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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. My husband and I own a real estate company and we are both realtors. We don't list both our names and have a picture of the two of us on the sign, that is sort of creepy. :) we have 16 agents so I primarily run the office because it is a busy place. We manage property for ourselves and for our Clint's, also. Real estate is fantastic because we have freedom. I home school our son in our office! The down side is the schedule. Dh took his first day off in a month on Sunday. We work 7 days a week. Our phones start ringing at 7 ish, even on Sunday. Yes, insurance is expensive.

    I recommend working as a buyers agent for a busy, successful realtor in the beginning. You learn the ropes while benefitting from their experience, get your name established and get paid! Let me know if you need any advice, I love my job. We solve problems for people and it doesn't get old. :001_smile:

  2. I just had to run to the bank and heard an interview on NPR with someone from the Sikh community.When asked what we can do to show support, he responded that it would be kind to attend the local Gurdwara and to pray with them. This made my heart happy. Anyone with experience? I just read the website of the local temple so I get that we need a scarves (my daughter wants to go, too) but I am curious to hear your suggestions. Thanks!

  3. It's very interesting reading the wide variety of responses. Our situation is the reverse position - my wife works full-time outside the home and I'm the teacher. One great benefit in our situation is that she gets one or two days off each week (her workdays are long), although these days tend to be busy with shopping errands, doctor visits, etc. We share cooking & cleaning with different emphases and my wife helps out occasionally with schooling. We're discussing having her be the writing coach this year.


    The idea of a contract between us doesn't really work - our contract would be under renegotiation constantly. The reality of our lives is that when evening rolls around we are both exhausted but there is still more work left to do than we have time for. We also want some time both individually and together to wind down.


    It's an important first step for us both to acknowledge all these truths. We both could easily use all the available time at the end of the day to wind down individually, but that would have bad results! It's also not sustainable for one or both of us to keep toiling all evening long. We really have to wrestle with what is most important and what is realistic for us. It's critical to keep the mindset that we're on the same team because when we're worn out it's easy to grumble at each other. We could not survive if we weren't honest and open and committed to making it work as best we can together.


    Nice. I like this very much.

  4. I am constantly disappointing my mother. Things I am not: a supporter of the Tea Party, a social conservative, active in church (neither is she :001_huh:), keeper of a spotless home, listener of conservative news channels and radio. Oh, I forgot, I don't eat chicken. :tongue_smilie: Evidently, she is the owner of all opinions and perspectives and I embarrass her. It's fantastic. :tongue_smilie:

    What I am: a successful business owner who with a husband of 22 years am able to send 2 children to a university without any aid, finished college on my own, homeschooled 3 incredible children, the most beautiful marriage I could ever imagine, great friends from many backgrounds and cultures, and proud social liberal/fiscal conservative Christian non churchgoer embracing Buddhism and working so hard to be a good person, friend, daughter, wife, mother and community member.

    It is incredibly hurtful. I miss my dad.

  5. It sounds like it's time to re-negotiate the contract you have with your dh. In other words, you are disatisfied with the demands placed on you vs. the demands placed on him. It sounds like he is o.k. with the contract you currently have in place so has little motivation to listen to your needs/desires for change.

    You need to list what you are willing to do. What you want him to do. Details you want changed. What you are not willing to do and have a sit-down with the man.


    It doesn't matter what my dh does- we've been together almost 3 decades. Believe me, we've done a fair amount of negotiating, and our circumstances, expectations, demands, kids, $ are totally different than yours.

    Work your marriage. What are your expectations? What are your needs? What are your frustrations? What is your line in the sand? What are your needs? Wants?


    This is excellent advice.

  6. We both work full time+ so ours is a little different but I might be able to offer a little advice. I am the primary educator for our son but we do at least share the actual responsibilities. Honestly, I don't want him messing around in my plans! ;) We try to read a common book occasionally, I will get several copies and we read it simultaneously and discuss during dinner. DH and our son are currently reading Naked Economics together, this was all their doing. DH is constantly reading books on economics and ds found this one at the library and announced he and dh would be reading it together. I love homeschooling...

