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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I couldn't find any markings. I've searched online and can't find anything similar. I did find a site that offered estimates for $9.95 so I think I'm going to try that. Thanks!
  2. I'm finally getting around to taking care of this. :blushing: How would you approach the antiques dealers? I've never done this before. Should I just walk into their store with a picture, or call them and describe it? Or something else? Thanks.
  3. I was thinking that too, but fever is usually absent in pertussis. Might be worth testing for anyway though. I'm taking my dd in to test for pertussis this morning. She's had a horrible cough for 2 weeks, and we've had cases in my area. :sad:
  4. Here are a couple good articles How to Avoid Bed Bugs Hotels How to Check Your Hotel Room for Bed Bugs in Under 10 Minutes The short answer is I would check the room, and if there's any evidence of bedbugs, I wouldn't stay there. We are going to start keeping our bags up on hard surfaces and in hefty bags. We travel very light, so this shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  5. To me, the roux is the fat + flour, whether the fat is butter or oil. The white sauce is what happens when you add milk. That's what we call it in Iowa, anyway.:)
  6. I LOVE my Samsung Fascinate. It's very easy to learn to text and the Swype keyboard is great. There is a lot available on the phone though, and there's definitely a learning curve. But texting itself is easy. It does require the $30 monthly data plan. We travel quite a bit, and it's so convenient to have internet available whenever we need it.
  7. Eradication of disease is a goal of some, but not all, vaccines. Diseases that have an animal reservoir, like rabies or influenza, aren't considered eradicable. For instance, influenza circulates widely in birds and pigs. Even if every single human was vaccinated, eventually a different flu strain would cross species into humans, and we'd have a new pandemic. Ideally someday we'll have a universal flu vaccine that works against every strain of the flu, instead of the strain-specific vaccines we currently have. Another example is tetanus. While it's infectious, it isn't contagious. It would never be eradicated, because it's ubiquitous in the environment. Those vaccines are still useful though, even though those disease a ren't considered eradicable.
  8. I haven't done this in awhile so forgot to mention a step. After the seeds are removed, I pat them dry then lay them in a single layer on a cookie sheet. I put that in the freezer for a couple hours, then put the seeds into the plastic containers. They are supposed to last 6 months, but the kids devour them so they don't last that long here. They thaw really fast (just a few minutes) once you take them out of the freezer, but my kids eat them straight from the freezer. I've read that you can freeze the whole pomegranate but I've never done that.
  9. One pomegranate lasts about 5 minutes here. But occasionally I'll buy a whole bunch, remove the seeds, put them in a plastic container and stick in the freezer. They're much easier to seed when immersed in water, in case you haven't found that out yet.
  10. Dd 16 is at a state dance competition Dd 13 shopping with a friend Ds 12 is on a bike ride
  11. Yes, they are reactions, but they're normal and not unexpected. Vaccines are medicine. They are *supposed* to cause a reaction. They are supposed to make your immune system respond, or else they'd be useless. Unpleasant, yes. Abnormal, no. I do think we need to stop recommending Tylenol and Ibuprofen after vaccines for mild symptoms though, because there's evidence that it interferes with immune response. Post-Vaccine Acetaminophen May Harm Immune Response
  12. Do you look at the vaccine information sheets? They are given to parents for every vaccine. Here's a link. And here's an example.
  13. This is a really important point. Look what happened with Hib. Hygiene didn't change.
  14. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I don't think schools have ever really taught creativity. I think they'd botch it if they tried.
  15. I should add that there is a point where if the risks were too high and the benefit too low to my kids, I wouldn't vaccinate just to benefit others.
  16. Somehow I missed this. I can't speak for others, but I absolutely DO vaccinate my kids, in large part, because it benefits society. :iagree: My kids will, hopefully, benefit from the flu vaccines that we all received yesterday. But the bigger benefit is to others, especially older people who don't get a good immune response from flu vaccines. Dh (a physician) gets the flu vaccine every year mainly because it lowers the likelihood of him making his patients sick.
  17. I'm an epidemiologist, and I understand herd immunity. Your mistake is the bolded part. Herd immunity is the idea that when enough people are vaccinated it provides protection for those who aren't immune. Herd immunity can still occur when people are colonized or infected, as long as transmission rates are low. For example, with bacterial diseases, immunity rates need to be higher to prevent transmission, because of carrier states and colonization. It isn't impossible to have herd immunity, it's just harder. Transmission rates are generally lower with asymptomatic infections, although they still occur. Herd immunity does NOT mean no one gets the illness or it isn't transmitted at all. It means transmission is interrupted and slowed, preventing epidemics.
  18. Do you lose time or gain time on flip turns? IOW, if you swam a 25 m freestyle in 15 seconds, would you expect to swim the 50 in less than 30 seconds, or more?
  19. What is she? Looks somewhat like a Leonberger but the face is a little different.
  20. What a great idea. I've never seen the show, although I've seen hoarders IRL. I have one child who is a pack rat and profoundly disorganized. I think we'll be watching this show together.
  21. It's nothing to do with thinking people are idiots. The research asked the question "Do breast self exams save lives?" and the answer was no. In addition, SBE resulted in unnecessary imaging and biopsies. The natural conclusion would be not to recommend SBE. The idea is that abnormal lumps are going to be noticed one way or the other- through routine body care, showering, sexual activity, etc. Monthly SBE finds far too many that are normal.
  22. You will hear different things from different policy groups. Here are the current recommendation from the US Preventive Task Force. The ACOG (American Congress of OB-Gyn) still recommends them but is currently reviewing their recommendations, last I heard.
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