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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. There's a Hampton in the area that's nice and right next to Centennial Park where you will find the neato Parthenon. I recommend staying in the area instead of Brentwood. Eat breakfast at The Pancake Pantry, eat lunch at Fido, have coffee at Bongo Java across the street from Belmont, wave at me as I run by...that's where I run! That Holiday Inn Express is a good location, too. The area is very safe. Other restaurants I love in walking distance: Maffiaozza's, Bosco's (nice brew pub if you are into that). PM is a Thai fusion place owned by a guy who was on Top Chef and it is right across the street from Belmont. Fantastic food. His mom owns the International Grocery across the street! Also awesome food there! Enjoy Nashville!

  2. Well, whatever happens with the contract, you DON'T have to use her contractor and you DON'T have to do repairs you don't want to do. My advice is always to make it look clean and crisp. If the walls are beige, make them all beige with no smudges or marks. Crisp corners, patch everything and sand till smoothe...:D Shiny is great! No clutter, no big rugs ( they make the room look tiny in pictures) and generally clean off every single counter. Enjoy! Maybe start over with the realtor? She may need your help selling it? Maybe she needs a glass of wine? I know I could use one sometimes.

  3. :iagree:

    What the heck? I have bought and sold a bunch of houses and I can tell you I would never have the realtor being the one to hire or deal with the contractor. Not in a million years.


    Start from scratch with estimates only for the things YOU want to fix. Get several estimates, from contractors YOU select.


    Sounds like your realtor is trying to make your house look like the brand new ones she feels you are competing with. Makes me think she has most of her experience with selling new properties and doesn't know how to properly market a house the age of yours.


    I can tell you one more thing - in your shoes, I'd be digging in my heels so hard and deep that *she'd* be the one trying to get out of the contract. And I might also be getting nosy about the broker she's working under - is this the way the agency owner would deal with you? If you are getting the complete run around, it might be worth it to sit it out doing nothing until the listing agreement expires. Three months from now is the ideal time for spring home sales, anyway.

  4. Oh, gosh, I hear you! I drove mine to those darned 2 a day practices and sat on bleachers for 2 1/2 hours every afternoon for years. I was a stroke and turn official so I spent HOURS standing and staring at water every other weekend. My oldest injured his shoulders, tendons tearing from bone, really awfully painful stuff, so he was out. He was 2nd in the region in his mile freestyle when he quit. :( When the surgeon told us what issues he was facing and what could and couldn't be done about it I cried. Luke didn't. I asked what he wanted to do and he said, "Give it a rest." So we did and the other two of my kids couldn't WAIT to quit swimming. Now he swims a little but he misses it so much. I don't. I say do whatever you want to do. No guilt. How much longer till he can drive? :D

  5. Do you mind posting what state you are in? I am completely baffled by not being able to fire your realtor. If someone is unhappy with me, I am more than thrilled to back away and let someone else have at it. Especially before I have a buyer! If I bring a buyer, I want to get paid. If I'm your realtor and you don't like my advice, let's go our separate ways and decrease the stress.

    As for the repairs...you probably need to go over the paint job. Don't replace any tile that is not broken, if it is outdated then the price will reflect it. No big deal. Go ahead and clean the grout and do it yourself if you're able. Take a look at the contract and see if you can go ahead and fire her if you don't put your house on the market. See how long you have before you can put it on the market and find a realtor with another company. Ask around, find the busiest realtor you can find. They are usually busy for a reason. She didn't hire you, you hired her. Get legal advice if need be. This relationship is not going to go well. Good luck!

  6. He may not get those incredible times but he may still get a scholarship. I have seen kids with barely a state cut get scholarships to small, private colleges! Don't make him quit, let him keep loving it and relish in the little triumphs! The fact that he will be able to swim on a team in college will be worth all of the long practices and meets just because he will have the athlete identity and will have it as a life long endeavor.

  7. We don't do thank you notes. Ever.


    We call, have the kids thank whomever for whatever.


    Actually, I sent thank you notes out for our wedding gifts, since a) we opened them away from everyone and b) didn't have ph#s for everyone, but MIL gave us mailing addys.


    The relative is a nut. :grouphug:


    Yep, same here. I can't even imagine entertaining a personality that would even miss a thank you note, much less have time to call me out on it. Lord, have mercy! I officially have two kids in college now and one in 7th grade, they do their own laundry and clean up after themselves and I JUST NOW have time to sit and write thank you notes...for the first time, ever. I still have friends and family, if you can imagine that! Someone find that person some real problems!

