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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. I think it depends on the job. I hired my office manager ( the most incredible office manager I could ever hope for! ) because she asked me to hire her. She was selling ads for the local paper and handled our account. One day she just brought her resume and left it on my desk. I didn't need her right away but she was the first person who popped into my head whence did need her. I would never have advertised to fill the position.

  2. If it's good, it's training in how to think. The fact that people with philosophy degrees are doing something unrelated doesn't mean that the degree was useless.




    :iagree: Nothing we accomplish and learn can be considered useless. Every book I read, problem I solved, and paper I wrote getting my degree I really don't need in my job, made me better and more aware than I would have been otherwise. Homeschooling my kids did much the same thing for me, I think the books, the Latin, and all that history has made me a better voter, business owner, investor...I could go on forever. Having the tenacity to stick it out in college says a lot about a person, too.

  3. This I know:

    Smart is the new rich. Just get smarter, it is way cooler.:D

    Luxury cars are out.

    Huge houses are out. People are downsizing and the trend is to move toward urban areas, smaller houses, less stuff... I am 100% sure I am older than you and have been there, done that. I am in the middle of doing all this myself. Save yourself the trouble and MONEY and just skip it!

    Think micro...

    Your feelings right now are understandable and normal. Now just be your own awesome self and love where you are!

  4. I completely agree with this! My dh has been in construction since before I met him. Over the years, he tried to hire homeschool kids who wanted to learn a trade vs going to college. Time and time again he ran up against kids who just could NOT do the math because the parents REALLY thought they would never need it. One mom did NOT understand why dh couldn't just teach her son the math he needed to know to continue working, OR...have dh just figure it all out *for* him and tell him every little step to make. She basically wanted dh to babysit her son and then pay him for it.


    I don't want to offend anyone. I just want to encourage parents to INCREASE your vision for your children rather than narrow it. You really don't know what their futures hold or what they will decide they want to go for when they hit their adult years. Make sure they have the tools to shoot for the moon if they decide to do so!! :)


    Amen. I couldn't agree more.

  5. We, as a nation, have the resources to teach algebra to every child capable of grasping it. Not teaching it and expecting it is failing our kids. I use algebra all the time and disagree completely with the idea of only teaching kids what they think they might need for the rest of their lives. Algebra teaches more than just algebra skills, it also teaches problem solving and logic and we have a shortage of these skills on our planet. I want the public school system to expect the most from students AND teachers.

  6. When they were all living at home, my kids swam 6 days a week, at least 2 1/2 hours a day all year. Some nights we just had smoothies and popcorn.:D We lived 45 minutes from the pool so I always tried to have food ready in the car for after practice, sandwiches and such, but we ate a lot of spaghetti or smoothies and popcorn because it is just so difficult to get all that done.

  7. Nope. I married young, finished college late, and am an entrepreneur. I want her to finish med school (she is pre med now) and find herself a meaningful place of her own before she shares her life with a family of her own. My life is fun because I get to work with my husband and am surrounded by people I love all the time. I realize my situation would be difficult to recreate. She has a completely different personality and outlook, thank goodness! It is fun to watch her grow.

  8. I worked my way through college and medical school, and undertook considerable debt doing it. I simply can't imagine denying my kids a similar shot at a liberal arts education when their time comes, if they want one. College is the key to properity and security in the USA, and around the world. The numbers of people who can do a Bill Gates or Einstein are infinitessimal.


    I hate that college is so expensive, but I will bust my )(%$^& to get a good college education for my kids. It's worth it, both intellectually and career-wise.


    :iagree:Well said. I have 2 in a state university. It is not nearly as expensive as a private college. It has gotten a little less expensive since my oldest has moved into an apartment instead of university housing. I finished college late and paid for it myself. I value it, I think, because of this experience. They will finish graduate school and I will continue to work 7 days a week to pay for it. I'm at work now, as a matter of fact...

  9. Fantastic topic! I home schooled my kids, still am home schooling the youngest, for academic reasons. I was mortified by my public school options and the local private schools were all church based. After we home schooled for a while I realized that every day I learned a new reason to homeschool! I developed my purpose as I went along in the early days. My husband and I realized that we had the opportunity to make them life long learners, scholars, and we would work hard to give them options they could take advantage of their entire lives. I feel strongly that college is ever so helpful in giving a person more options than someone who doesn't have at least a 4 year degree. I now have a son who will be junior in college and is a pre law major, my daughter will be a sophomore and is pre med, and we hope that if nothing else, they will come away from their college experience with a diploma and a path to follow...and a lot of other paths they could wander off to without a lot of trouble.

    I completely understand why people don't value a degree as much. My husband didn't finish college and has been very successful anyway. He is a reader and has probably gathered more that way than he would have in a classroom. However, he insists that his life has been harder because of his lack of options (college degree) and he and I have never let our kids know they have the option of NOT going to college.

  10. When my babies were infants, my husband worked for a company that required us to go on company trips, many were cruises. I had no one to leave my kids with for an entire week so we always had to pay extra to take out children. I have taken an infant as young as 6 months on a cruise. We had a lot of fun! By the time my youngest came along I started taking our babysitter with us so it helped. The cruise was fine for the baby, it was easy to get around and the only problem was the crib in our incredibly tiny room. I recommend staying away from carnival because those seem to be geared less toward families and babies than the others...and they are terrible. :001_smile:

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