    As for everything else, no one gets to sit around and play video games while someone in the house is still up and working. Maybe a blanket, "Let's start putting all electronics off until such and such day or time of day so the kids don't start any crazy habits" to get him to put down the controls? It is just nice if everyone knows they are in this together. My dh cleans the litterbox and takes all the garbage out every morning. He cleans the juicer after we juice and will clean the kitchen a couple of nights a week. I am in charge of all plumbing, repairs, and upkeep. I generally don't work in our office as many hours as he does. No one sits around while anyone else is working is a good policy.

  7. Does he know what access he has to public transportation? My son just finished his first year at a university. He worked part time at a mall several miles away. He had a wreck on his way to work one afternoon and it was going to take a couple of weeks to get it fixed. I drove there to get e rental car for him and was informed that he couldn't drive it until he turns 21. We passed a bus stop on our way back to the campus and the rest is history. :D During orientation they had given every student their very own bus pass. He was able to get on a bus right across from his dorm and was deposited at the door of the mall! For free! After that he says he and his friends started using the buses as their sober ride home. They got to know the late night bus drivers, Otis is their favorite, and no one drinks and drives. I am a public transportation fan for life. :D

  8. I wish it were always this uncomplicated. Unfortunately with MIL you must be the right kind of Christian which means you are a YEC, believe the bible is 100% literal, and you must weave Christianity and American history together otherwise you are what is wrong with the US. There is one caveat - you can be a certain radio personality who has different religious views but it is ok because she "knows he has the Lord in his heart."


    Lol. I think maybe I share a mom with your Dh? She isn't speaking to me right now, it is crazy. Thing is, I am not trying to debate her, change her mind, or even bring any of it up at all! I totally respect these views even if I don't share them. I wish my mother and your mil felt the same. :)

  9. No religion here and it has been difficult. My mother defriended me on Facebook so her friends wouldn't see that support gay rights. I embarrass her, evidently. She currently isn't speaking to me because I didn't support the whole chic fil a silliness. She missed my daughter's birthday party because of it. I come from a Southern Baptist background and my husband's family was Pentecostal. I am still Christian and embracing Buddhism, Dh is agnostic. It is not getting easier.

  10. I heard someone on NPR discussing the fact that it tends to be people who are disappointed with their successes, perhaps they haven't accomplished their goals or their lives haven't turned out as they had expected. This can lead to doomsday theories and feeling the end is near.

    My son attended a school last year. He loved the school, had lots of friends and did well academically. However, he vomited almost every Friday..all evening and into Saturday. We thought it was a recurring virus. We took him to a gastroenterologist who felt he was simply reacting to stress. She said it was textbook because he feels strongly about the emotions of those around him. The stress was 2 teachers who were constantly telling the kids they were aa part of the worst generation, the second coming is just around the corner, and that their class was the worst class ever in that school. This completely stressed him out and would lead to uncontrollable vomitting. He hasn't vomited one time since school ended, now we are homeschooling.

  11. No one in my house can focus on what someone is reading to us. :D I have always had to let the kids (when they were younger) do something with their hands while we read directions, lessons, books, etc. I would imagine you would lose me after about 5 seconds of reading directions and I am 43! I am sure we all have ADHD, it is cool, it is serving us well. :D Maybe let him use all those legos while you read?

  12. That's just wrong.


    Yes, it is crazy. We are self employed and this is the most economical way to handle it, obviously. Otis actually okay, though. It has forced us to be acutely aware of the costs. A couple of years ago, my husband had to get a new life insurance policy due to being part of a business ownership. The bank holding the loan on the building involved requested it. He had to have a physical so I called around to get prices on physicals and had a specific list of what needed to be done. The cost varied DRAMATICALLY. We went with the less expensive one and found the most wonderful doctor in the process. She is young, originally from India and vegetarian, a marathon runner, and has a wonderful way of really communicating with us. We loved her...so of course she moved away. :glare: the experience with the prices taught us to shop around for healthcare. We have a health savings account which covers deductibles and such and helps with our tax insanity. I actually wish everyone had the incentive to be conscious of what their health care actually costs. I believe costs would go down as a result. Competition is beautiful.

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