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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Thanks for the encouragement. I know that we could be ok in a different life than what we have now, because I've lived differently in the past. Dh was born breathing dairy air, and doesn't know how to survive anywhere else, or doing anything else.


    If we don't get out *right now*, we will probably end up a million or more in the hole. Dh can't see how to get out, and although disconsolate, is holding tight and praying for things to turn around. He just can't take the plunge to get out. So, the choice is A.) Get out now and try to salvage what we can, or B.) Continue to hold out as long as possible, with the hope that things turn around just enough that we can squeak by this time.


    Dh may be right, and I may be wrong. I just know that we've been through hard times before, but never had it look quite this bad. Around 60% of what we bring in is going directly to feed costs. Mortgage payments & property taxes take another huge chunk. After that, insurance for the coming year is over $100,000. Gas here is still over $4 per gallon. The cost of compliance with EPA requirements and other regulations is rising all the time.


    My dh works 7 days per week, starting at about 5 a.m. and finishing at about 6 in the evening every day. Working for someone else sounds like a relief to me, but sounds like death to dh.

    It has to be just awful for both of you, the emotions felt are unimaginable. He will make a lot of decisions you are going to question, it will go both ways. Please understand that after all of this is over, that won't matter one whit. All the times you laugh anyway and give each other an unexpected massage, shrug your shoulders when the news comes that the last decision was a costly one, tell your husband and his family that they are freaking awesome... all of that WILL matter. It is awful. I know. You are awesome.

  2. I've never had a business fail but I have lost almost everything due to bad investments early on, I guess it was 12 years ago or so. I can say now that I have a doctorate in surviving it intact. Yes, you can get through it. Yes, it is awful and you will have some horrible days. When we went through it, my mom told me that great, successful people have a tendency to lose everything once and then they have a tendency to come back and become more successful next time. You learn from it, avoid the mistakes of the past, realize how little material things actually matter, and have a tendency to understand the pain of others. We actually decided (after we went through it and could see the light at the end) that we would never be afraid of losing it all again and would be MORE entrepreneurial, more open to great ideas, and would follow our dreams more. We paid all of our debts, left no one or nothing hanging, survived with a lot of respect for each other and a stronger marriage, and we are having a blast with every new venture. Guess who is not afraid of losing? Me. Guess who doesn't have to do it often? Me. :D My advice is to praise everyone involved as often as possible. Self esteem suffers and your husband's family needs a lot of building up. Love, love, love each other. Learn from everything and see it as a learning experience. You will be fine and will be better and stronger. :001_smile:

  3. Boots in the winter and flip flops in summer, even at work. I have horrible looking runner's feet but I go for the comfort of flip flops, anyway. It really is fun to show houses and see how many pairs of shoes people have! I rotate my running shoes so I seem to have a lot of those. There's a time for fancy shoes and mine has passed. :D

  4. I still think about Butch a lot. I read her blog, and admired her. I was physically I'll when I read what someone posted using her name.


    They did the same thing to Colleen, posting under her name.


    Even though I miss the old format, I'm glad this one lessens the chance of anyone pulling that stunt again.


    It was so hateful.


    :) I am so happy to be able to read her blog again, I had forgotten... Is Colleen still around? I remember when she started running and when her dairy farm went organic. Awesome. I learned so much.

  5. I remember that. I don't remember why though.


    'cuz it was me! I was so upset when I got home and I just banged it out on the computer. I remember someone actually chiming in and correcting my grammar, spelling and tendency to swing from past to present tense. Then someone defended me, I got my feelings hurt... Another great board moment.:iagree:

  6. This may have happened on the old board, but I remember someone describing an experience she had when she took her kids to a doctor or dentist's office. Some lady kept talking to her about how she was sure that they were homeschoolers because apparently you can always tell homeschoolers by their shoes.

    Does anyone else remember this? :lol:


    That was me!!! That lady was so hostile! She said you could tell my kids were home schooled because they had nice shoes. She felt that home schoolers were elitist and trying to segregate from the poor kids in public school. There was not a lot I could say, mostly because I was completely taken off guard. She actually stood up and yelled at me! The sweet nurse finally came out and gently ushered her to the back. That was so upsetting!

  7. I started posting in 2004. My first post was about a spelling program for my oldest who was so smart he needed a spelling program in K :rolleyes:, and no one seemed to understand and told me I didn't need to do a spelling program in K, and I thought no one understood the level of genius I was dealing with :lol:.


    I think I was fourth once. I must've been up with a baby.


    I used to be threelops. The JGsomethingMom called me "threeb00bs" when we outed her :lol:.


