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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. My husband went through several shuffles by sweating on them while running so I dug out the ancient, first iPod we had in its cheapo little case with a clip and he can't seem to kill it. I, on the other hand, love my cheapo shuffle. I could use a new playlist, though. :P my daughter loaded my current playlist and I think it is destroying my adrenal system.

  2. Does such a thing already exist? I am so excited about staying home again and having time for this board! I have never joined a social group before and now I just can't stop! :) does a vegan/veg group exist? Want me to start one? If I do, will you join and not leave me hanging out there alone?

  3. Well, hello again! I am back after a long period of 70 hour work weeks while still home (office) schooling my son, I am bringing it all home again. I have missed you all! When I am not checking in on here I feel like I am missing something. If you don't remember me, I have been home schooling since 2000 or 1999, I really don't know... I have 3 kids, 2 are in college, 1 is in the 8th grade. Mind if I jump in here? I haven't completed a book in soooooooooo long!

    I am reading Life of Pi because it is on the reading list I have made for my son. I am on chapter 20 and enjoying it thoroughly.

    I am finishing up Steinbeck's The Pearl. My son is reading it now and I am trying to stay ahead of him.

    After several false starts, I will begin reading How To Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia again today.Hamid is one of my favorite authors, I loved Moth Smoke and The Reluctant Fundamentalist so I am thrilled to finally be able to relax and enjoy his latest book.

  4. I have one! My youngest who had never shown any allergic reactions to anything but seasonal pollen swelled up until he was unrecognizable at football practice one afternoon. His right hand and mouth were simply huge and he broke out in red wells all over. My husband was with him and brought him home, we gave him Benadryl and put him in the tub, thinking it was the grass or some nasty herbicide or pesticide on the grass. We finally figured out that it was the latex mouth guard. He was the quarterback so he had to constantly remove the guard so he could call plays, which explained his hand. He had worn that mouth guard for many practices and he just spontaneously developed an allergy to it? It has been several years now, he has latex free everything and gets major wells when he touches latex.

  5. Yes, you plug it into the computer to download the music or you can use it to charge using the computer or that thing that goes into the wall outlet that lets you charge your phone or whatever with a USB connector. I have to apologize for my lack of tech vocabulary. :tongue_smilie: the shuffle is useless for books but super for music and it clips right onto clothing without any other accessories involved.

  6. I have a shuffle for when I run and a nano for other things. The problem with the shuffle is the way it connects to chargers and such. It is different from the other products and doesn't just fit nicely onto a charger/speakers like the other apple iPods. However, it comes with connector thingy which has a USB end so you need to plan accordingly. For example, I can't connect the shuffle with the speakers I use for everything else but I can connect it to my laptop. Does that make sense? I like the nano better but it does cost $150. I have had my shuffle for a long time and find it is my go to gadget for all things active. Either one is great, just make sure the accessories you buy work with that particular iPod

  7. I feel you pain. I was anti Barbie and anti guns until my son chewed his sandwich into the shape of a gun and shot me and someone gave my daughter a Brittany Spears Barbie for her birthday. I just decided not to die on that hill. ;) I dealt with Barbie by not banning them or speaking harshly of the realities of being such a ridiculous model for young girls, etc, etc, blah blah blah... I just became pretty honest about it. "She sure does have an odd figure. Good thing she's not a real person or she couldn't stand up!" Happily, I still raised a feminist daughter in a Barbie/princess world. I think there's room for both.

  8. My daughter is registering for next semester and they need a new form for immunizations. She is there, I am here, she is 17 and cannot take her self to a clinic, the one on campus is booked solid, she needs more shots!?!?!?! Really. Anyone know if I can get out of this? Anyone successfully avoided immunizations for a state university? We aren't anti, it is just that I believe it is outrageous what they are asking now and I just don't have time to deal with it. Any advice?

  9. My running shoes cost over $100, typically. I replace them every other month or so. Yes, this is a major splurge for me.

    I buy pretty good clothes. That is such a perspective issue. For work, I love Ann Taylor Loft and in the summer, Title Nine. I HATE shopping so everything I have comes from Athleta, Loft and Title Nine. These seem expensive to me but probably wouldn't to other people.

    Our food is expensive. Some of it is organic, most is not, but we are vegan and it costs more for us. We also seem to eat out a lot.

    We drink good beer. We like beer from microbreweries and love to buy local. This costs a little more.

    Technology is expensive and we have to keep up because of our jobs. I sort of enjoy it, too.:)

    I have 2 kids in college, living on campus and in an apartment off campus. We are spending less on EVERYTHING these days...


    I don't spend money on: decor and furniture, cars, gifts, holidays, or entertainment.

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