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Everything posted by freesia

  1. No, no you are not the only one 😂
  2. Great news! What a good Thanksgiving you’ll have—so much to be thankful for ❤️
  3. Sorry about your kids! Only one of mine isn’t here, but they are all getting older so I know it won’t be long before we don’t get many home.
  4. Prep’s going fine here. My boys are here 😃. I made two pumpkin pies ( one is for Christmas) and a cheesecake. Dh made the cranberry relish. Bread is cut for the stuffing. I just need to cut the celery and onions. Extra table for the serving dishes is up and the roaster is clean. I love Thanksgiving so much ❤️
  5. 6 hours! It washes the clothes for 6 hours? All the washers I’ve ever had have only taken about 45 minutes. Is there a long soak phase?
  6. Ds, too. He gave me a hug and said nice Mom. Lol. At fall break it took him a few days. I think he’s getting more sleep and is less stressed because he’s gotten a handle on his classes.
  7. He’s home 💕Lots of traffic, stuck behind a crash for 1 1/2 hours, rain, fog, but we made it 😃
  8. Heart, try not to be mortified, ok. Landlords see all different sorts of people and situations. If anything he will be happy you have family support as a back up.
  9. I’m leaving tomorrow to pick up ds! Excited to see him. He’s been more communicative lately so I think it will be a good break. He did well on his Calculus exam so I think he’s finding his footing and should be able to keep his scholarship. As long as he keeps taking things seriously.
  10. I don’t know. I don’t completely agree with Faith-manor. When someone changes the family system by acting out of role, there is push back. Ting, I recommend you get counseling to help you with your boundary setting. You can stand up for yourself and say no. He will push back bc that’s your system—but that doesn’t mean you have to change. So you hate the grocery bill? He doesn’t have to stay home, you don’t have to stay home. It’s not a good weekend for your family. That’s ok. If he chooses to go hunting to help the family, then he can explain that to his sister.
  11. I took swing dance with my dh. The unpartnered people usually were paired up by the the teacher. She seemed to have a friend or two who came to be an extra partner. Then she did partner with one of them, too. There was a lot of switching partners which helped with learning the dances.
  12. If you do feel you should have veg, when we had DD’s soccer team over I did cut up celery and baby carrots with onion dip. It was a huge hit. ( So were the chili and potatoes I mentioned up thread.) To be honest the food the girls got at the dinners ranged from simple all the way to take out from Chipotle to restaurant visits. It didn’t seem to matter to anyone how it was handled.
  13. I would do chili and baked potatoes. Maybe have sour cream or cheese for toppings.
  14. I definitely have a cheesecake problem lol. We actually end up with about as many desserts as people because I don’t like pie and do a cheesecake and my people love pie. But we rarely have desserts around so we splurge on holidays.
  15. I may have done something like this when I knew my kids wouldn’t like dinner…. 😂
  16. But you can’t control them and what they should do. However, you don’t need to let them bully you and no matter what the reason they are doing it, it’s still bullying. It does them no favors to let them treat you this way.
  17. Actually I have been wondering about the neurodiversity aspect for Lecka bc I know her ds is ASD, right? Maybe there is a family link. I still think it calls for a direct approach of knock it off, but thinking that way might help my tone.
  18. Ooo I love broccoli salad! Would totally love it if you brought that to my house! Too bad only one son is coming with food. I’d even be happy to have you bring baked Mac and cheese even though no one here eats it! But definitely bring the broccoli salad!
  19. Yeah, I tell my bff it make a card for her times with her mom. I’ll have to tell her about that free bing site 😂
  20. Look then in the eyes and say—knock it off. If they say it’s just a joke say—I’m serious. Keep looking at them in the eyes to emphasize that fact.
  21. Did you make this or is this really a thing in some families?
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