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Everything posted by mytwomonkeys

  1. i am not a KJV only. i prefer NASB or NKJV. however, if i were a KJV only kinda gal & the author of a study i was interested in bashed the KJV, i would probably opt out. there is really no reason you should be discouraged to use the translation of your choice. that doesn't even make sense to me.
  2. not to get off track ....but....oh my gosh!!! WOW!!!!!! That is absolutely unbelievable!!! truly amazing!!!!!! i honestly cannot fathom that!!!
  3. i'm a lefty too. i'm almost 40 and i still can smudge if i'm not careful. growing up, the side of my hand was constantly covered with ink and lead. he'll eventually figure it out. it is frustrating though & requires intentional effort....at least for me it does. the good news is, my handwriting is really nice otherwise.
  4. yes, i just saw your post at mdc too. congratulations!! little girls are so much fun!!!!!
  5. i've not read the replies. the answer is absolutely no for us. we do not have friends of the opposite sex at all. we guard our marriage & this is just one of several ways that we do it.
  6. do you mean in your husband's family, or in general?? i'm almost 40 & i certainly don't want to worry about dying!!! i've got enough to concern me, lol.
  7. nah. i'm not worried, concerned, or afraid of divorce at all. i can't imagine that my husband and i will ever divorce honestly. we both guard our marriage like a military camp. but *if* it did happen, i'd survive, just like everyone else does. my kids would be my biggest concern, so i would focus on the simplest and smoothest transition for them.
  8. we used HWT cursive too. my daughter's handwriting is coming along beautifully. after HWT, we switched to copywork only. i use passages from simply spelling and write them in cursive on our white board. she copies them in her composition book 4 days in a row, and the fifth day is dictation. since we've started this, her penmanship has soared & she gets compliments often on her cursive.
  9. my husband & the rest of his coworkers are going wednesday morning to see the new HP movie. we actually scheduled a babysitter for the first time in forever & i get to go with them!:lol: i'm SOOO excited!!!!!
  10. we use r&s 3...so far no issues. should it become too much though, i'd simply break the lesson up over 2 days and build in more review. this would helps slow things down. perhaps that's an option? hth.
  11. i frequent a board like this. it's one of my absolute favorites, but in my 5,500 posts there i've probably only mentioned God a dozen times...it's is such a hot topic there!
  12. okay, thank you. i do type short-hand, and some of it's made up by me. it's just my husband or 2 best friends mostly that i text with though (occasionally my sister or nieces). for example, my husband just sent a text with something funny that he did...my reply was "ur crazy". i've also replied to him with, "k. c u tonight". it's just easier & he knows me quite well obviously ...i can't imagine that he's judging my intelligence based on my text replies. my best friends are lazy texting fools too, lol...so i know they don't mind. we don't actually have a dialogue with texting though...just quick questions and answers. our replies are rather lazy, but discernible for sure.
  13. okay. what IS text speak??? isn't it just short and and simple abbreviations that are still recognizable???? i *thought* i used text talk all of the time, but in reading your replies, maybe i'm not??? can i have an example??
  14. okay. i feel stupid asking this. i have AAS 1 & 2 for sale. i posted my items here & at homeschool classifieds. they've both sold, and i need to update or delete the thread here. i've had individuals email me & i've replied to inform them that the items are sold...but i cannot find the thread to save my life so i can delete it! how do i do that???
  15. believer here. voted good knowledge. i've read it cover to cover several times & and have taken many bible studies & exegesis type studies...but i learn something new every time i read it, so to claim i know it inside and out seems inaccurate.
  16. yes, i use text talk all of the time....some words i even make up myself, as i'm not savvy enough to know the correct "text" abbreviations. i have limited space before my phone cuts me off, and using abbreviations and incorrect spelling to shorten a word helps a great deal. plus it's just easy. i can say what i want too fast. i'm sure my husband & my handful of friends that i actually text though could care less. i suppose i'd use proper spelling & grammar if i were texting a new friend or someone i didn't know well. my texting social life is rather limited at 39, though, lol. i never use caps or proper grammar in forums either...i just type as i think & don't concern myself with it.
  17. i actually agree with you. i'm in favor of asking tough questions about the bible, and there are many. it has made my faith much stronger though & easier to defend. OP, i think if something is hard to discern or understand, investigating like you are and asking for clarity and resources that can aid in your pursuit is worthy. having said that though, i also agree that every passage isn't meant to be a moral compass or directly apply to your current circumstances. it is all about God and his plan unfolding though. hugs.
  18. i'm a morning person and get up earlier (sleeping in is usually 7). my kids sleep later though, so i love my morning time and look forward to it!
  19. i make socks too. they're super easy. the heel is the most difficult to tackle, otherwise they're a cinch!
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