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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. I woke up this morning thinking about stress filled conversations on this forum. Anyone here long enough to remember the vacuum cleaner arguments in the early days? I think I started coming here in 2000 and the most outrageous arguments would ensue over Dyson vacuum cleaners and the Saxon vs. Singapore debates were unbelievable! I remember a sweet woman from California who had lots of facts and was just the nicest person but could not let these things die. Feeling would be hurt, people would say their goodbyes, then normal would happen again. It was a lot of fun and I learned oh so very much.

  2. I always wonder why so many vegans, if they're opposed to eating meat for moral reasons, are always on the lookout for the perfect veggie burger. I mean, they think it's cruel to be eating ground animal meat, but they have no problem loving the flavor and trying to make something else in nature imitate it? LOL


    I just keep picturing a reformed cannibal trying a chicken leg, then throwing his head back with satisfaction and saying, "YES! Tastes like human!!"


    :lol: All in fun here! (I could really care less about the titles people want to give themselves. lol)


    Well, they don't really taste like meat. Meat substitutions are gross. It is just something to eat.

  3. All the byproducts and hidden stuff in food is why I really like the 100 days of real food blog I mentioned previously in this thread. Less processed food means more control over what you are eating. I suspect that MSG and food dyes are giving dd headaches and is it AMAZiNG how many products contain those ingredients. I have long been a reluctant meal planner and cook but it's getting to the point where I am leaning toward just cooking everything. I even considered buying a bread maker the other day. If you knew me 10 years ago that would have made you :lol:


    I read something recently that suggested the term plan-based and defining your diet by what you do eat rather than what you avoid being a healthier option for some. Being a vegetarian who eats a lot of processed stuff isn't necessarily a healthy option.

    I will check it out! Thx!

  4. Vegan especially is an extremely difficult diet to maintain and many vegans have very deep heartfelt beliefs about not eating living things or anything that came from an animal. It is a massively restricted diet without even food additives that originate with animals and are hidden in MANY foods. You can't just say "well I do care about animals but I ate a hamburger!! :svengo: But I'm still mostly a vegan".

    It's insulting to the beliefs of vegans and all that they go through to live according to their beliefs.


    I'm not a vegan, only a vegetarian. My husband and I encounter the faux vegetarian ALL the time and it actually doesn't normally bother me, I just laugh and shake my head.(It bothers him a lot, I guess on my behalf because he eats meat lol.) So I don't normally rant at people about it but the fact that you refuse to acknowledge the difference and see no reason not to call yourself something that you clearly are not, and your response to others who have objected, is just irritating.



    Honestly WORDS MEAN THINGS :banghead:


    okay, I have questions. I was vegan for a year. Then I was just dairy, beef, pork and poultry free. Then I guess I was flexitarian, then I was vegan, again, still am, I suppose... What else am I eating that doesn't fit? I avoid honey, eggs, meat, fish, dairy, and shellac or bakers glaze or whatever that is. Am I omitting anything?

  5. Haha! I just had a vegan meal the other night at an event. Salad, roasted vegetables, fruit salad, pudding :lol::lol:


    I find the biggest problem in restaurants is butter and eggs. Often, butter is used when someone isn't aware that it really is a dairy product. I always just know that if I order a vegan veggie burger, I will need to eat it without the bun because dang it if it doesn't have butter on it. :tongue_smilie:

  6. Oh, gosh, I wish I hadn't read it. I have to show houses where there are scented candles burning and Glade Plug-ins everywhere. It really is upsetting. I think there ought to be a way to tell manufacturers to please consider our health. Well, I guess there is...as long as it is labeled. Good grief.

  7. I use flax seed to hold them together. I use more of a method then exact recipe:


    equal parts lentils and grain. I like quinoa and the french green lentils. 1 cup of each is a good amount. I start the lentils, then go by the cook time and put the quinoa in so they are done at the same time. Drain well.


    Saute one onion, 1 or 2 ribs celery, 1 large or a few small carrots. Once soft add 1 lb mushrooms and saute until soft. ADd a pinch of chili flakes and couple cloves of smashed garlic and saute a minute. 2 Tblsp tamari or low sodium soy sauce, tblsp tomato paste, and lots of fresh cracked pepper. Throw everything in the food processor with 1/4 flax, then shape in to patties. If you chill the mix first it is much easier to work with. I like to pat them in panko crumbs before frying, or bake on an oiled cookie sheet at 450 for a nice crunch


    That looks great and we could use a new way to use lentils, too. Thanks!

  8. I will be posting my ldl/hdl Results when I get them. My numbers were never really good unless I had no/light carbs and no dairy/animal fat.


    I do eat a ton of eggs and coconut oil so I'm wondering..........


    I had to have a bunch of bloodwork done for a life insurance policy and the results came back with the triglycerides flagged because they were so abnormally low! That made me so darn happy. I had to get a letter from a doctor stating that it was okay for those to be low. Crazy.... I bet you'll be happy. I don't know about the eggs, though. However, I do think it is very healthy for you to eat the eggs I just don't know about the actual numbers.

