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Everything posted by Perry

  1. You are describing how it should be, but we don't know if that's the way it was. If they had sent home a permission slip explaining all that, they could have avoided upsetting the parents.
  2. If she's only reading at a second grade level, I'd focus on that for the summer. I'd recommend the mom check out "Reading Reflex" from the library, read the first few chapters, then use the ABeCeDarian program.
  3. I don't have a problem with the survey, but I do have a problem with giving it without parental consent.
  4. I have a small wicker basket on my kitchen desk, where I keep a manilla folder for each child (they attend ps), one for each extracurricular (dance, swimming, etc.), one labeled "To Do" and one labeled "To File". If it doesn't belong in one of those folders, I toss it. Makes it really easy to find what I need.
  5. Why? My dd did it, with my full consent. She doesn't seem to be damaged by it. :001_smile: We had some great conversations about it.
  6. I don't have a problem with the survey. It provides extremely useful information about teens and risky behaviors. But it absolutely should require parental consent. The whole thing sounds fishy to me.
  7. Dd says: Light pink is best- they make your teeth look white. Yellow and white are the worst as they make your teeth look yellow. White fades and looks gross.
  8. I googled and there are different kinds. This is what my dd has
  9. Both my girls have done the colored ones. But it's the chains that are colored, and they're changed every couple months. They've had lots of different colors. Green was gross, but everything else has been cute.
  10. I wavered between "I would continue but"... and "I might not". I chose I might not, because we are entering high school, and I am much less confident of my ability to teach literature or history. I would be fine with math on my own, but that's about it. (I'm not interested in teaching high school science.) Teaching K-8 would be doable without the boards, but high school? Maybe not. I have prepared a plan for next year's Great Book study that I would never have been able to come up with without the fantastic posts by LoriD and Nan.
  11. Thanks to everyone who responded. This has given me a lot to think about.
  12. :banghead: I'd cross that school off my list if he said that to me. The Myth of the Math Gender Gap
  13. Have you seen this? The Old Testament for Teens: A Guide to Critical Issues and Perspectives We're going to use it next fall, so I can't give a review, but it looks great from my quick look through it. There isn't one for the New Testament though.
  14. I'm very happy with my brand new Bosch. I hated the Maytag and Whirlpool I had before.
  15. Me too. I learned more from SOTW than I ever learned in school. I also learned a lot on my own when I started researching my family history, and realized I had no context for any of it. I started reading historical fiction and that helped enormously.
  16. We have a nice camera, but don't end up using it that often. I use my phone camera all the time. It's handy because I always have my phone, so I always have my camera too. It's also really easy to send pictures from it to FB. Some examples-- Last week I needed plants for the garden. I took some pictures of the garden so when I got to the garden store I could look at the pictures and find exactly what I wanted. I have some pictures of different rooms of my house on my phone. It's handy so that I can look at them if I'm out somewhere and see something I like, but I'm not sure if it would look good or fit in a certain spot. Can you tell I'm not good at visualizing? Sometimes my dh and I send pictures to each other by email. He sent me out to buy some stuff for a project and I couldn't find exactly what he wanted, so I took pictures of things and we were able to come up with something without me running back and forth to the store. It's just handy. Not a necessity though.
  17. AP article As usual, the knee-jerk explanation is Which makes no sense to me. Around here, at least, the kids have just as much "social studies" as they ever did. The problem is, they don't, and haven't ever, really learned history. Instead they make posters about the neighborhood and collect artifacts that describe "All About Me". :001_rolleyes:
  18. If I didn't love it, I wouldn't keep it. I only want things in my closet that I really enjoy. I've had lots of clothes I didn't like so much, and they just took up space because I never wore them.
  19. DD1 Creative, intuitive, social DD2 Ambitious, responsible, capable DS Hard-working, silly, intense
  20. I voted! Great job! My dd's dance "Silent" won the Applause competition in Davenport. http://thedancersfederation.com/Gallery/2011_pca_videos/Applause_pca/2011_applause_pca.html I hope since they are different companies you can vote for more than one...
  21. Our county health department gives them without any other appointment necessary. You could try that.
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