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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. I grew up showing dogs in conformation and jr showmanship. It was a wonderful experience. I learned a lot about respecting my elders and caring for a dog. As a adult I showed in conformation and obedience and also did a few breeding (3 total) I learned a lot about biology through planning the breeding (ie hereitary traits etc) I learned a lot about animal behavior through obediece training and I made a lot of friends with interests the same as mine. I love dog people. With the breeder offering to pay the showing fee(which really mount up) I think this a a great deal. The breeder is going to expect you to keep the dog in top condition and if they are considering doing this deal with you they must already think that you take the best of care of your dog. The only pit fall is that the dog will be away from your family when the breeder is showing it. You should feel wonderful that the breeder wants to do this. They must think very highly of you and your family.
  2. I let mine heal (took about 2 weeks using the RICE method see end of post ) Then I stopped tying my shoes to tight and the shin splints have never returned. R - Rest I - Ice C - Compression E - Elevation
  3. Great pace Cheryl Wow is it windy here. Needless to say last night was another treadmill night for me. I did 2 miles in the afternoon and then 5 miles after dinner. Pace 4.1 incline 3 Today we are expecting wind and rain. Treadmill it will be.
  4. My ds is now doing 9th grade level work. I know I need to be aware of when he will need to take these tests. He is planning to go to a local University or maybe to a local community college (through dual high school/college admission) Per the norm when are these tests taken by the average student? Thanks!!
  5. by living history I mean historical fiction book by for example GA Henty etc. Or do you want book that mainly present the historical facts. Susan Bauer book of Ancient History is wonderful for US history a Patriot's History of the United States is very complete, for the level you are looking for and a great price(I paid $14.25 for it from Rainbow resources) Zinn's History of the American People is also very good. Books are are more fact geared will cover a larger time frame.
  6. The cooler temps are delightful. I have decided to post my walking from last night on the morning thread. So last night I did 6.5 miles(pace 4.1mph at a 3 incline) on the treadmill. I was able to open the window and get a lovely breeze on my back thus causing no problem with my eyes. I did have to put some drops in my eyes but I have to do this about every hour anyway. Basically I can put drops in my eyes while walking now. It was the first time I had used the treadmill in weeks and I find the treadmill a better workout as it helps me maintain my pace better. I will be treading again this evening as it is quite windy again today. Have a lovely day!!!
  7. The goggles looks great, sadly I can't use them because I also need ones that will fit over my glasses. I wear the wrap around type to walk outside. Thank you for posting the links though. I have tried to get perscription goggles but my prescription is to strong for those too. Obviously I have major eye issues. I am just grateful I can see at all somedays.
  8. Well it looks like we are in for several days of higher than normal winds 20-25 mph with gust up to 35mph. For most people this is not a problem. For me this means not going outside much. I love to walk outside, especially in the fall. Enter 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Sjogren's an autoimmune disease that includes a reduction of tears. I have to put gel in my eyes to walk outside on a light wind day. With high winds I just can't keep them moist enough to go outside. If they get dry my eyelids adhere to my eye and then layers are pulled off when I open my eyes. This results in very burred vision and very red painful eyes (basically I don't want to go there) So I am stuck inside and must use the treadmill (I am very grateful to have a nice treadmill) I know I could have a lot worse problems but this is one of those times that I am accutely aware that this stupid disease is always with me. I have to have eyedrops and water with me where ever I go (I also I decrease saliva) Needless to say I am a bit down today. I wish I could cry but I can't. Could someone have a good cry for me.
  9. It sounds like the cooler temps has everyone moving well this morning. I did 3.2 miles last night (walking). I couldn't go out this morning due to the wind, and I am about due for a rest day anyway (at least a rest morning) Tonight I will either walk outside (if the wind lets up) or do the treadmill.
  10. I am starting to enjoy seeing the stars in the early morning. The temperature was brish and so was the walk, I love fall!
  11. We can thank Washington Irving (you know the guy who wrote the Legend of Sleepy Hollow) for Colombus becoming such an American icon. Irving was fascinated with Columbus. I believe I read this in the book Lies our teacher told us.