    I thought getting rid of dairy made more of difference than getting rid of meat!

  9. Awesome! :D My husband and I have been able to steer clear of all the mass heart disease we were sure to have (family history for both of us) by stopping the animal protein from entering our bodies. The issues with animal treatment came later, I'm ashamed to say. Every time you share your story, even TMI, you help to encourage someone else to make a change and that is heroic and awesome. You're ovo-vegetarian, btw.;) My oldest son is home from college and when home, he eats vegetarian, not vegan, like the rest of us. He is already starting to see a difference in his skin and breathing ability since being home and eating healthier. It is a fun way to live.

  10. When my oldest son was maybe 6 or so, my dad bought Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys for me and offered to buy a case of the books for everyone who ever came in contact with my son. :D It changed the way I viewed parenting, for sure. I recommend it with every fiber of my being. If he has problems sitting, maybe he can color standing up? Why does he need to sit. My husband and I both probably land in the ADHD diagnosis territory and it has been an awesome journey. We make fantastic entrepreneurs and meetings in my office last about 7 minutes, which everyone really appreciates. :D No meds, no reason to fret, no coloring in the lines necessary.

  11. I did not enjoy homeschooling my oldest son (now almost 19 and a junior at a university) so he went to school in the 10th grade. We were completely sick of trying to battle through our days. My daughter will soon be 17 (a second semester freshman at community college) and she attended 8th and 9th grades at a private school, wanted to attend public school, we let her, GIANT mistake. She is just a personality which thrives in a non institutional environment. College suits her, as well, with the different cultures and ages represented. She loves it and hopes to join her brother at the university soon. Home schooling her was a pleasure.

    My youngest is 12. We educated him at home until 3rd grade and he followed his brother and sister to private school, had a horrendous 4 weeks or so in public school, then spent the last couple of years back in private school. Honestly, he was so happy but simply wasn't learning enough. We ended the year completely flabbergasted at the wasted time. Also, we are big on science and that school was teaching him the young earth/no evolution stuff. I got tired of re-teaching at night!

    He is learning with me now and I plan to keep him with me until college. He is a pleasure to teach. I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to be back teaching Latin again! We work together for a few hours in my office while I do that other job thing I do :D and we are newly excited about learning and, well, WORKING. There is such satisfaction in working through a lesson in Henle Latin, algebra, and ancient Egypt before most of his friends have fallen out of their beds. He knows it and I know it. It is just fun. He gets to watch his dad and I solve problems at work, stress, celebrate and manage people in our office. Yes, homeschooling is a pleasure again. I feel so grateful that I get to do it and so amazed at the power of embracing opportunities and the results.

    Thanks for listening. Obviously, I am a little emotional today?:confused:

  12. We pay a lot more than $400 a month. That's why dh and I are thinking of changing things. We could take what we pay monthly and set it into an interest bearing account for medical expenses.

    Yes! But don't drop insurance, it won't work. Get insurance with a gigantic deductible, no dental or optical, and a health savings account. The account is only used for medical purposes and will lower taxable income and save you money on taxes.

  13. My husband and I are both self employed and pay out the yazoo for Humana insurance. We have both had our insurance licenses in the past and know our way around the insurance industry, sort of, I guess, as much as we WANT to, anyway... The best way we have found has been to get the health insurance ( we like Humana, I guess, as much as a person can like their insurance...) and we have an astronomically high deductible, $10,000, actually. Then we have a health savings account that automatically drafts an amount of money from our checking account every month. We pay for all dr. visits, dental visits, optometrist costs, band aids, vitamins, prescriptions, etc with the debit card for the health savings account. The money we put into the account then makes our taxable income lower. Does that make any sense at all? I'm writing this while I answer the phone, I'm sure it is full of crazy errors. We sometimes hit the darn deductible and insurance actually covers something. Having the insurance makes the prescriptions and dr visits cost less (stupid, stupid system) and the gigantic deductible allows us to afford the insurance. I also like having to PAY for medical expenses. This concept has forced me to actually shop for lower prices on physicals, routine blood work, tests, etc. When there is competition, the system works so much better.:D

  14. Wow, well you will have huge savings then! It all depends on what you are using it for and how much you will use it.


    It's awful. We absolutely have to have the huge data and minutes and unlimited texting. Two of my kids are in college, one is in 8th grade, all iPhones and Droids here, too. Crazy silliness we started...

  15. You really should take a look at Straight Talk. In our area, they use Verizon's towers, so the coverage is excellent. Unlimited talk/text/data for $45/month. Assuming you have 5 phones (you and DH plus 3 teens), that's a total of $225 vs. $800.


    Eta: How much is it to break your contract with Verizon? It may be worth it to do so, all told.


    I will look at it, thanks! No, we have contracts ending one at a time over the next year. It will just be an expensive endeavor until then. :tongue_smilie: We are going to have a little celebration when it is all over!

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