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Melissa in Australia

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Everything posted by Melissa in Australia

  1. There is evidence here in Vic of a primary school student spreading it to teachers at school. In the last week a few primary and secondary schos have had to close. The one secondary school had multiple cases so all staff, students and parents of students got tested on Friday. Secondary school here goes from year 7 to year 12
  2. According to my son, it us universally understood that you cannot catch things while waiting in line
  3. Now twin 1 has come down with a fever. He and I travelled to Melbourne and back for a medical appointment at the children's hospital on sun/Mon on just about empty public transport. I have rang the hotline and we both have to get tested
  4. what about naughts and crosses with whiteboard markers through the closed window?
  5. Apparently 19 of the cases involve a number of schools 19 others are from unknown links 8 are family members of people who have already tested positive a d were already in quarantine My. Mother is in quarantine, as she was exposed to someone who was living with someone who tested positive through work
  6. The saliva test is meant to be a world first, they are hoping to start using it late next week
  7. My older kids would never ever name an animal. That is why ds now 21 has a dog called Dog
  8. Vic is getting serious about getting on top of the community spread. They are going to, overthe next 3 days, test 50% of all residents in the 2 worst suburbs. They are also going to test all staff, students and parents of a high school. They are going to set up mini testing at ends of streets, in ambulances, at car parks, as well as mass testing sites, doorknocking houses, they have called Medics from the defense team to help with the testing There are 33 new cases in Vic today
  9. This. It is people not thinking it a problem and that it is all a big hype that is causing the continual spread.
  10. Why would you want infections at all? It is a attitude that quite frankly leaves me scratching my head. there is some concern over the virus making people infertile, not so good for young people who are of reproducing age there is grave concern of long term damage to organs in young people. Not so good for people living in a country like USA that has no Universal medical
  11. Victoria has had double diget increase every day for a week. Yesterday it was 17. That makes over 140 in the last week. Before thus just about all cases were people returning from overseas. Now there is definitely community spread happening. It is known for a fact that most of this community spread is because of extended family gatherings. Some people went to work after testing positive. They thought if they just ignore it it would go away. Now restrictions are tightening up, if it continues to increase in numbers than certain areas will go into full lock down again. Most other states in Aus have no new cases at all. Some states are removing most restrictions, but have their borders tightly closed.
  12. so apparently some people in Melbourne are stripping shelves of toilet paper again , thinking that some suburbs will go into lockdown again with the increase of cases
  13. click to get into the club, then click topics. once there you just post like on this forum, and start a new topic. hope that makes sense
  14. I thought and pondered how to write.. I hope I come across OK and not too negative . I do have dyslexia and tend to write very abruptly I am only writing from my experience and not giving you any advice. I attended a seminar that had Dan Hughes and Jon Baylin. They both said that it is best not to reunite siblings as it works out better if they see each other often but live separate. I ignored this advice and took on the older sibling of the twins. I felt sorry for him, he had lost his placement and was split up from another sibling. It was a complete disaster. it was devastating for not only Dh and I , who felt like we had completely failed a child, failed ourselves and destroyed relationships with our own bio-children It was a disaster with the twins as it put them back 18 months of therapy and specialized work It was a disaster for my 3 bio kids who were still at home. one left home, 2 withdrew into themselves , and one didn't speak to me for a good 12 months. Fostering and adopting children with high needs steals time away from our other children. It was completely devastating for the other child as when the placement fell through we were yet another set of adults who failed him, who made him not trust other people , who added to his trauma and attachment problems It is easy to talk yourself into things and feel that you are doing the right thing, feel that you are using logic etc... but afterwards you realise you were tricking yourself each and every foster child has quite a lot of trauma and needs lots of time, lots of therapeutic parenting and often lots of specialist help. After the twins sibling left the twins psychologist told me that adding another child would have lowered the bar of what the twins would have been able to achieve in all regards. when we were placed with the twins they were 3 1/2 we were told that their significant delays and behaviour difficulties were just because of neglect, feeling unsafe and lack of stimulation. they made very rapid growth and development for a time - one wasn't even walking yet... but after a while the progress slowed down.. they were later identified as having Intellectual disabilities, RAD, FASD and a long list of other disabilities. I have since found out that Global Developmental Delays is really a code that all these conditions and more are flagged as there by doctors.
  15. I just remembered something we use to do in the past. We use to put grass clippings in the chook pen, the chooks would scratch through in and poop in it, it was easy to rake out and made beautiful top dressing mulch
  16. Forgot to add that I sometimes put a wheelbarrow of pine needles under their roosts. They love scratching through it and it makes it easier to rake the poo out, but they slow down the compost a bit
  17. We have a house cow, that is our cow poo source. A house cow is a cow that provides the milk for one house, ours, she is a Jersey called flower
  18. Green stuff includes the outside leaves of veggies when picking stuff from the garden scraps from preparing meals, picking grass in corners of the yard where the lawnmower doesn't reach weeding from the garden The chooks love it. They eat a lot of green stuff and it makes their yolks nice and golden
  19. I will write to you this evening when I have time.
  20. I also add cardboard, wood Ash, pidgen poo, anything compost able to the compost bin. It takes me about a month to fill the bin. Each compost bin is 4feet by 6 feet. When the bin is full, I turn it once into the bin beside it. I have 5 bins in a row. I always have one bin being made, and one bin ready for use
  21. I have large compost bins. I rake out the chook pen every second Sunday and spread it in the compost. I then cover with a mix of wasted hay and cow poo. I chuck a bucket or two of green stuff in to the chook pen every day, what they don't eat gets raked up and composted at the same time I have 20 silky chooks
  22. My grandmother has one. She has very bad hips, has had the one side replaced 3 times and come out of socked 5 times. She uses this knee pillow to keep her hips in the right place when she sleeps
  23. We are taking it very seriously in Australia. Like I have said before most people here would like to go for elimination. The only way to suppress this monster is to be very serious about isolation and distancing. If we as a country weren't then the figures would be way way higher here
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