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Claire in NM

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Everything posted by Claire in NM

  1. Ireland's economy has taken a serious hit during this world-wide recession. Claire in NM
  2. with my DD, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle (third time) for literature, and, for myself, Joan of Arc by Regine Pernoud (first time). I would never have picked this up if it weren't for PBS. I wanted to read something that I normally would not read, so I looked for the most requested books in the Christian book section. I've been reading it late at night just before falling asleep. So far, it's been very interesting. Claire in NM
  3. I mixed very warm water with honey and lemon juice. It worked great! Claire in NM
  4. Our dc received money from their grandpa. He wanted them to buy a couple of rabbits. We went to the local feed store and specifically requested to buy two females. Our kids named them Gloria and Harriet. After several months of having them in their pen, I went out one summer day and found that Gloria has given birth to babies and, apparently, Harriet was actually "Harry". Unfortunately, the babies had died from the heat, and we quickly returned the rabbits for a refund. Claire in NM
  5. KRS 17.545 prohibits registered sex offenders from living near schools, daycare facilities and publicly owned playgrounds. These offenders are prohibited from living within 1,000 feet of a high school, middle school, elementary school, preschool, publicly owned playground, or licensed day care facility. The measurement is taken in a straight line from the nearest property line of the school to the nearest property line of the registrant's place of residence. This restriction does not apply to a youthful offender probated or paroled during his or her minority or while enrolled in an elementary or a secondary education program. However, once the youthful offender registrant attains the age of majority (18 years old) and is no longer a student in an elementary or secondary education program he or she is subject to the residence restriction at that point. In addition, offenders under supervision may be restricted by the conditions of their probation or parole from living or working in areas where children are present, depending on the conditions placed upon them by the sentencing judge or the parole board. ************ My guess is your church (pastor, elders, deacons, etc.) would need to find out if this person has any conditions regarding his probation or parole. Just for this person to be around children at your church could be a violation. I can't help but think about the young girl that was murdered by her Sunday school teacher. If I became aware that a sex offender was attending my church, it would come down to either the offender leaving or my family leaving. Hard line...you bet! Claire in NM
  6. every post is either from a person who knows of a recipe or from a person who makes pecan pie but doesn't like or eat pecan pie. :willy_nilly: (Except you, Stacie! Of course, your recipe does have chocolate chips...Yes, I am a bit of a purist when it comes to Pecan Pie.) Is there not anyone in this great and vast planet that has a GREAT pecan pie recipe and actually LOVES to eat pecan pie? :001_huh: please... please... please... Also hoping to hear from you, Claire in NM
  7. It sounds like you alone are making all the decisions regarding the religious upbringing of your children, and, because you are now unsure about what to do, your DC are questioning the importance of attending. Talk to DH. Once you have both come to a consensus on how to deal with this situation, then it will again become clear. As for leaving the kids alone, most states suggest 12 years of age without 2 hours of adult supervision. If a child under 12 gets into trouble while a parent is sleeping, some would believe that to be negligence on the part of the parent. You might want to take the youngest DC. I hope this is helpful to you. Claire in NM
  8. I did not realize how physically and emotionally taxing it is to care for the elderly. Without any thought to the amount of time and energy it might take, I offered to take an elderly lady (88 years old) to church. She recently lost her car and her mobility. She has difficulty walking and must use a cane. She is hard of hearing, so she must ask people to repeat themselves. She is having "spells", moments when she fells like she is going to faint or pass out. Her son is gradually taking over her responsibilities, especially managing her finances. She is afraid of ending up in a nursing home. That's a lot to deal with when you are taking care of an elderly parent, relative, or friend. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who give some much of your time and energy to make their lives easier. God will indeed bless you for your service to them. KUDOS! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Claire in NM
  9. Of course, there's the usual t-shirt, cap, mug, bumper sticker of his favorite driver. If dd's boyfriend has a wii, I believe there is a NASCAR wii game. You might also be able to get him a fan club membership of his favorite driver. One driver offers a one year membership with a free t-shirt. Claire in NM
