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Everything posted by Rhondabee

  1. Lori, as always, you amaze me.... Do you find this is something you just touch on in your discussions? Or, do you expect these ideas to turn up in essay topics? I mean, I keep trying to remember SWB saying ask a "few" questions from Well-Educated Mind - that high school is an *introduction* - not the end-all, be-all of Great Books Study. And, frankly, I remember being drilled in existentialism in AP English, and being exposed to a few others maybe at church. But the rest? I really have no clue. (blushing - sometimes I'm not sure I'm really cut out for this!) Thanks, Lori! Rhonda
  2. I saw in another thread that you have a syllabus???? Is it in a form you could share? (mine would be on various note-pad papers in chicken scratch even *I* couldn't read after a few months - LOL!) Seriously, I would love a copy if it's possible....
  3. I have looked at thegreatbooks.com, and it looks wonderful - but frankly a bit too much to be realistically done here. Is there something I could use that would help explain worldview as a part of the general discussion of the book - rather than having to read a whole separate book? I skimmed Cliff Notes for a couple of books we're reading this year, and I didn't see anything in the bios of the authors. I mean, for example, they mentioned that Jack London supported the views of Nietsche, Marx, etc. - but it didn't explain what those views were, or how those views are expressed in "The Call of the Wild". (Do these things get discussed in Well Educated Mind somewhere? I've only read the novel and poem sections.) Thanks for all your help! Rhonda
  4. Colleen, Do you think the YWAM bios and the International Adventures would be interesting to a high schooler? to a middle schooler? Thanks for all your help!!!!! The link below to the business/mission in Rwanda is fascinating. I'm so glad I didn't wait to ask - I'll have lots of stuff to check out while I'm recuperating next week!
  5. (edited) btw - Did you decide to use SWB's History of the Ancient World or the Spielvogel/other sources recommended in WTM? I'm thinking the HAW would help cover some of the other cultures better than the Spielvogel, and I could mix in some primary resources (the Bagavad Gita - sp?) and such at the appropriate places. BUT - the Spielvogel frankly looks more interesting (esp. when you add in the DK book) - and I thought maybe I should look at History Odyssey instead of Western Civ. Thanks for all your posts! Rhonda
  6. :party: Nan, you and your family are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your life and giving me the hope that I can do it, too.
  7. in the 5th and 8th grade books, the writing assignments are more like one a week rather than one a month. I have also tried (with CW, CC, and Wordsmith) to add to R&S's writing assignments (or, to replace them altogether). I always concluded after two weeks that it was just too much hassle. The writing instruction in R&S is very good - you just need to keep in mind what has been taught (you can use post-it notes, or make a separate list) and then put those things into practice whenever you can. (I don't usually try to go out of my way to "make up" writing assignments in other areas. They really do just present themselves naturally. hth, Rhonda
  8. Thank you so much! I am the kind of person who needs some concrete ideas - a picture of how to do it, iykwim. This is very helpful!
  9. Do you have any experience with missionaries who are involved in missions, but who also work a "real job" simultaneously? Or, run a business that helps to employ the people they're working with? It seems with the world getting smaller every day that doing both would at least be a possibility. But, going to the small, independent church that we go to, I haven't actually heard of anyone doing that. Thanks, Rhonda
  10. I thought I'd be able to say, "I Agree!", but frankly my kids have to do *some* of the written exercises in order to really comprehend and do well on the test. I do think, though, that doing the written exercises has really helped them with their own writing. The thing I really love though is that R&S is not just grammar - it is an entire language program (well....I guess not literature - but the 7th and 8th grade books do provide the basics of lit analysis). It covers all the basics of all types of writing, and it integrates those lessons for me - rather than having a separate writing program. (fyi - DS #1 did Abeka in 5th, then switched to R&S-6 in 6th. We are doing Book 8 this year, in 8th grade. DS #2 has done R&S 3 & 4, and is doing 5 now.)
  11. I don't know that we "got the most" out of it - that wasn't my goal when we did it. But, one thing that helped ds was to do the workbook exercises orally every day rather than doing them written only once. Sometimes he did fill them in on the last day, but honestly I was more concerned that when he heard or saw a Latin word, he knew the English. Usually, we used the derivatives as the intermediate step between the Latin and the English, so they got covered, too; just not as drills, etc. hth, Rhonda
  12. Elizabeth, I'm still formulating....I'm trying to come up with a plan that would definitely include a "Great Books" study, but that would also incorporate some worldview studies (perhaps using thegreatbooks.com as a general guide). Could I pm you after I've got a better grasp on my own thoughts - and then maybe you can help me see where my blind spots are? Unfortunately, I have to go teach *today* before I can plan tomorrow - LOL! Thanks! Rhonda
  13. Now that you mention it, I do recall hearing stories (or maybe reading them) about about such misunderstandings. I'll check the library - and just keep an eye out. It seems like with such emphasis on international relations as we have today, this kind of information would be in great demand.
  14. Again, thanks, I've been wondering where to go with Bible study. He is ready to start doing this on his own, and this gives me a good place to start!