  12. We are going to Williamburg for the weekend(we do lots of walking there) Have a great weekend everyone!
  13. I also had to do a visual to explain this to my son. I found this website and it is great Here is the link http://www.mathsisfun.com/multiplying-negatives.html
  14. Ds had work he could do independently this morning so I was able to get in a wonderful long walk. It is a beautiful morning here.
  15. Yep that was me. I have to own up to the fact that I did growl at dh when he said come on good looking let's go walking a 4:55 He was up at 4:30 and was bright and chipper by the time he woke me up. I had also walked 6.5 miles last night so it was not easy to drag myself out of bed this morning. But I am glad I have gotten in half of my miles for the day Dh and I also have great talks on our early morning walks. I think a reflective collar/leash for you pup is a great idea.
  16. Great Job Lynn, I was also up and out the door early for a 3.2 mile walk that took about 55 minutes.
  17. This book really goes into dollar cost averaging in investing in the stock market. It is presented in a very real way, actually the book is his true story. This book is reccommended in homeschooling the highschooler. I personally read it years ago and we used his method to invest with great success.
  18. I usually make lunch for the entire week on Sunday. This is easier for me because I only have one dc, but I think it is doable for larger families. My ds favorites are Manwich Chili Hamburger Helper he likes most of them Lasagne Italian Beef Sandwiches (Amy's recipe is wonderful) Barbecue Beef served on sandwich rolls Soups (split pea, beef and vegies, chicken and Rice) Pulled Pork sandwiches Shrimp Creole (I even pre make up the rice) meatball subs (I just pre make the meatballs in sauce) stuffed peppers soft tacos (I just pre make up the meat) black bean dip Turkey Cassarole I usually make two things for each week. My ds is very easy to please and will eat the same thing for several days. Please add your favorites to this list. I can't tell you how much nicer knowing lunch is already in the frig makes our school days.
  19. More and more often exercise is not happening until the evening.
  20. This is what I heard my dh saying to his Mom when I walked in the kitchen yesterday. He was talking to her on the phone and apparently she asked what he was doing. Dh replied he was fixing ds's lunches for the week (Hamburger Helper) to which MIL replied why would you be doing that. Hense the cafeteria statement. He also went on to say I was baking muffins for breakfast for the week(can't let her think her son is doing all the work or all the relatives will know within hours) He went on to tell her that school is a full time event during the day and if we have breakfast and lunch already taken care of it is one less thing I have to think about and I can concentrate on school. OK So I really love my dh for this I love it when my knight in shining armor sticks up for me.
  21. I have linked just one You Tube video here on Plutonium (strange choice I know) from a series of videos produced by scientist in England on the elements. My son is watching them in order of their Atomic numbers. They are very fascinating and we are learning a lot from them. The one scientist with the white hair is a riot. I thought others might like them so I wanted to share the link. You can find the rest of the videos via the member or by searching for Periodic Table of Videos. I dare you to watch just one......
  22. I am really happy about how much I have been able to walk during the school year. Getting up early is helping(we were out the door walking at 5 am) Also I have really been enjoying long evening walks. Often my ds will ride his bike along with me (until friends come along)
  23. Beat It!!! Well ds is learning on the guitar so I know that is why it is stuck in my head but after I read your post and the other posters about stuck songs and the hurricane well it just makes you wonder. Please be safe and we will be thinking of you.
  24. No early bird award for me today. The mosquito truck was coming around this morning so we slept in. I did a 6 mile walk tonight. As a painful side note one of my toenails just fell off today for no good reason. Ouch that bugger hurt when I put shoes on. I forgot about the pain by the 3rd mile.
  25. As soon as I read this I thought of Mr. Collins complimenting the potatoes Now if I can just find the line from the book.......off to find my copy of the book which is dearly beloved but in great need of being replaced. OK here is the dialogue from the book Mr. Collins: And what excellent boiled potatoes. It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable. To which of my fair cousins should I pay the compliment? Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Collins, we are perfectly capable of keeping a cook. sadly this is the only food reference I can recall in the book itself. Recently there was an English foods thread you might want to check that out.
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