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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Organize your own food drive! Learn about the Backpack Program, the information will change you. Find out which organization, if any, supplies the food for kids who are hungry and collect food for them.

    My company is collecting Christmas gifts for kids in foster care or who are being drug through our local court system and child services department. Some of the "most wished for" gifts are actually pajamas, robes, shoes, boots, purses, and such. The thing a lot of people forget is that all sizes of kids are in foster care, women's sizes, large sizes...there are teenagers! If you don't know any social workers, you might contact CASA in your area or DCS.

  2. We are fortunate to have friends from different religious backgrounds so our kids have always had a healthy respect. My husband and I were raised Christian but are now very liberal in our beliefs, still Christian, though. Haven't been to church in many years. We are leaning towars Christianity while embracing the philosophy of Buddhism. Maybe a zen practice? I recently learned here that this may be the correct term for it. :D

    I have two children in a huge university and one still at home, 8th grade. I am finding my older two are having less respect for Christianity because of a lot of the misinformed people they are encountering. We are having to talk about it more just so they understand the big picture. Because of this, I may do a religions study with my youngest. I wouldn't mind taking him through one of Karen Armstrong's books. I just feel so strongly that through education we find understanding and respect. I wish some of my relatives would read a book or two. Their Facebook status updates yesterday made my heart hurt. :crying:

  3. I listened to the audio version of her Marriage...book a few years ago. She is the narrator. I cried so hard right there on the treadmill at the gym. When her husband dies, her voice is so full of emotion and she has to pause and start again. I love that book and her. What a wonderful woman. I cried again driving down the road when NPR announced her death. My kids and the people at the gym are aware of my emotional disorder. ;)

  4. Evidently, this thread awakened some tiny rebellious spark in me, because I'm currently sporting pigtails. They look quite ridiculous and I won't be leaving the house this way, but I still feel kind of empowered. :)


    Of course, this thread has also made me want a pony.


    Lol. I was thinking about doing that, too. :D I wear mine pulled back in a ponytail all the time and I don't guess I have worn it in two pigtails since I was maybe 3 years old. I think I am going to try it now.

  5. no, I wouldn't file anything, I wouldn't press charges or anything...I would hit him square in the face. I am a business owner, I have worked hard to compete in a very competitive arena. No one touches me or I will hurt them. That's how men do it. I don't know what a theoretical person would do nor would I advise someone else to do it, but that is what I would do. I am 5'4" and weigh approximately 120lbs. A man slapping my butt takes all my dignity away and that is not acceptable. It is not about sex, it is dignity. Not long ago we had some men working on our landscaping in front of my office. Every time I walked in they said rude things. One of my co workers told me to set them straight to keep someone else from having to do it for me. hmmmmmm exactly. I have dignity, and the respect of everyone around me. I will always handle things just like the men do.

  6. I've been struggling to limit carbs. Obviously, LC would be the way to go.


    I do feel positive effects from taking zinc, though they are not measurable (I have not been checking blood sugar). I also take ceylon cinnamon, though I really don't know if it's helping. I don't track things strictly, but I seem to be having much more regular cycles than before.


    Running also seems to help me a lot (when I'm running regularly, lol).


    There simply HAS to be a hormonal balance thing associated with lots of aerobic activity. It helps so much.

  7. I had to laugh at your comment- I have run three marathons (back in the day...) and can ABSOLUTELY sympathize with impulsively buying and eating a rack or ribs in the car the next day...


    :D Oh, good! I can still feel the emotion and it has been several years ago. I could not control myself! LOL! Now I am sure my body wouldn't digest it. Before I stopped eating meat, I found that I could do certain yoga poses and that seemed to alleviate the pain and even change some of the symptoms, I guess something had to happen hormonely? I don't know enough about it to even speculate.

  8. I don't know what the PCOS diet is, I will look it up. I can tell you my experience with it, though. I suffer from PCOS. I stopped eating meat and dairy a few years ago and haven't had one single issue. I had cysts that were so bad that I had to take a muscle relaxer and go to bed until they burst or whatever they did. It was awful. I, for other reasons, stopped eating meat and dairy and had no problems at all. Ever. I ran a marathon several years ago and the very next day went to a funeral. The man who died was a dear friend and was just a big eater. During the funeral, the pastor talked about going to his home and always finding ribs cooking and a pig being smoked, etc. My mouth started watering. I had been vegan for a year or so and had trained my butt off for this race and was completely depleted. I left the funeral, drove straight to a grocery store and bought a rack of ribs (the ones fully cooked and ready to eat under a heat lamp) and ate them in the car in the parking lot. I ate the whole thing, no napkin, nothing to drink, nothing. I had sauce all over my face! My kids still talked about how I looked when I got home. Then I ate meat every day after that and ended up with a very painful cyst not long after. I lived like that for several months and figured out what was going on. I have been vegan ever since and haven't had to take a pill and go to bed since.

    I know how crazy it may sound but it works for me. I hope you find some relief.

  9. Yes, we have this program at my school. We do an ongoing internal school food drive for it, and our local churches help with it at the elementary school level. Test scores have gone up since we started this program at our school. Children who know from where their next meal is coming can relax and learn better.


    That is my hope. The program I have started is to work to remove all obstacle for kids so they can grow, thrive and learn and succeed. I am going to connect the programs with the people who can help. I want to have the best educated kids in the world right here in my town. I think we start with feeding them, making sure their shoes fit, and they have resources. I live around a lot of fantastic people, I know if they just know the needs they will meet them.

  10. I just attended a meeting where I met with a coalition of people working with different agencies in my community. They meet to share ideas, resources and opportunities. I am new, I am creating social media and a web site to connect them, the needs of children in my community, and the people who will help them. I am humbled. The backpack program identifies hungry kids in schools and sends food home with them in backpacks so they can eat dinner when they get home. A local church is doing a food drive for this program this month. Who knew? I read the local paper and am active in the community and I had no freaking idea! Now that I know about it....EVERYONE else is going to know, too. I did some calling around. I live 4 blocks from an elementary school where there are 45 of these kids. :crying: I had no idea.

  11. Why is it necessary for young children to attend funerals. I have never, ever understood. Don't we make the most difficult rules for one another! As long as someone is going to show up, you don't have to. I decided when I got married that I was going to understand the rules I followed as an adult or I wouldn't necessarily follow them. Your mother isn't thinking clearly. Give yourself a break. Take the kids to eat, grab some tea, relax. Dont regret the decision.

  12. I was having a baby while all of this happened. I know 9/11 is a sad day for so many, but while I take the time to remember our country as a whole who went through this, it's a time of awesome celebration for us. A light in the tunnel sort of...good stuff happened that day too. :)


    Oh, so true. I had a baby during the OJ Simpson trial. The video is hilarious. It is hard to focus on the event without noticing Marsha Clark. ;)

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