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Everything posted by warriormom

  1. Ok, I am considering Classical Conversations for next year. I am curious to know how you think CC affected your child's schooling. If you want to answer a few of the questions, I would LOVE it! :confused: 1. Have they excelled with the memorized material? 2. Did they forget it all? 3. Have they developed a good understanding of latin? 4. How are they doing in high school and college? 5. If you had it to do over again, would you do CC again? 6. Do you think it would be beneficial to use this material at home (just the memory work and some of the curriculum...not the foundations book)? 7. Did the kid's enjoy being apart of CC? 8. What should be my expectations coming into it? Thank you for your time! :tongue_smilie: cabreban
  2. How should I teach my son to memorize addition and subtraction math facts? When should I start before he starts addition in Singapore math essentials kindergarten B or after? Any programs, cds or mnemonic devices that I should consider? :confused:
  3. :iagree: with Singapore Essentials as a first program. I use blocks as manipulatives.
  4. My son started the TYCR100EZ lessons program at 4. I got the same response from my son. I waited a few weeks and decided to implement a rewards chart. My theory is that learning to read early is a lot of hard work. In the real world, you get paid for hard work. For every 20 lessons, he earns a movie night, day at the local jumpee place or a $5 toy. This gives him some ownership in learning. We used TYCR100EZ lessons. He is begging to do lessons, and I do not have to convince him to do "his lessons." Also I invited a guest professor to teach....Professor puppy, his beloved stuffed animal. It is silly but it works. Somehow his puppy is less intimidating than mommy. He loves getting licks of praise and a high paw. He also does not mind professor puppy correcting him. We are on lesson 75 and he is telling everyone he LOVES "his lessons". He loves that he can see that his hard work paid off. You may have the right material but the wrong approach. Just sharing from my experience. I feel for you. KEEP HOPE ALIVE :)
  5. I like Putmayo but my kids are learning spanish. They are nowhere close to fluent. I was hoping for songs like Buenos Dias (or Chocolate) or songs that are sung slower so we can talk about the individual words. Maybe a spanish version of "are you sleeping? are you sleeping? brother john?" I find most of the kid's spanish music is spoken too fast or a little out of date.
  6. My husband is Puerto Rican. I am looking for Puerto Rican children's music or spanish music in general to play for my children. My husband is very picky, BUT he cannot help me at all because he does not remember any of the songs that he listened to growing up. We are looking for upbeat or good spanish music that they can grow to like. Any suggestions? I have listened to a lot of samples and I am at a loss for good spanish music. I am a Christian so I would love to have Christian songs in spanish as well. HELP! :bigear:
  7. I have a 5 year old who is working on his letters and numbers at preschool. He has not mastered his handwriting but he is reading at a 1st-2nd grade level. Should I start him with HWT for Kindergarten or 1st grade? I have read that some of the kids fly through these books. Any advice?
  8. I think I know what I am doing for history, Language arts, foreign language and math. I am clueless when it comes to science curriculum. I am a Christian so I do not mind a religious curriculum. Any suggestions? :tongue_smilie:
  9. Thank you for your response! I LOVE the article. THANK YOU! You are awesome and encouraging!
  10. Does she have a background in music? I am wondering since mine is so limited.
  11. Concerns that seem to weigh heavily on him: 1. I am not a certified teacher. Wouldn't a teacher who went to school do better than a SAHM with no background in education? He likens SAHM teaching to the difference of a doctor and a home remedy clinic. 2. He wants our children to be normal and not weird. 3. Again he wants them to be socially adept. 4. My son (5) is an extrovert and he believes that homeschooling would be discouraging for him. 5. My son (5) is a bit of a smartie pants. For instants, when teaching him to read, the word to read is dog and he says "cat". He does things like this or "plays dumb" to pick on my husband and I. 6. I am not the most patient person. He is afraid that this may not be good for my relationship with my son. 7. This is adding a lot "to my plate". I will crumble under all of the pressure.
  12. Anyone heard of Teach Your Child to Read Well?:bigear: Sorry Maloney!
  13. I am very interested in homeschooling my kids. My husband is not interested at all. He works for our area school district. Can you point me towards some great resources/blogs/articles that speak of the benefit of homeschooling? Right now, we cannot afford private school. Help me out please! :grouphug:
  14. Can you share with me the strengths and weaknesses of Music for Little Mozarts and The Violin Book?
  15. I am a mom of 2. One child is a 5 year old precocious, strong-willed little boy and a 2 year old busy little girl. How do you survive homeschooling? Do you do co-ops, Master's Academy, CC or do you hire a mother's helper/babysitter? I just do not understand how one can balance homeschooling, household chores, errands and have enough "me time" to maintain sanity. I am afterschooling presently. FYI, I did have both kids home until my son turned 4 (no MMO, babysitter etc). I am not criticizing. I REALLY want to know how do you do it! :confused:
  16. Anyone have experience with Teach Your Child to Read Well? Can you please tell me more about it? I am almost finished with TYCR100EZ lessons. Where should I start? :confused:
  17. Just curious. I am new to "afterschooling". 1. What type of results have you seen from afterschooling? 2. Which subjects do you afterschool? 3. Why do you afterschool? 4. What are your favorite curriculums that you have used for afterschooling? BTW, I am afterschooling my 5 year old. We are currently finishing "teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons". We will start on Singapore Math Essential Math A & B. I am interested in reading to my 5 and 2 year old "The Story of The World." I am afterschooling presently to give my son an advantage once he starts ps. I struggled through school, and I want my kiddos to flourish/ love learning! :bigear:
  18. I would LOVE to use the program but it is so expensive ($250 for level 1). Since the company is so new, no one is selling used curriculum.
  19. Hi, I am interested in finding a bilingual spanish/english curriculum to teach my 2 year old daughter. Scripted curriculum might work best since I understand spanish, read spanish but I am nervous about speaking spanish (it does not naturally flow or I freeze up). I am sure this will help me as well. Any suggestions? :bigear: Also do you have any experience with Your baby Can Speak Spanish? Any DVD sets you can suggest to supplement? :bigear: Thanks, cabreban
  20. My Puerto Rican family (that I married into) swears that the Flintstones cartoons are funnier in spanish. They said that the translation is EXCELLENT!
  21. I am interested in teaching my 5 year old an instrument and/or buy a DVD set that will help teach him at home. BTW, I did take a couple of years of piano from 8-10 and my husband is a drummer. We do not have the money to pay for private lessons in Atlanta. Do you have any suggestions? Here are the programs I am considering: 1. The Violin Book 2. Music for Little Mozarts 3. iPlaymusic If you have used these programs, please let me know. Any suggestions? :bigear:
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