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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Thank you, that's good to know. I'm pretty sure DH had one when he was younger and I think it went away on its own. And the bolded part is generally how we are, but now that it's my own son, I'm getting over-anxious. I am wondering if it is something that will eventually resolve on its own or if I should get help now before it becomes a bigger problem. Yes, thank you. When it's my own child, I want to make sure I do it right. I want to make sure I get it taken care of if needed. I don't want to look back and have regrets. It is a frontal lisp so far as I can tell. He makes his S's and Z's with a "th" sound by sticking his tongue out between his teeth instead of keeping it back in. I watched a YouTube video, because reading about lateral lisps doesn't make much sense to me. And she modeled a bi-lateral lisp and it kinda sounds like an....angry cat? I don't know what the difference is between lateral and bi-lateral, but I know it's not bilateral. He did used to use an F sound instead of the "th" sound (I'm free, when he meant I'm three) but that went away. That was when he was about 3 years old. And last year he had a kind of stutter and he'd repeat words a lot until he finished the sentence. But that went away as well. I just kind of figured his mind was working too fast for his mouth to keep up.
  2. I don't have an Ipad or I phone, would it work on a smartphone?
  3. Pigby is 5 and still has his lisp. I had hoped he would grow out of it by now. Before, I'd try to get him to make the S sound and he could do it, but couldn't do it in words. Yesterday I tried to get him to and he could make the S sound and say words correctly. But he only did a few because "they were too hard" which leads me to believe that it's just mostly a habit now and that it will take a lot of correct practice to fix. Should I try to get him seen by an expert? Should we just practice on our own? He doesn't like it when randomly I try to get him to do practice, but he said we should do it when we're homeschooling. I am fine doing 5 minutes of practice with it everyday. I don't know if it matters or not, but when I was little, I couldn't say my Rs, they came out as Ws. It was second grade when I could concentrate and say them correctly. Will he be able to work it out on his own when he gets older?
  4. Lunch: We had chicken sandwiches and a banana. Looking forward to my first Bountiful Baskets order coming in on Saturday!!! Not looking forward to the 630 pickup though:glare: Not going to get done: All the cleaning I want. Hopefully I'll get some done, but my house will still be a disaster at the end of the day.
  5. If I could, I would sent that SIL of yours a thank you card. But I'm sure she'd be creeped out since she doesn't even know me :001_huh:. But how awesome of her. And families......*sigh* I'm so sorry that sister is like that. I can not even begin to imagine:svengo:
  6. :iagree: Movies like Paranormal Activity or the horror movie Kristen Stewart did before she did Twilight, there was a little toddler in there. Or the one about that boy who was the devil or something. WTH?!?!?! The TV/film industry is AWFUL for children anyway (doing things to make them cry, no sleep, etc), I would never let my children do that anyway. But horror movies?!?! Some parents are really brainless.
  7. Ummm...pretty much all movies, except Julie and Julia. That one didn't even really have a climax or any kind of "trouble". It was just kinda...there. My husband was watching The Prestige on the computer a few weeks ago. While I was getting ready for bed I saw all the drowning scenes and was seriously creeped out. He tried explaining it to me and it makes no sense and he says it's awesome, but I can't bring myself to watch it. People dying really stresses me out. That's why I hate action movies, all those explosions and car crashes and nobody (but me) thinks about the actual lives that are affected. Well, the lives that would be affected if it were a true story and not a movie. Any movie with children suffering stresses me out majorly. I was a mess in Tangled because that witch kidnapped her. Titanic used to make me cry because Leo died, but now I just can't bear the thought of the children dying. We watched The Invisible once (a lame suspense movie), but the only thing that stuck with me was the girl's little brother who was neglected.
  8. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I need a fork. Pigby woke up Chuck. Who woke up Digby. Got Chuck taken care of. Digby won't stop crying and holding me. I just don't think I can do this anymore.
  9. OOOOOHHHH! Just what I needed today. Set up new cell phones Have brother call and make sure we were added to his plan correctly. Return books to library Go to post office menu plan and print out list Go to Costco Go to Walmart Make dinner Pick hubby up from work Load of dishes Fold laundry Clean living room and vacuum Help hubby write his business plan
  10. It seems like I've only been doing the bare minimum and everything else is on hold. Now everything is piled up and it's stressing me out. Thanks everyone. I try to be not so needy and feeling like a failure. I guess today just got me anyway. My bishop once told me to just take it half an hour at a time if that's what it took. I'll be trying that out today. Trying to keep a positive attitude.
  11. I would sell it and go with him. That is the dream I've always had and I would consider it an amazing opportunity.
  12. If anyone could spare a minute to send prayers my way, I would surely appreciate it. I am beyond stressed. Nothing big, just many, many, many small things. I just don't know how much longer I can hold on.
  13. Yes. I, erm, changed my mind. And just so all the woman who are like me know, ummm boiling hasn't happened yet. It's just that the learning process is a little more fun. I dont want to give any false impressions and make some women even more frustrated. Don't worry, ladies, there's hope!
  14. EEK!! :lol::lol:That's why hubby didn't want the real book. I didn't want it bc I thought whoever it was shipping it would be having a real good chuckle :glare: My library has FIVE copies of an LDS book about the same thing and there is a pretty long wait for them, because apparently there's high demand for it here. It just makes me giggle to think what the librarians must be thinking as they put them on the hold shelf. My Amazon story: I already have Kindle for PC on the desktop and while I was downstairs on the laptop decided to go ahead and buy the Kindle version and start reading it and welcome hubby with a pleasant "surprise". So I downloaded the Kindle for PC program to the laptop and saw the other books I'd had there, but it would not download Sheet Music. So instead of a pleasant surprise, DH came home to a "DH you have to find a way to fix this NOW!!! I cannot call them and have them try to fix this for me. If they look at our account, they'll know what we got!!!!" :lol::lol: It's funny now that DH fixed the problem and we never had to call to ask for help, but at the time I was figuring the money would just have to go to waste.
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to you! I find it absolutely disgusting that people would think that. I'm just shocked beyond words.
  16. I know, I just found it myself. It is just awful
  17. :lol::lol::lol: no problem, just doing my civic duty:lol:
  18. Wheat Grinder, Bread Machine, hair clippers and a laser printer. I'm very curious what else is out there :lurk5:
  19. This is true. But it's kinda like losing weight. Everyone knows that to lose weight you either need to bring in fewer calories or burn more (or maybe both). But like losing weight, becoming debt free is more about behavior than actual knowledge about what to do. To the OP: I would recommend reading some kind of finance book by Dave Ramsey or Suze Orman or Larry Burkett (I think that's the right guy). Because, like with losing weight, you probably won't be doing much in terms of paying down debt until you are both really motivated to, so some of these books are good at getting you motivated.
  20. but I figured I owe everyone who recommended Sheet Music a big thank you. And everyone else who said they didn't like TeA....you should get this book. They even have the Kindle edition, so you no one knows you ordered it. Just be careful when letting people use your computer. :blushing: Eek!:leaving: (oh my heck, I'm so embarrased)
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