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Status Updates posted by Chelli

  1. Starting school tomorrow and I'm helping a good friend homeschool two of her daughters. They are coming over to join us for our world geography study. Can't wait!

  2. Heading out to eat fried hog jowl, black eyed peas, and sauerkraut for New Year's Day lunch! Yummy!

  3. Kids are in bed. Time to bake and put toys together!

  4. Baking muffins (pumpkin butterscotch, banana chunk, and applesauce) today with the kids for our neighbors. Then we will deliver them and sing carols.

    1. tuzor


      That's so great!

  5. Bad News: Found out today that our family credit card's number has been stolen amounting to $400 of bogus charges. Good News: After 30 minutes on the phone, it's all taken care of!

    1. Bang!Zoom!


      BTDT, I'm glad everything is ok. :)

  6. Love that man of mine! He did all of our laundry, did all the dishes that were piled in the sink, and swept and mopped all of the hardwood. He's a keeper!

  7. Humidity is 69% here today, but no rain. Ugh! I hate living in southeast Texas on days like today.

  8. I had 5 girls in the house last night for my daughter's birthday sleepover. I'm too old for this. I am soooo dragging today.

  9. My little guy has pretty much potty-trained himself over the past two days. And everyone told me boys were harder to potty-train than girls. HA! Not in this house!

    1. Miss Marple
    2. fraidycat


      I was always told the opposite - that girls were harder than boys. My guy pretty much trained himself, too.

  10. Just planned out "school--consolidated style" for December to get us back on track to start our World Geography study in January. We're doing less, but accomplishing more!

    1. Sahamamama


      I like your blog. Your children are adorable. Enjoy your new plan! World Geo is a blast with those ages.

    2. Chelli


      Thanks so much!

  11. The smell outside my local grocery store where they have the live Christmas trees is heavenly! I just want to stand there and sniff for hours.

  12. Finally figured out how to use Pinterest! What non-existent spare time I had just disappeared in a frenzy of "Pin It".

    1. theYoungerMrsWarde


      There is a pin with Boromir that says "One does not simply check Pinterest real quick" :D

    2. KDoty


      LOL, it's all over now :). Enjoy!

  13. Everyone's well in our house...finally! Time for school in overdrive!

  14. I need someone to stand over me and threaten me until I get off my backside and do something about the mess that has taken over my house the last two days while my kids were sick! Any volunteers? I promise to return the favor. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GailV


      I KNOW you can manage 15 minutes of storming through and getting some stuff picked up!

    3. ByGrace3


      Goodness, if you find someone send them my way next! :)

    4. Chelli


      Well, I got the master bedroom cleaned and will try to finish the kitchen and dining room once the kids are in bed. Thanks for the encouragement (GailV) and the kick in the pants (5LittleMonkeys)! It helped for sure!

  15. Got home at 3 AM from my sister-in-law's wedding. Lots of fun, but glad to be home!

  16. Wedding bells are ringing in the family.

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