  15. Is there a course or book or company you could suggest? I've been contemplating trying to work through the list at thegreatbooks.com for high school. It is kind of history, kind of humanities, and little bit literature....but mostly worldview. It would greatly take away from the novels that really drew me to WTM if we did it as written. But, it would really dig into the philosophies that shaped those novels. If you've ever looked it over, or have time to check it out, I'd love your thoughts... Otherwise, if you just happen to know something we could use maybe over the summer (before we start Ancients again next year), that would be great, too. Thanks! Rhonda
  16. Oh, please, get carried away.... Actually, my ds's best friend's parents are former missionaries - and she is a native Italian. It is hard to have truly in-depth conversations about what you've touched on, but she definitely has some disdain for what she calls "Americanized Christianity". Especially after reading Hold On To Your Kids, which starkly contrasted the economically-minded American society vs. longer-lasting, family- and culture-oriented societies, I have concerns about rashly going "out into the darkness to bring them the light". I've been wondering how to change myself from the very type-A peson I am, and how to help my kids share my concerns - anyway, I think your suggestion is great. Thanks for your help!
  17. Thanks for posting! I've book-marked the Wycliffe site. Thanks for mentioning it. nt
  18. That sounds interesting. I think one of my personal fears of missions work is that I don't want to contribute to the - I can't think of exactly the right word - maybe dehumanizing (?) of another culture. You know, while I don't personally believe God cares what you wear or eat or how you wear your hair, I admit that I think *I* would be one of those that would want to make someone be "like me". (I don't really know why - I can't really imagine anyone *wanting* to be like me - LOL!) But, like today we were reading about how so many missionaries in the late 1800's believed they had to "kill the Indian" to "save the man". Not sure if that's along the lines of what "cross-cultural communication" would study or not. Do you have any resources that would explain it further? Thanks, Rhonda
  19. First, I was wondering about some of the "practical skills" electives mentioned at the end of WTM (home maintenance, small engine repair, etc.). And, the survival skills some other posters mentioned - I was worried maybe those things weren't really necessary anymore - LOL! But, most importantly, or I guess at the heart of my dilemma was should I continue with a Great Books study, or should I change methods completely for high school? I would *love* to do something along the lines of thegreatbooks.com, but really, I think that's a bit out of our league. (my ds is just an average kid - not really an academic!) So, I will probably follow their lead - I *think* it would be better to study some Hindu writings, for example, and perhaps not focus *so* exclusively on Western Civ. And, of course, SL Core 200 just sits there looking so good (and so easy for me!)..... So, you think a Great Books course (maybe modified a bit from WTM to include some non-western sources) would be good? no pressure....(tee, hee!) Thanks, Rhonda And where were you a missionary???? I haven't gotten to really read the YWAM site, yet. I think I'll have to wait til everyone's in bed...
  20. such food for thought! Thank you all!!! I'm still trying to read through and absorb, and listen to dd sing, "There's no hero quite like Larry Boy!" over and over and over..... :001_smile:
  21. We had to have a very blunt conversation with our 13yo dear *son* about how catty girls can be to one another just a few short months ago, so please know I'm not saying this to be harsh. But, I think you need to explain to your dd what a true friend is, and gently explain to her that she is being used. She *isn't* popular. She is simply a tool the other girls are using to get noticed by these boys. You might also take this opportunity to discuss how girls use boys (and allow themselves to be used by boys!) trying to achieve "popularity". ((((Hugs)))
  22. Nissi, Would you seriously consider using SL's Core 200? or Would you just use those resources while keeping a 4-year history rotation? (I think I'm leaning this way.) Thanks for so many great thoughts! Rhonda
  23. Oh, my ds wants to learn Japanese as well, and I've been torn - thinking that would be great *if* you went to Japan. So, good to know that it can help with other languages as well. He is still in 8th, and we're slogging through Henle Year One w/ the MODG syllabus. (Mostly slogging because I am waiting to get a hysterectomy next week - and I am just dog tired and in pain by the time Latin comes around each day! Hopefully, that will change, soon.) It *was* my goal to get at least two years of Latin, and then see if he wanted to do a modern language for 3 years, or continue with Latin. But, after hearing SWB speak about molding your high school experience to your child, and him coming out with, "I want to learn Japanese and Greek, and Latin, too. Oh, yeah, and I think I should learn Spanish." Well..... I figure the Apologia advanced courses just went out the window - LOL! And, I'm wondering if I should just be happy with the Apologia for regular classes, or maybe switch to Abeka or BJU. (Guess that should have been in my original search....my brain is beginning to feel like mush - LOL!) Thanks for letting me blab here. Your post was very encouraging! How exciting for your dd! Our church is an independent church, and we don't have alot of in-person access to missionaries there. I'm hoping the YWAM site will help me get some of those real-life experiences planned.
  24. Oh, wow. I had never heard of YWAM before (took me a few moments to come up with "Youth with a mission" - I'm guessing that's it, right?). I found their website - I'll be over there for awhile.... Thanks, Rhonda
  25. What would be "priority" and what would be "nice if we can get to it"? What would you add, if anything, that isn't in WTM (that I probably don't know about? IOW - all practical bits of advice welcome! Thanks, Rhonda
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