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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Cyrena- Yea!


    "I would highly recommend two 20-milers "


    There may not be time, the race is at the end of April! I am soooo behind schedule. My goal is to run and finish.



    "UGH! That was the worst part of my training. Keep motivated with your training because it will make a world of difference on race day."


    "Cyrena, who ran the 2003 New York City Marathon at age 47. :cool: (Old gals can run!)



    Well, I think the fact that you accomplished this means you are NOT old! Wow! I want to be you! I need the motivation, thank you!:D

  2. I've been here since 2000 and TWTM is the reason I started home schooling. I read it by the pool at the beginning of a summer and it changed my family's life. My kids are 14,12, and 8 and we are actually almost done home schooling and are sending everyone to school next year. It is sad and happy at the same time. I am in my junior year of college and take all my classes online through a local university. I am taking 15 hours this semester because evidently I don't have the sense God gave a goose and signed up for that many. I am so stressed out I have started grinding my teeth!:eek:

  3. New shoes keep my back and knees from hurting. I go ahead and spend the money on good shoes and replace often. I try not to put more than 150 miles on them and it keeps everything from hurting all the time. I am up to 6 miles a day, 5 days a week with a long run on Sundays. I hurt my knee last month at a swim meet, of all things! I was watching my son swim and was squatting so the people behind me could see and my knee hasn't been the same since. Stretching is an important injury preventer, too. I learned to hold the stretches for at least 30 seconds and to make my stretching routine last 10 minutes. Ugh. I need to go for a run.

  4. Good morning everyone! I am training for my first full marathon now. I am not on schedule and am having a heck of a time finding the time to run. I should be up to 16 miles on my long runs but I am not there. I am going to work hard to catch up so I don't end up with an injury. I am starting yoga again to help with the injury prevention. I am going to go ahead and sign up for a half marathon being held next month to get my butt motivated again. I think what gets me is the treadmill. The weather is so unpredictable and I so detest being cold that I end up on a treadmill at the gym. It is just so gray and yucky and dull and the tv is never interesting. I did something interesting to my knee last month so I am dealing with that, too. Enough of the whining? I need motivation again.

  5. I'm almost done, too. We get acceptance letters at the end of this month and will know which school they will attend at that point. I love homeschooling and really, really wish we could continue but we just can't. It has stopped being good for us. It sounds so strange to my friends when I discuss the apprehension I feel about sending the kids to school because it seems so normal to them for kids to BE in school. They sort of look at me in a freakish sort of way. It is a difficult decision and not made lightly.

  6. I have missed threads like this, I learn so much. My house is laundry h#ll. I wash all the time. Everyone has their own hamper and there are hampers in the bathrooms. Every other day I yell up the stairs and the kids bring their dirty clothes downstairs and empty their gym bags of the wet towels. Everyone uses 2 -3 towel a day, that's right, you heard me. We have had several bouts with MRSA staph here in my house and I can't let go of the "clean towel every time you shower" rule. I have to sort because I have to wash the towels in hot hot hot water with bleach and detergent because of the prior staph outbreaks. I wash sheets once a week, blankets once a week, two loads of towels a day, jeans and colored items get their own wash load because it makes them last longer. It is rare that the washing machine isn't running. Everybody folds. There is always a pile to fold! It is crazy and now I am depressed.;)

  7. I have been trying to talk my dh into moving to Chicago for a couple of years. We love it there. This morning we were watching the news and they were talking about the weather there and my dh said, "That's why we can't move to Chicago. You would die if you had to live where you couldn't wear flip flops." True. I feel for you because of this weather but you certainly do live in a great place! I'm still a little envious.:)

  8. I am so sorry you got it and happy that you are better! The flu is awful. Two years ago we all got flu shots and got it anyway a couple of months later. The strain of flu we got wasn't in the shot. All five of us had it at the same time! My youngest got it first, then the rest of the kids and my husband. Just as he was able to raise his head off the pillow after 3 days of being flat on the bed, I asked if he could walk around, he said he thought he could. I told him it was a good thing, collapsed on the bed and didn't get back up for 4 days. Next time that happens I am just going to go ahead and check us all into the hospital!

