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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. You all are so sweet. :) Thanks for all the empathy. I could not get my vein in my forehead to stop throbbing all day yesterday, I could feel my pulse in my eyeball! That lasted all day long! Karma is ugly and I think it'll haunt someone, probably already is haunting them. I don't think happy people steal. We are busting our butts to make a go of all of this, NO days off for a very long time for my husband and we work very hard. We sat and had a beer on our way home last night from both of our late appointments and decided we are going to work hard to make sure we don't stay mad about it. It really is just fuel for more energy.

  2. We have purchased a home and are in the middle of the zoning process to turn it into our new office. We have gutted and finished it out on the inside and out. Someone broke in, backed up a trailer and loaded up approximately $4000 worth of carpet, tools and equipment, the new stove top, the refrigerator, shelving, light fixtures and faucets, the dang LIGHT BULBS, some serving dishes I had in the kitchen, and much more. We lose air units and appliances a lot, we are used to it because we build, sell and manage a lot of property. This was just so MUCH! I figure we lost about $10,000 worth of stuff and our contractor doing the actual refurb lost more than that in tools and equipment. Insurance does not cover theft of contents when the house is vacant.

    I am gobsmacked. I was just angry all day yesterday. My husband, after a good long run in the heat, proclaimed that the only way to cope with anger is to just get out there and sell a lot, make some money, and build more business. We will use it for fuel, he says. :) That's why I married him.

    We are scouring craigslist and when our stuff pops up, we will see it. I think there is a disconnect, sometimes people see a business and they see unlimited resources? Insurance coverage? I don't know, this actually comes out of my family's income. It is the money we use to pay tuition for college, buy books, pay for vehicles and food, our mortgage... I'm just sad, I guess, and when we figure out who did it I will be even more sad. I think it is someone who has worked for us out there.

  3. I have to run at least 45 minutes a day or I just can't handle the stress. Lately, it has been very important and I have to find the time for it. Anything that is aerobic works wonders and actually gives you more energy. Today I needed to run at 10 am because I thought my head might explode from stress and I remembered that I ran at 6 am. :tongue_smilie: Advil had to suffice. I need this month to end. I have a large vein in my forehead that is not getting smaller.

  4. I own a business with my husband so my experience is different than most. We work all the time, it seems, and it really isn't fun. However, I have flexibility and a fantastic relationship with my husband. I am sitting here at my kitchen table eating a veggie burger and talking to you all because my youngest son had basketball camp and I needed to bring him home. I am going back to work, though. I have the ability to leave when I need to, homeschool my son in my office, and set my schedule around my kids. My life is privileged and I know it.

    In response to the article, no I don't think we on can "have it all" comfortably, without doubt and regret. I'm not completely sure what "having it all" means, but I certainly don't and I have it better than anyone I know. I don't sleep well most of the time and right this second my chest is hurting and I keep grinding my teeth. I have employees, taxes to pay, my stupid phone rings all the time and I really want to go get in the pool. I have two kids in college who need me to listen, nurture, and provide for them. My little guy is such a joy and needs me to listen to lots of his stories about his daily adventures. My husband is the most incredible man I have ever met and even though we work together, I don't feel like I get to see him enough. I am responsible for my home. I am a daughter and I honestly am not a very good one. I stay sane by running and practicing yoga. I run marathons. Society has placed the extra burden of manicures and pedicures (I've never had either) and the fashion police. Nice. When did the crazy manicure expectation happen? I volunteer with the CASA organization, have a bunch of homeless people I love and give money to when I run by them, and we support a few others when they need it. We are not wealthy, when we need money, we work harder and longer and are grateful to be able to do so.

    I can't do it all. I can't have it all. As a woman, and as much as I dislike labels, I am a feminist, I resent that we all have to lumped together with the expectations of others. Having it all may mean being able to provide for my family monitarily, emotionally, physically and mentally without dropping any balls. Nope, I drop them all the time but so do men. We are not better or smarter than men, they can't do it and neither can we.

    I am headed back to work and am grateful for my sweet neighbor who has taken my son to the pool with her kids. She works nights and home schools. We make a good team. She doesn't have it all either. ;) I enjoyed the article because she is right and society has to give us a break, just like we need to give ourselves one. I won't have it all but I will have a good marriage, well educated, articulate, and resourceful kids, a fit body, healthy emotions, and a way to make a living. I won't have a mani/pedi.:D

  5. I work full time and my husband does, too. Everybody works here. 18 year old and 16 year old work and go to college and clean their own space here. Oldest is just home for the summer. 12 year old is home schooling all summer and works around the house. We clean our two offices, the pool and our house. Everyone has their own bedroom and their own bathroom and they clean their own! We switch out who cleans the kitchen every night. I do laundry every day but everyone knows how and helps with it. Our house is not exactly clean but it isn't dirty either. I could not do this on my own!

  6. We will be watching in our home. My daughter swims in an able body and adaptive swim team and two of her team mates made the Paralympic team (Paralympic = elite physically disabled athletes) which is two weeks after the Olympics, including a third gentleman that her Coach worked with for a few months right after he lost his eyesight in September.


    We have one more good friend to cheer on in the Paralympic track trials that start on Friday.


    That's just cool.

  7. Oh, gosh, I am so sorry. I had all three of mine in the summer and it was just miserable. With my first, I gained so much weight and was just a big hot mess and the only way I could sleep was in the pool on a raft. I was brown as a biscuit that summer! :) He weighed 9lbs and 4 oz! No wonder I was miserable! Also, two weeks overdue by my calculations. That giant baby is starting his junior year of college in the fall and is 6'4" and loves to hang out in the pool with me, still. I hope your last few weeks get easier. Maybe they'll just fly by...

  8. I wonder if that word is just a culture issue. I hear it occasionally and it never ceases to take me off guard. People use it when referring to a situation or a decision, not a person, and it seems to come from people who might otherwise be sensitive to derogatory labels. Maybe they've just thought about it? What a terrible time for you to have to deal with the stress. I'm sorry. Sensitivity training in the workplace is a valuable tool.

  9. This is a theological question, not a grammatical one. The Romans certainly talked about their gods in the plural as a group, and in the singular when need be. Generally Christians talk about the trinity in the singular. An interesting note (to me at least), is that while Christians use the vocative case for addressing God frequently, the Romans never did, it just wasn't the way they interacted with their gods.


    That is the explanation I needed. Thank you so much!

  10. I need to add, it is a tool for the parenting toolbox. Staking, like everything else, is not right for every kid or every family and certainly it isn't right for every occasion. We are not rigid people and we didn't stifle her. She still had her email, facebook, twitter, etc and had her own room and eventually got her stuff back. She needed to be removed from a bad situation and re-focused on reality. It worked. I can completely see how horrible it would be if the family happened to be one that didn't value personal space.

  11. My older kids learned Latin in the 3rd grade through the 8th grade, but I wasn't the one teaching them most of that. I outsourced. :D Well, those outsourcing days are over and I've brought my youngest home (office, actually) to home school and he is starting Latin for the first time. We are going through Henle Latin together and it is just so much fun.

    Today we learned that Deus (God, duh) is only declined in the singular form, not the plural. Is this because there is one god? What about Christ? Can you continue declining in the plural with Christ? Thanks for your help! Christy

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