    I remember you! I always liked your posts. :001_smile: I feel that boy genius truly needed Spelling Power. ;) remember that? I bought it and loved it but never used it. You had to be a lot tougher and smarter than me to figure out how to use it. It is better than an Ambien, though. I found I could read a couple of pages of it in bed and pass right out. Okay, it wasn't spelling power... What was it? It was a gigantic red spelling book.

  8. I remember all this stuff! Yes, seems like folks were more touchy, or more bluntly speaking, a few years back.


    IIRC, the multie accounts blowup/warning came with the gal who turned out to have three or four user names. I don't specifically remember it being a Brenda... Anyway, this gal also turned out to be a major troll, with a daughter that got pregn@nt by another hsing kid at co-op, etc, etc.


    Also, a rather tragic story, does anyone remember Butch? I think before the end of that situation she had more than one user name.

    Yes! Didn't Butch have goats! I think she was eventually banned.

  9. What a great story! :lol::lol:


    You all are bringing back to mind things long forgotten! I was completely a lurker because NO WAY did I want to step into some of those discussions and then get pulled away by babies and toddlers and come back to find my post blown to smithereens! :lol:


    There have definitely been some memorable threads over the years!


    I was ChristyinTN. I really didn't post much, either. I was sooooo emotionally involved in all of it, though. Remember the woman who had goats, maybe in Oregon? She had cancer, I think. She would smack people around a little with her very blunt words and then would be banned. She had a blog, I think it was about goats, too. She was always quite entertaining. I hope she is still alive and writing about her goats.

  10. No, I feel very strongly that some in the media know that the more they scare people, the more attentive they are. I am a business owner and a home builder, business is good. Values are down but people are buying, moving and working. Not everybody...but I know it is getting better. Amazon just hired 1000 people in my town. :D

  11. Before I contribute, I just want to say that I am not the Brenda everyone is talking about! She had that awesome camping checklist. I don't remember any kerfluffle about her using multiple accounts, I'm pretty sure she was legit. There was another woman from Texas though . . .


    With the election coming up, we should all be reminded of our "punishment" (maybe 2 elections ago?) when the boards were down for several days because no one could be civil!


    I was reminded of the peeing thread recently when a family member told me they are training their child to sit - because of the boards - I knew better than to offer my opinion!


    I don't think that was the same Brenda, either. The dishonest Brenda was from Georgia. The honest Brenda was fantastic, just very RIGHT about it all. :lol: She would have never done that. I think she moved to Hawaii. I hope she is doing great.

    I don't think I was around for the boards going down during an election. I have come and gone a few times. I can only imagine it was necessary!

    Does anyone hear from Colleen?

  12. I joined in late 2004/early 2005, so remember those, but I'm not sure about the Dyson threads---maybe I'm too new for those ;). I don't know that the religious ones are any worse now than then, but it is nice to be able to skip them entirely without waiting for the entire page to go by. Wasn't that the start of the "CC" stuff so that folks on dial-up wouldn't have to waste time and bandwidth because the title was vague?


    Yes, I believe so, it was nice to be able to skip it, finally. When The Well Educated Mind came out we were so excited and all went out and bought copies of Don Quixote. I couldn't read it. I'm lame like that. I was so frustrated with myself that I was telling my husband about it at dinner over a bottle of wine. He said, "You know, you could just go to college instead." So I went home, all hopped up on wine, got on the computer and signed up for online classes through my local college. I have a BS now. :D I owe it all to Cervantes and his ability to bore me silly.

  13. Oh, how I remember Saxon vs Singapore! Yes, that debate still rages, but it's so dang mild compared to the old days, lol. I even remember the poster I went round for round with the most - Brenda (it was so early on that we had lots of members who just used their first name to sign on, no further details needed). Of course, I was perfectly reasonable and open to new ideas, while she was close-minded and stubborn . . . I'm sure she remembers it exactly the same way, lol.

    Brenda! That's who I was trying to remember! That's hilarious.

  14. Remember when SWB would pipe in and tell everyone to chill out? :) That was awesome. I remember her actually explaining that we weren't really a community and that we needed to understand that you can't read someone's tone on a forum. It was always fun. I remember one night she joined us and was joking about needing to hurry up and go into labor with her daughter. I think she was due any day and simply miserable. That was awesome.

  15. I forgot about the peeing... I bought a dang Dyson because of all that and I so dislike it. :D:D I used Saxon, I was never actually able to get on VegSource at all, maybe I was banned from the get go? ;) Remember all the crazy techy sleuthing when someone was suspected of not being who they said they were? I actually think the religious conversations are much more heated now than they were then. That's sad. I am just so happy the board is still here.

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