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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Bahahahahahahahahaha! I have officially heard it all.


    Never heard of the broken cross thing....but I do find it ironic that some Christians would think a peace symbol to be anti-Christian....hmmm do they even KNOW Jesus? :glare:

    This, exactly.


    I think religion makes too many rules. God doesn't, Jesus certainly didn't, but it seems as if we just keep dreaming things up! Crazy world, people.

  2. The entire time I have known my MIL there have been a ton of weird food issues. I was a veg. then a vegan, than a meat eater. One of my children became a vegetarian, than we had dairy allergies among the children, we went paleo as a family, then many, many food allergies with my fourth that severely restricted both our diets because of breastfeeding. Eventually many of his allergies cleared up, and just as we were both eating "normal" foods, we decided as a family to revisit paleo and my vegetarian child of 9 years started eating meat again. Currently I am pregnant and eating a gluten free/dairy free diet and my youngest is possibly celiac. Basically we are giant pains in the rear and she has just been an angel the whole time. She goes out of her way to accommodate our food choices and really derives pleasure from being able to creatively come up with alternative choices. We would actually be happy with far less and I feel really guilty about the effort she puts into what she most likely believes is all in our heads. The bottom line though is that she loves us and respects our choices, even if she doesn't agree with them.

    I hope I can be a mother in law like her instead of one like the OP's!


    I want to be like her. I WILL be like her. I swear.

  3. Do this, "I can't hear you because I am in the middle cleaning up in here! Come sit in this room and we will talk! " if you say it cheery- like no one knows you are annoyed and they stop talking to you unless they want to get off their butts. :D we have an unspoken rule, go to the person you want to talk to unless they are upstairs or in the basement. We are lazy, we call each other on our cell phones. :D

  4. Okay, Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the craziness of it. We dress up, there's lots of blood and tons of creepy.I can't help it, I am a preacher's daughter. That said, parenting is different. You will never agree on everything and this one is a good one to respect his opinion on, respect in divorce is huge. If his feelings are about the satanic aspect of it, call him and tell him that your views are changing but out of respect to him, the kids are going to dress up like fruit or something, so they can have fun with their friends. Then I love the previous advice to have a little party, bob for apples, play some non Halloween games, watch Charlie brown!

    I would be a horrible ex wife. My husband would be worse. However, among my friends who are exes, the happiest kids are the ones where everyone respects the other viewpoints, perspectives, phases, and ideas. Good luck!

  5. I am so sorry. My mil does all of these things, I stopped going to her house years ago and let the kids opt out whenever they wanted. She can come here if she decides to play nice.

    When my oldest son had his first serious girlfriend, I did not like her from the start. I realized one day what I was doing and who I was becoming. Thankfully, he doesn't date her anymore but he will NEVER know my feelings if I don't like his girlfriend ever again. I promised him that I will love her and make her feel wonderful. I still feel horrible for that... Maybe a terrible mil wasn't such a bad thing for me? Maybe it will keep my son close. :001_smile:

  6. My husband and I talk about this once a week or so. This summer we found ourselves sitting with friends and noticed that we were the only ones in the group not chasing a toddler, changing a diaper, or feeding someone. It was the strangest sensation! I think the thing we didn't expect at our age is our friends being on their second round of babies. A few are on marriage2 or 3, and are having a second round of kids. I have to say, we are able to enjoy it now that we aren't chasing ours. ;) We just sit and have a beer, smile at their busy -ness, and feel old. The downside is that they need babysitters again! Yesterday we were headed for a pub to watch a game and my husband said, "let's call so and so and see if they want to join us!" then we remembered that cute baby they have now... We will just run by and see them sometime this wek instead. :D

  7. I love the point about the challenges not having to necessarily make sense. The arrogance of a group or an individual to need to censor for everyone, not simply their child, is stupefying. I can respect someone who doesn't want their child to read a book for one reason or another, but does it really need to come off the shelves? Banned books week is just fantastic.

  8. With dh being a Librarian and all...we celebrate with a big ole stack of banned books!


    Sometimes looking over the list I just shake my head...read most of the"classics" in highschool. Was not offended but gah! SO. INCREDIBLY. DEPRESSING. AND.BORING!


    Can we please have some fun with our literature. Thats why I love Sherman Alexie's work (banned 2011 and 2010) ...some humor mixed up with all the despair please ;)


    :iagree: we are loving the lists, though, and enjoying seeing how they change over the years and how many remain on the list!

    Thanks to the sweet soul who posted the ala link!

    The fun begins!

  9. At my house, we celebrate by reading them. Do you all have any plans? I am always completely gobsmacked by the titles on the list. I have never read Brave New World so I think I will seize the opportunity. My youngest has never read To Kill A Mockingbird! I also plan to speak with a local librarian to find out which books are threatened here. My family got to read The Things They Carried a few years back that way. :D

  10. Would you enter into a real estate contract contingent upon the buyer's home sale (under contract right now) closing? The realtor suggested we write up our own contingency that they must provide written proof their buyer has been approved for a loan and that their buyer's approval for the loan isn't also contingent on selling a home. I don't know how she would word it.


    My understanding is they sold their home to someone they know without an agent so I'm not sure what's the status. Our agent says it's been three weeks since they entered contract.


    Does this seem terribly risky? Our home has been on the market a bit over two weeks. We haven't yet made a counter to a low offer so it may be a moot point anyway. I'm just worried about the contingency given our home hasn't been on the market long and we'd be out of time to sell a house (closing is Oct 31) if this fell through.

    You need a 72 hour clause in the contract. Your house doesn't pend, you keep showing it and if you get another offer the first buyers have 72 hours to set a closing date and the earnest money goes hard.

    I also like the pp's advice. You haven't been on the market that long.

  11. Always counter.


    Always. (Unless it's very clear that the prospective buyer is financially unable to buy the house, or his conditions are absolutely unreasonable.)


    There's no harm in it for you, and the lowball buyers might just be feeling you out to see how negotiable you are. They may be willing to pay a much higher price than their first offer indicates.


    Don't let your pride get the better of you. This is business. The people like your house enough to want to buy it, so give them a chance to do that.


    The worst thing that can happen is that they reject your counter offer, and you wait for another buyer... but they might very well accept your counter and buy the house.


    It's so important to separate your emotions from your good business sense when you're selling your home. :grouphug:


    :iagree: they shouldn't have lowballed with your house not having on the market very long, probably a rookie agent. Always counter. Don't take it personally. Counter back at a teensy bit off your original price to show that you are willing to play...but not be taken for a ride. Good luck!

  12. Since no one else suggested it, has your dh considered opening his own music school? Why play someone else's game if you have the degree that you need to go on your own? Maybe he could start by taking part of his vacation time from the carpet cleaning job to host some camps at a local church that would be very low cost but get people interested in him.


    Our piano teacher holds "Worship Camp", a day camp where she and some other music teachers get lots of kids who play lots of instruments together and work with them in groups according to instrument, and then put them together in worship teams and work with them to play songs together. Those camps make a lot of money for her church.


    Our local high school has a similar Rock Star Camp which is like the other camp but with secular music. If no one else is doing something like this in your area maybe this is for you?

    Loooooooove this. You all could work together!

  13. There is a lady who Does an amazing job cleaning all of my neighbors' houses (not mine) and there is a waiting list for her. She cleans for 8 hours, all baseboards, every dang surface, etc. she makes $200 a day, there is, I repeat a waiting list. I recommend asking people in your community who they use. There will be THAT person, and no one will want to give her up...but they will...because they like to brag about her. :D my neighbors do.

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