  8. I can't believe I'm doing this. Yes, eating that stuff Ms. Dean cooks does make you more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and certain types of cancer. These problems also tend to shorten your life span. Smoking does, too. It's not rocket surgery. ;) I'm not going to fight with you over such silliness. I was posting to try to convey to some who were taking it awfully personally that anyone would dare feel strongly that a person not take the path of relying on pharmaceuticals when they might have the option of changing their diet and exercising. I feel you took my statement personally, too. I don't mind if you eat what you want. Go ahead~

  9. I believe the insulting thing for most people is that she cooks what is scientifically proven to kill you early (with exceptions, of course) and is now representing a drug manufacturer of diabetes drug injections. She doesn't owe anyone anything, but some of us (me) think that maybe everyone at least needs to be aware of the problem there. Yes, people eat like that all the time. Yes, people sometimes don't realize that she is a tv personality and that her life is not one to emulate. An awful lot of people are going to say, "Paula Deen says it's okay to not take my dr's advice and stop eating like I've always eaten. She is perfectly fine on her medication!" I don't think anyone wants to legislate anything or stop a fine, upstanding neighbor from deepfrying twinkies in his garage. I read an article yesterday in Mother Jones, I think, about the risks associated with the drug she's hawking. Nice, very nice. :001_huh: I do feel that she is lovable and funny. I have a wonderful friend just like her. She laughs at herself and is fun and is not going to stop her eating habits until it kills her. Then we will miss her.

  10. Yes, people really eat like that. I have a dear friend who does. It is crazy. She also regularly reminds me that I eat "crazy" and that "medications are here to help us." I love her and love working with her but I feel strongly that we need a defibrillator in the office for her. I'm not joking or being sarcastic. She is in her early 60's and I feel sure she is going to have severe issues. Sometimes she decides to go on a diet so she goes on the Adkins Diet. She will sit at her desk and eat colby cheese sandwiched between two pepperoni slices for lunch. Today she had a giant fried pork chop! I wish Paula Deen would do this differently, a lot of people look up to her. :001_huh:

  11. My daughter went through it when we attempted public high school when she was a sophomore. I had to remove her from the school and we began homeschooling again. It has been a year and a half ago and we still have some recovering to do. A group of girls would make loud vomiting sounds any time they saw her pass by in the hallway. She had PE with them and they would vomit the entire time she was in the locker room. My experience taught me that schools sincerely love starting programs that address bullying and they love to talk about the problem but there is very little they can do to effect change, the parents are ultimately responsible and you can't control that. I am so sorry your daughter is going through this. It is horrible.

  12. The argument is that soy contains phyto-estrogens that can mess with hormones in humans. The effects are a matter of some controversy.


    We enjoy moderate amounts of soy in the form of tofu, miso, edamame, and shoyu. And on rare occasion as tempeh. These strike me as time tested traditional foods that we enjoy eating, where soy milk and textured protein fail to appeal.




    Should have read this first. I agree.

  13. I eat soy, I avoid soy protein that is in giant doses like protein powders, etc. Everyone seems to react differently to things, I'm not allergic to dairy but if I have dairy products (even one bite) my body react as if I have the most horrible cold ever and usually goes into bronchitis or pneumonia. I went dairy free over 10 years ago and switched to soy milks, almond milks, etc for cereal and smoothies. My very humble and unprofessional opinion is that if you aren't sensitive to soy it is probably okay. If your body reacts with giant gorders (good grief!) then your body doesn't need soy. I think whole foods and foods without all that extra jolt of unnaturally occurring proteins make sense. It seems that would be where we get that it isn't good for us. I would imagine that the testing done on soy products is probably done on lab animals with giant amounts of soy proteins being pumped into their foods? Like I said, I'm not a professional. I can say that my vegan family eats a lot of tofu, tempeh and edemame and my boys are still boys, girls still girls, we are athletes and are awfully healthy.

  14. Dishwasher is toast. It's a KitchenAide, 4 years old. Called a repairman and it will cost $350 to replace? Really. It cost me $125 to pay the repairman to tell me that. Really. Buying a new dishwasher this afternoon when I get off work. Do I buy a Bosch? I'm not spending over $800 but would love to keep it in the $600 to $700 range. Will not buy a KitchenAide again. Ever. Thank you! Christy

  15. I'm going to have to jump in this one, I think it is so superfabuloso that anyone would spend any time wondering what they did wrong...how sweet. I have a friend who always says things that sound completely practical and nicely said to her, but sound completely different to those around her. She usually comes across a little sharper, a little sharper than she intends. She inevitably hurts someone's feelings, it is just her. Then she questions what the heck she did after that to make everyone angry, sort of like yourself... You are awesome. :001_smile:

    I named my kids names I knew would be shortened and I wouldn't care. My name is Christy. Everyone has always called Chris, Chrissy, etc. People get it wrong and call call me Christine and old people have always gravitated toward Cindy, I don't know why. I answer to ALL of it. My husband call me Chris. My parents have never, not once, called me anything but Christy. My mom says that if she wanted to call me Chris, she would have named me Chris. I have a daughter, Madison. When she was 10 she was on a swim team where they decided to call her Maddie. I never really considered Maddie, for some reason, and it jarred me every time someone said it. I never said a word, I just kept calling her Madison and after a while, everyone payed attention or something because they stopped. However, my sil is a Diana. She gets SO MAD when anyone messes up and calls her Diane. I don't get it, I just know to never get it wrong!

    I think this has been beaten to death. I just wanted to tell you how cool you are for dwelling on it. :001_smile:

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