are rolling with it. Anyway, I'm glad to be out of lurkdom. Veronica
  3. Thank you all for posting your plans! We were originally going to send our girls back to Catholic school (they went for preschool-3rd/4th school) for middle school and high school, but decided to keep homeschooling until high school (they'll go to Catholic high school). For PE, do you think my daughters' ballet schedules are enough? DD12 -- Mon-1hr technique, 1hr pointe; Wed-1.5hrs technique, 1hr jazz; Fri-1.5hrs pointe DD11 -- Tues/Thurs-1.5hrs technique; Fri-1.5hrs technique (will be going on pointe in Feb), 1hr jazz My mother is from Panama. I'm bilingual, but learned it all in high school. Can anyone recommend a good Spanish curriculum? I've been looking for a while and haven't found anything. Thanks!
  4. My girls are in 5th and 6th. They have their "official" history from Catholic Heritage Curricula, but we enjoy SOTW (did book 1 last year) that we read SOTW (a chapter a week).
  5. It think it sounds perfectly reasonable. It's not like you're refusing to help him if he gets stuck.
  6. This. If I don't feel like wearing a sweatshirt or hoodie, I'll put on a long-sleeved t-shirt. The only sweaters I have are made for cute or comfy, but not for warmth.
  7. My "monkey" will be 4 in March. He still won't take turns unless you hold him back. LOL But then he also just go scolded for standing on top of the trashcan. Again.:D
  8. I keep it in the fridge and haven't had a problem with it not lasting.
  9. My hubby just finished his peds residency in June. For our kids (and patients at the children's hospital), he does Motrin/Tylenol alternating every 3 hours and lots of fluids when the temp gets to 104. And lots of rest! If the kiddo is acting lethargic, I'd call the ped in the morning. Hope it passes quickly!
  10. Hi! New here, but having lived and worked in DFW most of my life, chiming in on my favorite topic -- shopping! Hosiery will depend on the church. I don't wear them anywhere if I can help it. Not even to church weddings (or my own kids' baptisms). LOL You can get away with no hose if the weather's nice and you wear dressy sandals (please don't wear hose and sandals), or if it's chilly and you wear tall (to your knees or higher) boots. Make sure you get a sweater or wrap to go with your dress. Churches here crank the a/c up to keep you awake! ;)
  11. Thank you for the rec! I just added it to my daughters' Kindle list. That way I can borrow one of them and read it myself.:) My oldest is reading The Hunger Games right now.
  12. I've been a lurker for a month or two, but had to de-lurk to offer my fav merlot -- Mad Housewife. It's so yummy (and I'm not a red wine gal) and the name fits me perfectly. Veronica
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