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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. That sounds so exciting! I say go for it! When I was trying to get the nerve to take classes my husband said, "the next 4 years are going to go by anyway, might as well get your degree." it's true, they did and I did. I took mine online, first through the local community college and then a local university. It was actually a great fit with homeschooling!

    Just think of how the path you and your husband will impact your kids! They get to see 2 people sacrificing and working hard to meet goals and follow their dreams. :001_smile: just awesome.

  2. Oh, thank you, thank you... I actually stayed home this morning ( will need to go into the office tomorrow) and we have had the most wonderful morning being confounded together with his Saxon algebra. :) it is much more pleasant here! I got a nice run in this morning before anyone knew I was missing, actually folded the laundry coming out of the dryer, and wait for it...cleaned out my make up drawer! Now I am heading face first into our Latin. :D I hope you all have a fantastic morning, too!

  3. I recently ordered this book based upon a recommendation from someone here. Haven't started reading it yet, but it's on my nighstand.


    I am attracted to the peace of the Buddhist lifestyle, although I haven't explored the teachings much. Ds and I discuss a lot of religions, we are a christian family. Dh is not open to discussion on the topic, so it's mainly ds and I.


    That book has meant an awful lot to me, as does all of his writing. I am making my way through one on meditation right now. I am a Christian (haven't been to church in years, very liberal socially, do not believe in a literal perspective on the teachings in the Bible, etc) and am embracing Buddhism as a philosophy. My husband and my daughter are moving this way, too.

    We practice yoga sporadically but are all working toward a daily, meaningful practice. I end my practice with a meditation and am working so hard at it. I am certain that my ADHD makes it a little more difficult. :tongue_smilie: My yoga teacher is not Buddhist, she is a Christian. The yoga and meditation have little to do with the Buddhism, but they allow my mind and body to quieten.

    In one of the books by the previously mentioned author teaches mindfulness and a sort of self talk which I find I am using an awful lot. I had to buy a washer and dryer set for someone this weekend which meant actually going to HHGregg. It was a not an easy transaction and sitting there I was able to, as I read in the book, to say, "breathing in I am calm, breathing out I feel calmer still. Breathing in I feel love, breathing out I give love to those around me." Honestly, you can sit through anything with tons of stress with that skill. Awesome. We are all trying to go 30 days without negativity, negative talk, toxic entertainment and such and are working toward right speech which is truthful, timely, positive and kind. I'll let you know how that goes. :D

    So far, I can't find anything which I find "bad" or offensive to a Christian. I don't really embrace the reincarnation and I am on a journey here so I know my feelings and thoughts will grow and change. I am excited to hear your experiences and thoughts!

  4. They can pretty much do whatever they want. You may have to remind someone of the right of way, do you happen to have a plat? Sometimes the county you live in will allow online access to the deed record (mine does) or you can mosey to the courthouse and pick it up. Sounds to me like some people built fences where they shouldn't have. If the utility company has to take a fence down, I believe they have to put it back. That may be a local thing, though. You can also call and ask!

  5. I never realized that not using dressers was so common. I would love to get ride of mine, because it takes up too much floor space for the amount of storage space I get in return.


    Exactly! I thought I had invented it. :D My mother, however, will think differently when she sees it. She likes a LOT of furniture. I think it is a generation thing.

  6. That sounds great. I love to work myself, but just like you said, my house my car, my kid's education all go downhill fast when I work too much. I do love to work, and I was just nominated as employee of the month for our whole hotel, which was a big deal, I never expected that because I do only work part time, but I took this week off to enjoy home school.


    Congratulations! That's fantastic and you must be so proud! I do love to work, too. We have a little charity foundation I've been working on getting off the ground, maybe that can be my "other" occupation for a while. My husband thinks I will have so much energy left over at the end of the day that I will walk the dogs to death. ;) I'm hoping to focus on my son. :) This homeschooling thing is hard!

  7. Wow! That was sort of surpising! I think that after adjusting and processing (Yikes!) I would welcome her to the family and make immediate plans to meet her in person. I would be the first one to do it and would just be honest the whole darn time. "My, you sure know how to make an announcement! Can you please help me get my lower jaw off the floor? When do we get to meet her?" Since there is nothing you can do about it, I think it would be nice to help the family transition and maybe be the one who is helping them all accept and love the new family member. That is a tough one... Just love everyone through it.

  8. i just sent my ugly, gajillion year old chest of drawers to college with my son! I thought about replacing it with something simple but I think I am with you, I am just going to hang things and use some stackable cubes in the closet. I love having more room and I don't want to spend the money. I am really loving the fact that it is gone!

  9. As you may know because I yammer on and on about it here, my husband and I own a company together. We work a bajillion hours a week, 7 days a week and homeschool our 13 year old son at the office. I have found that I am not doing anything well. I don't feel that I am giving my son the best education I can provide and it means so much to me to be able to give this to him. He had homeschooled until 3rd grade, attended a private school for a couple of years, a public school for a month, and then another private school for a couple of years. I want to teach him to love learning again and I want to be able to dive into the subjects, maybe meshing classical and unschooling as much as possible? We have done okay so far but not great. This weekend, our older two kids came home from college and we talked about the craziness that is our household. My house is a wreck, my car smells bad, we eat out A LOT, I cringe every time my phone rings because I know it is work and that I have to answer it. So...I am finishing out this week and I am home.

