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Everything posted by lamamaloca

  1. We just threw out some things dated 2003. I am SHOCKED to discover that new spices actually have a flavor!
  2. I guess I was just wondering about it in general -- whether it was well-liked, and effective, and how easy it is to use. I just don't hear much about it!
  3. Has anyone used this set? I'm not finding much info from people who have actually used it.
  4. That works for some kids, and doesn't work for others. I have a 3rd grader who can read fluently, well above grade level, and reads constantly, but can't spell even the most basic words. This has affected his desire to write, because he knows that he doesn't know the spelling, but can't get anywhere close to accurate on his own. I'm trying to find a spelling program that will work for him but is easy on me.
  5. I was just agreeing that even if she is happy with it now, her perspective may change as she ages. I don't know that it will, and I do think that the published excerpt likely did a disservice to the book (which I'd like to read), but I just don't think that it is conclusive that because the 18yo is defending her mother when her parenting was attacked, that this is an accurate picture of the quality of the parenting or the effect it had on the child. Children will often defend their parents to outsiders, even when the parents are in the wrong. My husband and his siblings at 18 would have defended their parents' parenting. Hell, in middle and high school my husband would get in fistfights because other kids would see the bruises on him while he was changing in gym class, they say "your parents beat you," and he'd beat them up to prove that his parents didn't. I should clarify that I doubt this mother was abusive in the way my husband's family was, I just don't think that we can take the words of her 18 year old as clear proof that it was all just fine.
  6. I disagree. My husband was raised in an abusive home, and it wasn't until he and his siblings were quite a bit older that they could acknowledge how abnormal and unhealthy their upbringing was. At 18 he was still getting regularly beat with the belt, after he'd moved back home after flunking out of college. Some of his siblings STILL can't acknowledge the problems in how they were raised, even with their dad in prison for child molestation (he never molested his own daughters, but molested their friends and his foster daughter and now a granddaughter). The problems in that household went far beyond that! However, it was normal for them and since they were intentionally isolated from other people, weren't allowed to have sleepovers, etc., they didn't realize how abnormal it was.
  7. She is absolutely being the rude one, unless there is a written expectation or requirement that all parents contribute to the class in some way, and you've been formally asked to help with childcare. I think the only way to handle it is to be direct -- "I'm sorry, I have hired a babysitter for my own children and I am not going to watch any other children at this time." Or make yourself scarce. Use that time to go sit in Starbucks and treat yourself for a couple weeks.
  8. CCLI has recently redesigned their program, and it is much simpler and more accessible in my opinion. I'd still recommend a class, for anyone using NFP, if only to have an experienced teacher to contact if you need help, but you could probably learn just using their student guide.
  9. I wouldn't wait on an evaluation. I would find out how to get one, whether private or through the public school, and deschool during that time.
  10. I love my Cuisenart food processor and use it all the time. Doing everything by hand was too hard on my wrist, hand and elbow joints.
  11. I think a lot of these results is due to the fact that many teachers AND students don't consider improving critical thinking, complex reasoning or even writing (the elements measured by the test cited) to be an essential part of college. College isn't about formation, it is about a step towards getting a job. Students don't expect to or desire to work, they want to get school done so they can get on with it. And on many campuses, campus social life is valued as much or more than education.
  12. I have heard from people that use Kolbe that they are VERY flexible and swapping out your own preferred materials is no problem.
  13. If you downloaded the teacher materials, you should have a link for a worksheet generator. You can make extra worksheets for any of the topics. I'm planning on doing this for my third grader as he goes through the clock and money sections. I'll print out an occasionally worksheet for multiplication facts review.
  14. I e-mailed to ask for the link, and she e-mailed it to me right away. I printed off the lesson from 1A that my six year old had been working on, so I could compare the new format to the old. The lesson had fewer problems overall, and the spaces to write were larger. I think this will definitely help my ds feel less overwhelmed with a page of math work.
  15. I think there are reading tests but I've never administered one to my kids. Many kinds of kids' literature have age ranges or grade levels somewhere on the cover or in the front of the book, I sort of use those to gauge things. I would say my 8 year old is ahead of grade level, based on the books he likes to read, like Percy Jackson. Last year I was worried that he was behind grade level, but he really took a leap forward and began reading constantly.
  16. Thanks so much for all the recommendations! I'm definitely going to look into Spelling Plus for my 3rd grader. :)
  17. I like having some kind of preset plan, for me to adjust and change afterwards. I like have a spine/plan to work off of, though. For the most part, we've used MODG as our base, but I'm looking at next year following the free plans from Mater Amabilis. I may stick to MODG for my older ones, and use some of the MA suggestions for the younger ones.
  18. I had finger surgery, rebreaking and resetting a bone, and two nail bed reconstructions. 10 years later it still doesn't look quite normal. My last knuckle joint is enlarged, and my finger nail still isn't right. So, somewhat enlarged? Could be normal. If it seems very swollen, especially if it is red and inflamed, it could be an infection. I seem to remember my finger taking a long time to heal, but I can't remember for sure. It is better to find a way to have it seen if in doubt.
  19. I find that Mother of Divine Grace already incorporates a lot of Charlotte Mason ideas. You need to schedule reading for the younger years as the schedules in the syllabi are very bare bones at that age, but they do have lots of book lists.
  20. I use and like Math Mammoth, but I believe that it only begins with first grade. She does have some recommendations for K level: http://www.mathmammoth.com/complete/kindergarten.php
  21. I'd recommend checking into SCHIP and Medicaid programs in your state. Many have quite high income limits for pregnant women, and often you can get them as a supplemental insurance if your own insurance does not have good coverage. http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=737&cat=15 Our last birth we paid out of pocket for a CPM, and paid about 2300 total, including the use of her informal "birth center" and any lab tests. I've changed my views on pregnancy and birth a lot since then, and with this little one we're going back to the hospital, and since we have fantastic insurance it won't cost us much at all.
  22. Oh, and our jingle bell door wreath is still up, but I always forget to take it down. Last year i'm pretty sure it was up until the summer.
  23. Our outside decorations are up, but we haven't been turning them on. We just haven't had a good time and good weather in order to take them down.
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