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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. I see a red flag when I hear that, too. When someone describes someone as willing to "give anyone the shirt off their back" it usually means they don't even have one of those to give. In my business I have learned to take notice when people announce their own character traits such as telling me they are honest or fair. Normally, no one really has to bring that up! I also giggle when someone says "...in my heart of hearts..." because this means nothing and is sort of like saying "very, very, very..."

  2. We have maintained a once a week routine since the kids were babies. More than once a week only happens during the holidays and it means I am having to attend obligatory crap so it doesn't count.:tongue_smilie: I hate the holidays. Recently, we have stopped drinking alcohol altogether to train for another marathon (possibly an ultra!) so our nights out consist of a run and a sweaty meal on a patio of a Thai restaurant. :D

  3. I haven't read other responses.


    In my experience, agood realtor with resources, who has lots of connections made a BIG difference. Our first year selling went no where. A new and more experienced realtor made the sale. We did a lot of research before choosing hin.


    This. New realtor, don't make a deal about the cats, do attempt to send a couple of them on a vacation to a friend's house if possible, spruce up a little even if you already have, and try again. My experience is that the cats may run someone off but you want to get them in there first. Find the busiest realtor in the area and make sure they regularly advertise like crazy on every marketing outlet available. I spend a huge portion of our income on advertising because it works. Don't light candles or spray stuff to cover odors, just clean and buy a bunch of plants. Sprays and candles just make pet odors smell like lavender vanilla pet odors.:tongue_smilie: take a deep breathe, take the house off the market for a month or two...then find an adorable realtor you love. :D

  4. I think it is simply a sign of the times. I ignore or reply that I won't be attending events several times a week. I get invitations from people we do business with, people who want to do business with us, people I have never heard of, people my husband knows but I do not, people who are running for one office or another in my town, people who sell multilevel marketing items, etc. I think the trick is to decide not to take it personally that you are receiving such and IMPERSONAL invitation and understand that the sender won't take it personally that you are ignoring it.:D

  5. If this was Faebook, I'd click LIKE! I've been wondering what dd was going to have to deal w/ being gluten free. Maybe in 6 years they will have gluten free options too!


    Lots of changes in the gluten free arena, too. I noticed lots of signs pointing to gluten free options everywhere. There is even a whole cafeteria that is nut free!

  6. I just returned home from attending college orientation with my daughter. She will be attending a university 2 1/2 hours away from home, her brother already attends the same school. :D They have a vegan club! She is vegan and was a little apprehensive about being able to have any variety on campus. She will have her car there but we would all rather have her eat on campus than drive to the nearest Fresh Market to grab a super expensive meal! The University of Tennessee has a vegan club! The campus cafeterias have increasingly more vegan options every day and the availability of good food is every where. My son who is getting ready to begin his second year there had no idea. :001_huh: There is hope. There is hope. There is hope. Life is going to get easier!:001_smile:

  7. Nice post! My husband and I own a real estate company together. I was a stay at home mom for years and home schooled our two older children. Now our youngest is entering the 8th grade and will be "office schooling" with him while we work. I love working and I loved staying home. I wouldn't love staying home at this point in my life, though. I am enjoying seeing how much income I can generate. People depend on me, I get to use all this energy I have, and my 7 day a week schedule fits my personality very nicely. I do wish I had more hours in the day, though. :)

  8. How would you feel if your dd was a finalist for a Fulbright and the other finalist was male. In the exit interview your dd is told it would be a waste to give her the Fulbright because she is female--no discussion of her qualifications which are quite good. That happened to my MIL.


    Do you think it was OK that Sandra Day O'Connor was initially only offered jobs as a legal secretary when she graduated from Standford Law School, having been on law review.


    Perhaps graduate and professional schools should continue questioning with "Why should we give a space in our (medical/law/etc) school to a woman?"


    Let's roll back 50 years to a time when women are paid less for the same job and it's on the books that they get paid less because they are women. The reasoning is well, a man might need to support a family. No discussion of whether the man actually supports anyone or whether the woman is a widow actually supporting a family. There is just no argument.


    Many things have happened because of feminism and the movement associated with it. Mostly, the result is choice and fairness. Woman have many more life choices. It's also meant choices for men. It's meant many businesses have become flexible with part time work and schedules in general. It's meant a lot of men change diapers and take over childcare so mom can have an afternoon or evening out.


  9. My response is "Thank God." I am a feminist. I am grateful for the movement. I think the definition is broader than a lot of people think and encompasses many people. For instance, it is possible to be pro life (like me) and be a feminist. I am not only pro life, I am anti death penalty, so don't even try to put me in a political category. :glare: I have the opportunities I have now because of the progress the sometimes extremist women before me made in the political arena. I dislike the fact that I have to be smarter, more educated, more dedicated and more energetic than men to be as successful as them in business but it is just a fact and I am more than up for the challenge. I need for the debate to end and for the argument to be considered silly so when my grandchildren are old enough to hit the job market they don't have to worry about it.

