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A.J. at J.A.

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Everything posted by A.J. at J.A.

  1. My boys just left with Grandparents too for the week. I totally get the "should I be smiling or crying"? I have gotten a lot accomplished today - some deep cleaning I've been avoiding. The quiet is nice but eery. I'm glad of the alone time, and then the time with DH, but will look forward to getting my sweeties back on Friday. Blessings, Angela
  2. So happy you got a reasonable price!! Blessings, Angela
  3. Can you google search Venture Crew Dallas, TX and see what websites come up? I just did it and quite a few came up. I realize Dallas is large, so they might not all work for you location-wise, but ones that are extremely active should have a nice updated website and you could contact them directly. Just a thought. Hope this helps. Blessings, Angela
  4. Thank you. I just got an email from my mom...she's fine but my dad is stuck at work (about a 45min commute back home on a good day) where it is bad. Haven't heard from my brother or SIL. Thanks for your prayers. Angela
  5. We're good in Lee's Summit, the storm actually went North & South of us and we barely even got any rain. DH works in Kansas City and he is fine too. I'm concerned about STL - my folks & brother's family are in the path now. UGH! Blessings, Angela
  6. Hi all! I don't know how else to say it except that I am an emotion absorber. Meaning, if someone in my immediate family is having a rough day (depressed, anxious, irritable, etc.) then I am almost virtually paralyzed as well. I know this is unhealthy, but I don't know how to separate myself from those I care about so much. I am then snippy and irritable with my kiddos. Unfortunately, I don't appear to absorb the positive emotions (although, those of course, don't come off nearly as strong or are not reported to me). I've got to overcome this, it is just such a burden. I want to be able to be a sounding board for DH, just without completely destroying my day as well. So, if you have a book recommendation on dealing with this, I would greatly appreciate it. This is not a boundaries issue - I am VERY good at setting boundaries, this is truly an internal emotional issue. ETA: My oldest son is this same way, which makes it even more intense because he then goes downhill (upset) when I'm stressed. Thanks, Angela
  7. I'm curious - whatever happened with this situation. I've had you on mind...hope it all worked out well. Blessings, Angela
  8. Hi Kchara! I'm so sorry for you. I was able to go to the KC convention and most of the talks they gave are also available on their website for download. If I were you, I'd do a make your own convention like mentioned above - purchase some audios, rent a hotel room, make a couple day experience on your own. So sorry! I feel your frustration. Ange
  9. Hi all, Well, I was looking at permanent birth control, but because of the desire for that coupled with my endometriosis pain, my midwife & ob/gyn recommended a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus only.) I would really appreciate hearing your experiences. Particularly, risks related to life-long medical complications and the affect it might have on libido & intimacy issues. ETA: I'm 40 and we are totally sure we are done having kids. Also, I think I'd be a good candidate for laparoscopic/vaginal surgery but haven't talked with the surgeon yet. Thanks, Angela
  10. Yikes! My sons want to build a model of the Alamo - I am challenged in the crafty arena. I've looked online and have seen directions - but none of the links contain pictures (I need to see what it is supposed to look like in the end!) Words alone don't cut it. If you have done this project or have recommendations. I am all ears! :bigear: Links with pictures (of doable - relatively easy projects) would be extremely appreciated! Please don't send me links to a 10 ft-12 ft scale model of the Alamo. I just don't have that kind of time or expertise for such an in depth project and would be overwhelmed before starting. We are also hoping to have it completed and ready for showing at the homeschool project fair next Mon night. :D I suggested making it out of rice crisy treats but DS#1 wants something that will last a while and not rot. :willy_nilly:, But DS#2 loved the idea. :drool5: Thanks so much! Angela
  11. Hi all! We are looking into getting Clearplay, but some of the reviews on Amazon are really disappointing. Can you let me know your experiences? We would want to filter out pretty much anything you can think of that might be inappropriate. (Don't want to list it all out.) :D Thanks, Angela
  12. I was thinking along those lines. If they can't take care of their "stuff" - they don't get "stuff". If it is school stuff, then I would act like it is a school and be very rigid (as a teacher would) about telling the children, okay, time to put our stuff away. And then supervise as it happens. Unfortunately, it may be for a time that you would have to run it as a classroom - I know that is sad, because of the joy of homeschooling, but maybe it would be a good training mechanism. If it is non-school stuff, then I would immediately remove everything from the room except the bed. Seriously. I suppose you could put their clothes somewhere else, and decide for them what clothes they would wear each day. If their dirty ones don't make it to the laundry basket/chute/room/whatever, then they can just wear those again. Tough love, I think. I may be off, though, just what first came to mind. So sorry for what you are going through. Angela
  13. We just finished R&S 6 yesterday (Praises be!) and I'm thrilled we did it all and plan on going through R&S 7 & 8 the next couple years. I was very weak in grammar and feel that developing a strong feel for grammar will aid my boys in strong writing and communication. Just my $0.02 worth. :001_smile: Blessings, Angela
  14. Thanks Julie! I guess I'm just scared and want reassurance that it is safe and effective. The idea of having something metal in my body with scar tissue overcoating it, is a little disturbing. But, it definitely sounds better than Tubal Ligation. Blessings, Angela
  15. I'm interested in permanent contraception and just found out about Essure and Adiana on another post. If you have used these forms of sterilization - can you let me know your experiences? Thanks, Angela
  16. Thanks ladies! I didn't know about the other two alternatives. My ob/gyn (have a visit schedule for the beginning of May), is even one of the docs that can perform the Essure procedure. I'll have to discuss it all with her at my visit. I think I might post a separate post to see people's experiences with those other two procedures. Thanks so much! Angela
  17. I'm 40, so permanence is a good thing. (Sigh - can't believe I'm really done having kids, sad to admit that season of life has passed), but we really are "done". Thank you for sharing your experience. Blessings, Angela
  18. I know Tubal Ligation (getting your tubes tied for sterilization) can be done laparoscopically (sp?) now, which seems would be less risky. What are the risks and how effective is it actually in preventing pregnancy? Thanks, Angela
  19. I went to the CPO website and emailed the representative for my state and they were really helpful. They sent me out some cds (for free), which include the full teacher's manual, student textbook, and some additional stuff as well. I was very pleased with my communication with them, and they even admit that homeschoolers have recently successfully used their curriculum. Blessings, Angela
  20. That makes a lot more sense - I could handle 65% and enjoy it, but 90% isn't yummy to me. :001_smile:
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