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Laura in VA

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Everything posted by Laura in VA

  1. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. I'm home and still kind of loopy, but able to rest. I can't express my gratefulness for all of you! :)
  2. Hi all, I was supposed to have my gall bladder out tomorrow, but I have been at the ER since 4am and they are going to have to remove it today. My husband is on his way home, but he is 5 hours away. Please pray for my peace and my husband's safety. Thank you-
  3. They aren't sure what's wrong with mine. They've ruled out gallstones. My duct is blocked and not allowing the bile to enter the gallbladder. Hopefully, there is a stone blocking it that they just didn't see, but the doctor is pretty certain that's not the reason. Of course, he hasn't offered any other explanation and from my own limited research there appears to be a possibility that it could be something I'd rather not think about. I guess I'll find out more Friday. :001_smile:
  4. I will be having my gall bladder taken out on Friday. I hope he's feeling better soon. Thanks for updating for us.
  5. One night about 3 weeks ago, I woke up and felt discomfort in my stomach. Within a few minutes it settled in my upper-right-below-the-rib-cage-area. Then my back began hurting as well. I ended up in the ER, had an ultrasound which did not show any stones but a small polyp, and then had a Hida scan today. My gall bladder did not show up on the scan, due to either a blockage or it has simply stopped working, so I'm scheduled for surgery on Friday unless I have another episode before then. My episodes do not come after greasy or high-fat meals. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to them. HTH-
  6. Well, I'm having surgery this Friday. My gallbladder never did show on the scan which means there is either a blockage, or it's not working. If I have any other episodes, I'm to go to the ER. Thanks for the prayers. I'll be reminding you again on Friday to pray again!:) Hopefully I'll make it to Friday and not have to go in before. Thank you!
  7. Here is the update: Well, I'm having surgery this Friday. My gallbladder never did show on the scan which means there is either a blockage, or it's not working. If I have any other episodes, I'm to go to the ER. Thanks for the prayers. I'll be reminding you again on Friday to pray again! Hopefully I'll make it to Friday and not have to go in before. Thank you! I am going to Walter Reed early tomorrow morning for a Hida Scan. It's a test they're running to see if my gall bladder is as messed up as they think it is. My husband is away for the next 5 weeks so my Mom has come up to take me to the hospital. I'm really not looking forward to doing this although I know it's really no big deal. I'm just concerned that it is going to be very uncomfortable. The doctor told me if it is extremely uncomfortable, ie. hurts, it would be a pretty good indication that they will need to do surgery. So, I would appreciate prayers for peace (I can be a real pansy sometimes) and prayers that my blood sugar won't bother me. Thanks so much!
  8. Thank you so much for posting about both of your situations. I was just thinking about Stacey today and wondering how she was. I will be praying for both of you and your families. Please keep us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do!
  9. I am a military (Marine Corps) wife and I believe you've received an accurate glimpse into military homeschooling families. It's so wonderful that you are concerned about the challenges involved with the calling your son feels he is lead to follow. I just want to encourage you to remember that if your son feels God is leading him down this path, then God will provide everything your son needs. I know it's hard not to worry about the things you mentioned because they can be, and often are, obstacles difficult to overcome. If someone had told me twenty-some years ago that I would one day be married to a military man I would have told them they were crazy. But God had different plans and He knows what He's doing! He's so faithful and loving that even through the most trying circumstances I know He is taking care of us. And He will take care of your son and his family as well! :)
  10. Is the way I look if I don't take a shower, put on makeup, etc. But, I do dress casually (jeans, etc.).
  11. and I think I could tell the difference between them. Sorry for the stupid questions! :o
  12. I never realized there were such things as ground squirrels! I can only imagine what pests they are. Do they even climb trees? How can you tell the difference? Ok, those are probably stupid questions, but I had to ask.
  13. We feed them corn cobs. We have a twirl-a-squirrel (or something like that) that attaches to a tree.
  14. 1. Being able to spend time with Chris in VA- we had a blast:), and yes, we talked about you gals ;) 2. Hearing my youngest dd say, " I love you Mommy" 3. Being able to snuggle with my oldest dd because she sleeps with me when dh is away.
  15. This is quoted from the first link you provided: and we have held in our companion opinion that home schooling by a non-credentialed teacher is not permitted under California’s compulsory education law. Please explain how this statement says that home schooling by a non-credentialed teacher is permitted. This clearly states that their opinion is that it is not permitted. So, how can that not affect others? They do not mention that their opinion pertains only to this one case. I'm not sticking up for this family, but I think the court took the abuse issue and used it to make a blanket statement regarding homeschooling in general.
  16. It's such a pain to move. We leave for Japan in about 3 months and I just began purging yesterday. The fact that we can only take 25% of our allowed weight is killing me! I don't know what I'll do without all of my books. I hope you can get a lot of work done this weekend. Hang in there! :)
  17. and I'm glad you and your little one are ok. Next time, do call the on-call dr.! Take care of yourself, and keep us posted. Praying for you-
  18. Has this man ever stayed at your house before? How well do you know him? I would only allow it if I was certain he would think it's funny.
  19. I would tell my son to punch him in the gut. I'm really sorry your son has to put up with that type of behavior. I think the only way that boy is going to stop is for him to realize he can't push your son around.
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