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Everything posted by tntgoodwin

  1. Apparently the hero is some kind of teenage criminal mastermind. Dunno if that matters to you or not. :)
  2. Whichever your husband feels is best. My personal opinion would be no way, for many of the reasons stated here.
  3. We are thinking of enrolling our daughter in a virtual charter school for Kindergarten this fall. She would go to a classroom once or twice a week, and the rest she would do at home. This seems pretty good for our family situation. I have been all over the k12 website and checked it out as much as I could. I was wondering if any of you have an experience with it, and could share your thoughts, specifically regarding Kindergarten. Thanks! :lurk5:
  4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/156577146X/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=1278548962&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0817637079&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1KGKKYE2ZK0G4R2B06XD :D
  5. The way I see it is that we ALL deserve wrath, but mercy and love is shown when God chooses to spare some.
  6. My mom always just used contact paper on the covers of paperback books. Not sure if that helps at all.
  7. Of course mercy is an outgrowth of love. But there would be no need of mercy if wrath didn't exist...
  8. I would be very interested in further details. As well as any perceptions you have of any of the other schools there. Thanks!
  9. Phew! After reading through some other threads, I was beginning to feel like I was the only one who felt a deeper and more meaningful worship of God in these type of churches! Glad to see I am not alone! I have seen a few of you mention some churches in Hawaii...do you mind sharing which those were? I live on Oahu currently. What are your favorite worship songs? I really like "Revelation Song" and "How He Loves Us" (the version with "sloppy wet kiss").
  10. Ok, thanks! I didn't think so, but the bolded part that I quoted seemed to imply that, so I wanted clarification. :001_smile:
  11. Is the icon the only way to directly connect to Jesus in prayer?
  12. It is a republic. A Federal Constitutional Republic, more specifically. :)
  13. That is why I was asking, because the US doesn't have a democracy (thankfully!).
  14. Including, for example, the USA. What do you have in Australia?
  15. You all have set some great goals for yourselves! What can you be doing now to help make these goals a reality? :)
  16. So, at the beginning of this thread was a bit of excitement over this. I wonder if anyone has changed their minds in the last couple years? :lurk5:
  17. Bear in mind that there is some talk that the rebels are being supported by Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda and Qaddhafi don't get along.
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