    I am keeping my license and my title will now be, 'Owner, agent, director of public relations and fun.' We invite the community in for yoga and classes at our office...I'm still in charge of that!

    Anyway, I'm excited and a little sad. I love my job but I need to get a grip on the this home schooling thing and my HOUSE for a little while. I can't wait to cook, clean, paint some walls, clean the stink out of my car, dive headfirst into our Wheelock's book, relearn some algebra as I teach it, read all the books, learn about the Ancients again, write, look my sweet son in the eyes and not be distracted by the phone.

  10. You know, it is crazy but I feel so much safer running in urban areas than rural. I have a favorite route downtown and favorite homeless people. One homeless man even calls me "Queen," so of course I have to wave and call him "Governor.":D then there is one woman who sleeps on front of a park I love, she always gets a couple of dollars from me...then my husband when he runs by. No homeless person has ever made me feel afraid. I have had a couple of moments with pick up trucks in rural area that scared the bejeebers out of me.

    I found a dead homeless man once in my favorite park. I was on a long run and didn't carry my phone. It was very early in the morning but I found a couple walking and told them I needed them to call an ambulance and why. They said no. :001_huh: I told them that wasn't okay, so the man handed the phone to my sweaty self and when I dialed 911, he ended up talking to them because he had forgotten he had his Bluetooth on. The ambulance came, it looked like he'd had a heart attack. All of his homeless buddies came out from behind things, cried, told me his name was Dan. I left, ran a mile, came back and cried with them again. It was awful.

    My long run was over, obviously so I ran the 3 miles back to the coffee shop to meet my husband, we always meet there. When I saw him, he was in an all out desperate sprint. He had run past the park because he knows I run through there and he checks on me, and saw the police tape. He was scared witless something had happened to me. I love him. I called my dad who was pastoring a church at the time and cried. He called a friend who preaches at the mission downtown and told him Dan had died and did he know him? They both cried. Dan touched a lot of people that day, I wish we could have found him sooner.

    Thanks for allowing me to share that! It has been a while!

    I think my point was that I feel safer urban, even though it isn't true and that normal looking old guys can be scary and sometimes won't let you use their phone!

  11. Do you just use Kilz over the varnish and then repaint. Or do you do the sanding and prep, then use kilz, then use paint? Thanks!


    And does anyone know how to white wash. It sounded interesting..


    I I would do a quick once over with some sandpaper just for kicks. I think Kilz is magical so it would probably work without it, but it wouldn't hurt to do it anyway.

  12. It would be an enormous amount of fun to return the favor. Could she use dieting advice and a bunch of articles? Maybe she needs parenting tips? Maybe just a lot of info on the benefits of: soy, protein, omega 3 supplements, quality sleep, frequent colonoscopies, frequent mammograms, retin a cream, cognitive therapy,or fiber. Does she look like she needs a college degree? Maybe some pamphlets on different online degree programs or a link to your local community college. Does she get a yearly pap smear? Maybe you could ask. :D

  13. We paint cabinets a lot. I like to first go over them with Kilz, then you can use any color you want! I have used a good brush when I did my own at home and it still looked fantastic! Have fun! Also, we just painted our new office kitchen with a very shiny black. It is just gorgeous. The office is actually a 1985 ranch home and the cabinetes were golden oak. The counters are now granite and the floor is tile. I want to move in but ... we need an office.

  14. If you own some land and have a house there would you tell me how you found it? What about land that is not in your immediate area? Are there reliable websites?


    Trulia and Zillow are good. It might help to find a real estate agent in the area who does a lot of land/farm listings and even one that does auctions. Sometimes they know if there is a farm that is getting ready to hit the MLS or even one that might be cut into sections and sold or auctioned. We handle a lot of farms and raw land. Often, someone will tell us that they are preparing to sell and we can get it sold before they have to even list it. Just look at the realtors in the area, find the one with the most land listings and that is probably your guy/woman. For land you want someone with a LOT of experience.

  15. I found it striking how many people got the answers wrong on Facebook. I just saw them reposted, not on the NPR page.


    My friend who reposted them, who is in a master's in teaching program and was a homeschooler in a previous life, said that the only people who got the problems right were the homeschoolers and that all the elementary ed types got them wrong. Which is frightening.


    7 and 288 are correct.

    It is crazy! I have been mesmerized by the responses and can't seem to stop looking at them. It is hilarious how snarky people are getting, too.

    On my page, I am the only one with my answers, 7 and 288. Everyone keeps responding with PENDAS but I think they are missing the point that multiplication and division are sort of lumped together and should be solved as they come up, left to right. Not multiplication... THEN division. Now the problem is who is the authority everyone can agree on that solves the problem?

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