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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Dated for a couple of months, he went back to college so we dated other people and only talked a couple of times, he came back in May, we moved in together in June, married in August. Crazy, I know. I would kill my kids if they acted like we did. We have been together for 22 years and are very happy even if our beginnings were a little crazy. :001_smile:

  2. Good morning! Awwww, thank you all so much and yes I am a little better today. I didn't sleep much because my entire face was draining. :tongue_smilie: I got up and went for a run, though. The trick will be to keep this from settling in my chest. When this happens it turns into bronchitis and I just don't have the time. I ran to seeif I could pound and breathe it out. Iwillletyou knowhowthat turns out...

    To all of you who are sick, too, I wish lots of wellness and chocolate almond milk ice cream for you today. :D Be well!

  3. Maybe it is allergies? Maybe taking the red eye, no sleep and funky airplane air didn't help me? Maybe I have a respiratory gunk? I went to work this morning and just got sicker as the day wore on. I am miserable. My husband just came home, took one look at me and went back out to buy dinner for he and our son and some chocolate almond milk ice cream for me. Now all I can do is sit here and cry because someone loves me that much. He had me at the take out...

    That's how sick I am. Now I shall find my favorite quilt and a box of Kleenex and resort to Netflix. You all are wonderful. Good night.

  4. skip the e-mail; you need to be in the principal's office tomorrow a.m. to follow up. Make sure they follow the discipline code and file a report. Find out whether your child was unsupervised or the perp needs a 1:1 aide.


    This. Without a doubt. Be there when the teachers and staff get there in the morning. Time for a group meeting. I need this to come up any time someone brings up how unsocialized home school kids are...

  5. I can top that and hopefully make you feel better! My oldest son, complete with an academic scholarship to the a major state university, great ACT scores, and a pre law major...failed the test given at Krystal, the risky dink hamburger chain here in the south. Everyone passes that test. He did get a job at Brookstone and sells gadgets, much better for his ego, but still...:001_huh:

  6. Diaper cream works well to prevent the blisters, as does petroleum jelly mixed with a teensy bit of alcohol. I can't stand the thought of petroleum jelly. :P You will get better advice about the blood blisters... but I pop them with a staight pin and keep running in my new shoes. This happened to me 2 pairs of my child current Mizuno ago and now I just have giant calluses. NOT pretty but my knees feel great.:)

  7. I really should try just ignoring the annoying people. I wonder how many friends I'd have left? So many were friended b/c of the 4H club we left last year. No real hard feelings there, just had to cut something from the schedule. But, those particular 4H people are big one-uppers.


    Hmmm, maybe I should try twitter. About the people from the past. I have mixed feelings about reconnecting with quite a few of them. We are very different now than when we were younger. For now, we've decided to stay in hiding. :lol: We don;t want to open any cans of worms.


    On a side note...Does twitter have cupcakes or macaroons?


    You will love Twitter! It takes some getting used to, but it is neat. I follow several newspapers, NPR, Nat Geo, Wired, Mental Floss, etc and get article links constantly. It is nice to be able to just peruse the headlines and read what looks neat. Teenagers are still pretty free to post what they want because they know grandma isn't on there yet. ;)

  8. I like to hide the updates from people who annoy me. I keep them as "friends" but just don't have to look at their silliness unless I go to their pages. I am keeping my FB. I just got to have dinner with a dear old friend that my husband and I worked with some 23 years ago. He lives near San Diego and the only reason we KNOW that is because he found us last year on FB! That is only one example of friendships and family relationships that we have been able to re-establish because we have a presence on social networking. I am a fan.

    I am enjoying Twitter much more than FB. I get most of my news updates there and my kids are still on Twitter so I get to see what they do at college in the middle of the night. :eek: I follow Steve Martin on Twitter. That's enough to keep me on there!

  9. When mine were young we did 3 loads a day. They were on a year round swim team and my husband and I are runners so the laundry can get offensive pretty quickly. :tongue_smilie: Now I still start a load when before I go to work, reload when I get home, and never really get it all folded. We refer to our dining room as our formal folding area. :D Monday is sheet day.

  10. As usual, your advice was awesome! I would have needed to check a couple of weeks in advance for Alcatraz tickets, so that was a no go. :thumbdown: We took off our first morning to rent bikes to ride to the Golden Gate bridgeand were too early (we can't stop waking up early, even on vacation) and ended up walking from Fisherman's Wharf to and across the bridge and then all the way to Sausalito! We had a fantastic cup of coffee and a bagel there with the most spectacular view EVER. Our tired bones said to take the ferry back. :D and what do you know? There's a bar on the ferry! Had a fantastic local ipa and headed back to the hotel. :cheers2:

    We ate everywhere and enjoyed every meal. We loved the public transportation in San Fran! Bought a clipper card and had no problems. We loved the awesome Thai restaurant we found in North Beach. The farmers market at the Ferry Building was simply awesome and the vegan donuts...what is more awesome? :D Chinatown was uh...busy! I knew what the temps would be and took warm clothes but we still froze our butts off. The World's Cup was happening which made our morning runs super interesting and the breathtaking view of the bay made it hard to head back for a shower. The Occupy Protesters made me laugh, the homeless people were plentiful but never intimidating, and the diversity of the city was fantastic.

    We got to meet up with some dear old friends before we left and had a wonderful trip. note: I am too old to ever take a red eye home and have to work all day after. Not a great way to come home!

  11. Do you know anyone who is ordained or is simply a minister? We haven't attended a church in many years nor do we home church. My youngest did decided to become a Christian and "ask Jesus to be in his heart." :D he was 7 or 8. My dad is a minister and was thrilled to baptize in our swimming pool. We believe that baptism is a way to announce you faith and commitment. We invited some friends who were Christians and a bunch who were not. It was beautiful and we all went swimming after!

  12. Yes, and from where I'm sitting, the closest universities don't present the opportunities that another, farther university does. ALL of my kids community college credits transferred...because we made sure they took the right ones. The college wasn't the issue, the decisions were. The original post was about costs. Did that seem cavalier?


    And, Lisa, I don't mean to snap.

  13. And, from where I'm sitting, you don't go to certain universities if you want to study certain areas. If I lived in Blacksburg...Tech is the closest university. If my child wanted to study Communications, Tech would be a very, very poor choice. Conversely, you don't usually send engineers/hard science majors to UMW or JMU. For general courses of study, most things in the humanities, you may be fine...for other things, not so much.


    I spent over a decade working with college students on the debate circuit, many of my former colleagues and students are now professors at various universities (too many to list), and rightly or wrongly, I do tend to trust their opinions much more than the college brochures and listing of majors.


    Yes, and from where I'm sitting, the closest universities don't present the opportunities that another, farther university does. ALL of my kids community college credits transferred...because we made sure they took the right ones. The college wasn't the issue, the decisions were. The original post was about costs.

  14. Well, of course it "matters," but reality matters, too.


    If I can afford -- or my kid can get enough aid -- to send my son or daughter to any school, anywhere, without regard to cost, then the primary consideration would be which school is "the best" for the major of the kid's choice.


    However, I don't actually know anyone for whom that is the case.


    So, for the rest of us, it has to be a balancing act, figuring out the best strategy to get that particular kid the closest thing to the education he or she wants/needs at a cost we can afford to pay.


    My experience tells me that a good, and maybe even great, education is within reach at most colleges, if the student is motivated enough to get it.


    I agree. From where I am sitting, major universities offer good programs for most fields. I have no doubt my pre med major and pre law major attending a state university right now will be able to attend graduate school. No, we really didn't stress out about it when choosing a place to go.

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