  10. The Boyhood of Ranald Bannerman The Genius of Willie MacMichael The wanderings of Clare Skymer I just finished these and I thought they were great. Claire in NM
  11. Sometimes I feel the same way. But I've also come to realize something else. I know that however a person reaches out to you, if they truly are your brother or sister in Christ, it helps to see past their attempts - however rooted the attempts are in their own strength or in God's strength - to understand that they are trying to reach out to you in love. Ideally, a church family should be your greatest support and encouragement because they are the body of Christ. In addition, if they are truly a part of your church family, you should be able to share with them your feelings regarding this issue. If they really love you, they will understand. Claire in NM
  12. She did sound like a whiner in the movie. However, I was so impressed by Meryl Streep's portrayal of Julia and, with Stanley Tucci as the husband Paul, this made me quite curious about the couple. I read "My Life in France". Thankfully, I was able to ask my son about some of the French expressions... It was excellent! Claire in NM
  13. First, the reason the guy Edward looks like he's wearing lip gloss is because he lips got tinted red by all that blood he's been drinking! That's what happens to me when I eat pomegranates. :lol: Second, the reason the guy Edward is so pale is because he's anemic. What sort of supplements would you suggest for Edward to take? :lol: Third, this movie is a real let down for those young fans who are both queasy at the sight of blood and allergic to dogs. :lol: Sorry...I couldn't help it. Claire in NM
  14. My Life in France (I saw the movie Julie and Julia. Meryl Streep's performance wowed me and inspired me to read this). I have to close my eyes and imagine the smells, the tastes, the textures, and the sights...I started this earlier, but I forced myself to put it down because I was trying to hurry up and read it. Very naughty of me... Just finished Phantastes by George MacDonald..I will have to read this again because I didn't quite understand it. Before this, I read Emma by Jane Austen...great book. My next book: Confessions of a Street Addict by Jim Cramer (of Mad Money). A book on the ins and outs of Wallstreet...and a book on Joan of Arc written by a French historian and translated into English. I just love to read! :001_tt1: Claire in NM
  15. You could even get a Bible Scripture calendar with flowers on it. And my elderly in-laws like to listen to hymns sung by George Beverly Shea. Claire in NM
  16. you didn't say anything about your body shape...Unless, of course, you are "model-esque"! Then I would say, buy them all! Claire in NM
  17. I live in NM so I use the Toll House cookie recipe for high altitude. Several adjustments have to be made...This recipe reduces the sugars. For the fat, I use the smart balance sticks and add an additional 1/4 cup of flour. I just can't keep enough of them around the house to last. Claire in NM
  18. Kudos to you! I hope your search goes well. :hurray: Claire in NM
  19. I put a tiny amount on a tissue or cotton swab, damp but not dripping wet. Trying not to apply too much at a time, I dab the sticky residue with the tissue/swab a couple of times. Then I try removing the sticky residue by gently scraping with my fingernail. If the first time doesn't work, I repeat. This works for me just about every time. Claire in NM
  20. our immune systems are being compromised. If a healthy person is already sick with the regular flu and then catches H1N1 at the same time, that's when H1N1's effects can be life threatening. It's almost like trying to beat the odds... get the regular flu vaccine and you HOPEFULLY will remain healthy. If not, you are taking chances that you won't get hit by both the regular flu and H1N1 at the same time. Claire in NM
  21. This is self-paced. You can start the classes at any time and you are required to complete the course within one year. They offer intro courses of VBScript, HTML, PHP, Java, and C. They are $150 per class. My ds is really learning a lot from these online courses. Claire in NM
  22. Yup, there will be times when you will have doubts. If you are going along and feeling a bit overwhelmed, re-evaluate. Hang in there! Claire in NM
  23. 1. The grocers would not appreciate having to go through each purchase checking to see if the client purchased the correct items if food stamps were specific in what the client had to purchase. Could you imagine having to stand in the checkout line that long? 2. The money for food stamps comes from the US government and, as we all have found out this past year, the supply of government money is limitless. This, of course, makes the grocers and farmers very happy. Any sort of restrictions on food stamps would make some of our grocer and farmer friends very unhappy. I would not be surprised if grocers/farmers have some pretty influential lobbyists walking the halls and rotunda of the US Capitol. Claire in NM
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