  10. I will be 48. I am heading to orientation today for my daughter (child #2) attending a university 2 1/2 hours away. Good thing I am completely blown away by my job/home/life to get emotional because I'm sure it is going to kill me. My youngest is in 8th grade and I am 43. I am ready to be through with college tuition, not so ready to have a home with no children. I do have lots and lots of plans, though. :D Just yesterday I started 3 new businesses in my head! Now whether or not one makes it to an actual reality is a whole other story. I love my age right now, I'm sure I will love all of the rest of them, too. My oldest is planning to head to law school in a couple of years (after his undergrad) and my daughter is starting her sophomore year and planning on medical school after... I need to make a lot of money.

  11. is this little mosque on the prairie? perhaps our favourite tv show of this decade.... or the last.....


    third daughter wants to name her future daughter rayyan .....

    we started watching it as an antidote to the extreme anti-muslim feeling around here a few years back, and came to love it.


    one of the truly beautiful things to come out of it was a few years back when dd's soccer team gathered for christian prayer before each game, and left their one muslim player standing off by herself. our dd quietly left the prayer circle and went and stood with her. afterwards, i asked her to tell me about that, and she said, "well, Jesus was always going to the folks others were leaving out or stoning, remember the guy in the ditch the good samaritan helped?... so I thought that's where he'd want me to be". no attempts at conversion at all, just a "standing in solidarity with the one being left out".




    Beautiful. Lots of anti Muslim sentiments in my neck of the woods, too. Just love it when we make CNN:tongue_smilie: your daughter has a beautiful heart, you are doing a beautiful job.

  12. I saute it in olive oil with chopped pine nuts, pecans or walnuts, and garlic. Saute it until the leaves are soft and add kosher or coarse salt. We probably eat it this way a couple of times a week. You can also add some crushed red pepper, but I think it makes too many flavors happening at one time.

    We try to eat a little kale every day! I also like it for breakfast. I take a block of firm tofu and a bunch of chopped kale and some garlic and cook it in a skillet like you would scrambled eggs with greens mixed in. After the kale is nice and soft, add curry powder and a little Spike seasoning. We eat this with toast like you would scrambled eggs. My oldest son likes to add Sirachi sauce to make it very spicy. My husband like to chop up whatever we have like avocados or tomatoes and put them on top.

  13. Thanks, Trish! We hadn't installed the alarm because we had so many people coming and going and working. We are convinced it was someone who had worked on it because they new our combo for the lock and came in through the door then broke a window from the inside to make it look like they came in that way. Evidently there were no geniuses among them. :001_huh: we have a car wash with cameras we monitor all the time and alarms on every other thing we have, should have had one there!

  14. Well I had decided I was going to get it together and stop sobbing. Then I read all of your posts and here I am again. The sweetest office manager in the world just keeps working away while I am completely useless here. I am working through it and I know I just have to find a new role. I am sort of feeling sorry for my youngest, he is left here to be the one we focus on full time!

    I have tried to add a pic, I have no idea what I am doing. Maybe it is an attachment, maybe not...


  15. That is what my husband told me as I came completely undone today. We are having such a week. It is official, my daughter who will be 17 soon is going away to college (2 1/2 hours away by car) in the fall. She will be joining my oldest son there. I know she is young, believe me. She is independent, self assured and dead set on being a doctor. A pediatric oncologist, to be precise. We home schooled and she just went at her own pace. She started community college classes in January and has done very well.

    Now to make it about me. I am falling apart. I know it is about my mortality, my only daughter going away and I'm not ready, she's probably not ready, you can probably fill in the rest. I texted a friend, she called me from her work and we whisper cried...I love my friends.

    My husband says we just need to make sure she has everything she needs and is supported completely. She is such a fantastic young lady and she will be fine. I am coming undone.

  16. :grouphug::grouphug:


    I hope everything is recovered. A miracle, I know...but one can hope.


    My husband has been a contractor for 30ish years. We know well what a hit this can be. Sadly, many of the times he was ripped off, it was from people he was trying to help out of poverty by teaching them his trade and giving them a job. They figured they would take a shortcut and make money by hocking his tools.


    I completely understand your anger. Completely.

    I don't know how contractors keep up with anything. Had we had a locked trailer out there I'm sure it would have been stolen, too!

  17. Wow. WOWOWOW. That is some cojones.


    Though you can't be reimbursed, can you still call the cops and report it? When it comes up on Craig's list can you notify them?


    You both are dealing with this well. Good things will come from it. :grouphug:


    Thanks! Yep, cops called, crime reported. I hung around a little while yesterday while they looked at the mess. I have a feeling the contractor who lost his tools will be hunting for them harder than we are. Pawn shop owners around here are good guys, some are clients/friends of ours. We'll be watching...

  18. I am so sorry. We have been having a lot of break-ins like that here. At least our legislature finally did something about it and just made it so much harder to sell stolen metal to scrap yards. I know you aren't talking just about stolen metal but we have been having all sorts of supplies stolen from businesses. I would be furious. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

    We need better laws here. They even took the covers off the electric boxes in the garage. Honestly, what the heck! I can't believe the brand new air units are still there, I have a feeling they are coming back for them.

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