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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. I would add a new edging. Trim it back and add new binding. Or you can try zig zag stitching it all around the edge and just inside the edge. last resort...read the book Owen and do as the mom did.
  2. great. The author will be at Iowa City's Book Festival in July and thought it would be fun to read this and talk with the author as well as use it for Chemistry.
  3. posted this on the General board but figured it could be asked here. The Disappearing Spoon By Sam Kean. Anyone read it? Suitable for a 15 yr old? thought I might add it to his Chemistry reads for a fun read.
  4. By Sam Kean. Anyone read it? Suitable for a 15 yr old? thought I might add it to his Chemistry reads for a fun read.
  5. 8 yr old gifts that have been a hit for us... -Own tool box with tools and rope and gift card to Home Depot -Box of magnets, all different kinds -electronic kit -erector sets -radio controlled plane -swiss army knife -own tent and gear
  6. I would add in something like this http://www.howgreatthouart.com/products/111.html or maybe http://www.amazon.com/Keeping-Nature-Journal-Discover-Seeing/dp/1580174930/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1340969527&sr=1-1&keywords=nature+journal In other words, have her create a very well done nature journal. Insist on labeling not only the common names but locate the scientific name. A well created nature journal such as the above could earn an art credit. To add to your science credit or even earn one: Maybe she could be in charge of specific nature study ideas. We always have at least one nature study project going. Have her keep detailed records and a lab book...make it very scientific. Do a detailed study of a particular nature site. Detailing the flora and fauna, seasonal happenings, anything dealing with the area. Do research on her findings, even come up with a thesis statement and spend the year investigating to find out if her statement is true, then write a paper on her findings. Create a brochure for a nature trail. Maybe even talk with park services or whomever cares for the trails. See if they would mind if your dd makes markers to identify trees and other natural things along the trail. Make a guide to go with it. Even volenteer to help care for a trail.
  7. Have you looked at Beautiful Feet's History of Science? It is written at a young 4th grade level but could be done.
  8. My husband thought it was a joke. Since he was hooked up and very uncomfortable, his normal sleep was disturbed so the readings they got were unreliable.
  9. I will be very mad if it is not out by 2014-2015. Something like, a sequential curriculum should be released yearly or at the most 2 yrs. It will be what, 4-5 yrs between volumes 3 and 4. I'm grumpy now.
  10. Thanks all. I was able to find a great cod cake recipe. Everyone was like :glare: when asking what dinner was, but like this :w00t: after tasting them. No leftovers.
  11. I have used both and would recommend, based on my dc's opinion, Calvert. Both children, who used it, loved it and wanted to keep using Calvert. We only stopped because it was more then I could afford at the time. I did 2 levels, 3rd and 6th(or was it 7th) and we were done by 1pm. Abeka is a solid curriculum but dry and not fun. Calvert was enjoyable to teach as well as do. Having all the lessons in one manual (2 vol) it was a true open and go curriculum. I got the manual each morning, looked to see what books we needed (not every subject is taught each day) and sat down to teach. They even schedule a break in the lesson plans. Edited to add: We are Christians and even though Calvert is not a Christian curriculum I never found subject matter objectionable.
  12. Not quite a pound, .83 lb. We are a family of 4 (one teen boy).
  13. We have always used Wordly Wise and gotten great results. I do not use it as given though. We use the word lists and write sentences (the sentence must be well written so the meaning of the word is clear).
  14. I had 2 pieces of cod in the freezer, took them out to thaw but only needed one. Now I have a piece left over and not sure what to use it in. It is not really big enough to use as fillet (everyone gets a slab of fish dish) but maybe in a recipe or even cod cakes. I don't want to waste it. Used the one piece in a cod casserole that was delish, so no casseroles please, 2 in one week won't go over well.
  15. I just finished deciding on everything ds will do. Now it is time to see what I still need to buy, place orders, and then make schedules. He starts in Aug. so I am not feeling too rushed since most things I have and the only thing I really need to schedule out is MOH, the rest is "do the next thing" type of curriculum or "have it finished by the end of High school" type of course.
  16. We just finished MOH Vol. 1 for 9th grade. We did not use Biblioplan. MOH on it's own is a full course. With all the research work assigned in the High School level the student learns so much more then the topic covered in the MOH readings. There is some church history researched/read about in just the MOH. I cannot remember if there was mention of missionary work in Vol. 1 The map work was very informative and not just the typical map work. Some had many layers and most needed more work then just look at a map and copy onto your own map. There were many studies on Biblical info such as the importance of numbers (not the book), treatment of women, meaning of the temple, and much more. I gave my son a History credit and a Bible credit for this course. I have used BJU History, Sonlight, Abeka, in the past for World History at the High School level and this is the first year I feel my child has actually learned history on a deeper level. This is also the first time one of my sons has actually asked for a specific history curriculum...he insisted we do vol. 2 (and any more they have).
  17. I plan every weekend. Usually Saturday morning I glance at the stuff to see if I need to pick anything up. The actual writing/filling in the plans takes place Sunday night or Monday Morning (I am an early riser 5am so this quiet time is my planning time). I have a grid I fill in, usually takes no ore then 15 mins. For ds I only plan for his History. Everything else is do the next section type of work. The history is done every 9 weeks.
  18. I saw these tubes, they were by the fresh herbs. So these are good... I will have to try them.
  19. DUH! I have always bought fresh parsley, chopped and put it in the freezer. Why didn't I apply the same process to the other herbs? Thanks for waking my brain cells up.:tongue_smilie:
  20. There are no words I can say... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  21. A while ago I bought some fresh rosemary sprigs. They came in a plastic box and were found in the refrigerated section of the fresh produce isle so I stored them just like they did...in the plastic box in my fridge. Sadly they turned black and icky, same with the fresh thyme I bought. So how should I store the fresh herbs? Should I dry them out ? If I need to dry them, whats the best way?
  22. Thanks all. Drawing Textbook is cheap enough to give it a try. I tried Artistic Pursuits with the younger book and did not enjoy it. Is the older book more an actual drawing lesson type of book?
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