    This year I let the kids decide whether or not they got the flu shot. That was an interesting little experiment! My teens got it, my 8 year old did not. My husband and I just never did, either. I think we are one family that will be able to tell you whether or not this particular flu was covered by the shot this year!

  9. I have plasma and high defs and I can tell you that I can't tell the difference in the picture. My husband thinks he can but I can't. We have a high def over the bar in the basement for watching ballgames and such and it is mounted on the wall. The man who installed it ran the cables behind the wall and to a little closet where the cable boxes, dvd player, etc live. Then you put a little pinging thingy on the tv so when you change the channels with the remote, it runs to the cable box in the closet and changes the channel. Does that make sense? There are 3 tv's mounted down there and there was no place to put these boxes and dvd players and such so they all stay in the closet on the shelves and are "pinged" so you don't have to go into the closet to change the channel. I really don't understand any of it. I usually can't find the remote.:)

  10. I would enlist the help of the 16 year old. She can help you with the 3 year old while you work. I don't really feel that I have any real "marketable" skills either so I know where you are coming from and it is scary. I am trying to finish school as fast as possible (taking 15 hours online this semester from my local university) so I can get a job next year. I think the other options listed on here sound wonderful. Working in a hospital makes perfect sense and you could then start looking at the other jobs, the better paying ones, and what you need to do to get those jobs. So many places will pay for your education while you work, too! If I were you, I would find a job that suits me and my family. You have a built in sitter for your younger child so then you can start to worry about home schooling and the schedule. You can do it!

  11. My teenagers have been immunized for it. They are athletes and are at the pool 6 days a week, year round. I don't want to take any chances on this one and we seem to fit the profile of people who get meningitis. I don't have a big opinion on vaccines and there are people who do much more research than I do and their opinion is, of course, more valuable than mine.

  12. I remember when I was in my early twenties and didn't care about my skin. I actually would use dish washing liquid if I ran out of soap in the bathroom.:( Now I use an exfolliating cleanser two times a day, a moisturizer with sun screen during the day, and retinol at night. I have a ton of sun damage and am trying to make sure it doesn't get worse. I wear an spf of 30 when I run and 15 the rest of the time. I am 39 and want to age gracefully.

  13. My husband had it done several years ago and it has been great. He felt like he had a little sand in his eyes for a day after, but that was the only discomfort. His vision has been close to perfect ever since. My mom, however, had this done last month and it did not go as well. She can't see much better at all and they are going to have to go in again and make some adjustments, I'm sure it will be fine, though.

  14. Good morning! I haven't been here in forever. Everything certainly looks different. The reason I haven't been here is because I've been very, very busy but I have missed you all terribly. I am taking 5 classes this semester online through a local university. One of my classes is cultural anthropology and I am enjoying it tremendously! I need to interview someone from another country who is living in the US now. I need to do it today, if I can. I will go ahead a post some questions and we'll just see what happens!

    From what country did you come here?

    Where do you live now?

    How old were you when you arrived?

    What was your first impressions? Were they different from what you thought they would be? How was the US different from your prior thoughts on what it would be like?

    How were you treated initially?

    Did people, upon finding out you were from somewhere else, ask you odd questions or treat you oddly? Can you explain?

    Was it difficult to find housing and the things you needed?

    Did you run into any prejudice? How do you feel about that at this point in your life?

    If you were to be able to do it again, would you do it differently? How would you change your first experiences in a new country? What kind of advice would you give a person coming here for the first time?

    What about the US do you love most? What do you dislike most? How do you feel about it here?

    If you have taken the time to answer these questions, I appreciate it sooooo much. I have to write this paper by tonight. I've been sitting a swim meet all weekend and am getting a very late start. Thank you!

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