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ChristyB in TN

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Posts posted by ChristyB in TN

  1. Rather than diaper cream how about a tube of Glide? It looks like a tube of deodorant and goes on clear.


    It's petroleum based and just doesn't last as long. We like http://www.blairex.com/BLButtPaste.php

    Boudreaux's Butt Paste is zinc oxide based, it's white but where I'm putting it, no one's going to see, it lasts through a marathon, and no talc.

    I think Glide is great if it works for you, it just didn't work as well as diaper cream for us. I have a lot of chaffing around my bra area and under my arms when it is really hot or when I am running long distances more than once a week.

  2. Gloves (the light weight, quick dry kind)

    iTunes gift card

    dry fit long sleeved shirts for layering

    diaper cream, if he runs distance and has been running long he'll know why

    lots of chap stick

    Fleet Feet has rollers for massaging sore muscles. Someday I plan to buy one for myself. It is a great gift!

    Runner's World subscription

  3. I love being inspired. The change of seasons, a pale ale on a patio with my husband, and a giant list of great books have to be the most inspirational and motivational for me. Every time the seasons change I feel so strongly about setting goals and starting new things. My husband and I like to sit on a patio of one of our favorite places in Nashville and drink pale ale (or Guinness, depends on the season) and write out our goals. It is just fun and after a couple of beverages it gets pretty entertaining to read the next day! Some of our biggest ideas and then accomplishments have come from those "pale ale beginnings!" Books lists are the best things ever. You all have helped so much and I can't WAIT to pass these along to my non homeschooling friends and my book group. I think the best part of what you all have written is the descriptions of what you got out of the books or at what period in your life you read them This is awesome stuff. I am now thoroughly inspired and motivated. We'll see what comes of it...

    Thank you.

  4. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University which has a campus in Murfreesboro, TN. My BS in Liberal Studies with emphasis on English Literature was obtained entirely online while homeschooled my kids. In Tennessee we have the Regents Online Degree Program which allowed me to take classes with students who were enrolled in most of our state's schools and the professors were working through the state's college and community college system. My degree is from MTSU and looks no different from the ones obtained the traditional way.

  5. I just showed a bunch of houses and got back to my office to check this, you all are the most interesting people. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate these books! I love posts that show how the books we read seem to touch us at different times in our lives. I am writing all of them down and passing them along. I had written The Well Trained Mind on my Facebook page list but neglected to write it here. It certainly changed my life and I can list a jillion different things I've done and accomplished because I read that book and it sort of started the domino effect of change.

    Please keep posting your books as you think of them! I love them. Thank you all so much.

  6. We started homeschooling in 1999 or 2000 and at that time, I was staying home with the kids and he was working 70 hours a week. This schedule, even though I work outside the home now, too, sort of set the precedent for our family. I taught or at least managed all the subjects and when we all read a book, he read it, too. If it was a classic or at least something we could all read (appropriate, etc) I would get a copy from the library for everyone in the family and we would set a deadline to have it read. This made dinner table conversation so much fun. Now I have one at college, one homeschooling her last year of high school and one in middle school in private school. We pass the books around. My home schooling daughter and her father now trade books back and forth every week. Reading the same books makes us a closer family. Having John active in all of this has made a HUGE difference!

  7. I need a list of books from the most well read people on the planet. Ummm that's you all, of course. What books changed your life? What books do you wish everyone on the planet would read because the books are enlightening and would help the world to be a better place? I asked this of my friends on FB and got a few like The Shack and The Bible. Those are of course, awesome, but there's more to it than that. I want more. My husband threw The Grapes of Wrath and Foxes Book of Martyrs in there. He says Steinbeck's work helped him understand compassion and the Book of Martyrs taught him never to blindly follow religion. We're not religious, obviously. So far, for myself I have:

    The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Hamid Actually, I enjoyed his Moth Smoke, too. A glimpse into the world as seen from Pakistan was wonderful and painful. I appreciate that.

    The History of God by Karen Armstrong All of her books were awesome for me. I love every darn one of them.

    Canterbury Tales - I don't have to explain to you all how that book is valuable.

    Okay, I'm still thinking.

    Your turn

    My book club will thank you.

  8. I've been away from here for a long time and I want to tell you all that this thread was so wonderfully thoughtful and sweet. You all are refreshing. I host Thanksgiving at my house and there are no shortage of allergies, it is a crazy occasion! No one has allergies as severe as these listed in the original post but if some of us have dairy, we are sick for 2 weeks, Grandma is gluten free or she is VERY sick, my husband, daughter and myself are vegan, etc, you see what I mean. I am just so much happier if I cook everything. I know which allergies go with each person, I can control things. I can't even fathom having to worry about cross contamination and a trip to the ER! Our guests, we always seem to have new and different ones every year, are always stumped about what to bring and it is such a relief when they honor my request to just let me do it. Again, this was a wonderfully thoughtful thread. You all are awesome.

  9. Son at college means we miss him dreadfully and love it when we can have him join us however it is possible. LOOOOOOVE having the ability to do it. If I were separated from the people I love, I would be so happy if they would let me intrude on all their fun activities that way! I've been thinking about including some extra people in my book club this way, too.

  10. Maybe I am avoiding the fact that I need to be working on my quickbooks (I'm at the office) but I woke up thinking about this board this morning and I thought, "Dang it, I still homeschool! I should really talk to those people more!" I can't tell you how much I've missed the conversations. I was working on my blog the other night and was reminiscing about how much I learned from this board and the books I read because of the suggestions here. This is a good place with AWESOME people. I can't wait to catch up and start learning again!

  11. Well, I'm back and I can't believe how many names I recognize! This is awesome! You probably don't remember me, I have been away a long time and I was pretty quiet when I was here every day. I was Christy in TN before the board looked like this, I've been here since 1999 or 2000, when the board had a dancing microphone and we used to fight about math programs. :lol: Just to catch up, my oldest son is in college now and doing great, my daughter is homeschooling her junior year of high school but is applying to colleges as we speak, my youngest is in 7th grade and is in a private school (his choice, not mine) and I am working full time at my business. Can't wait to catch up! Christy:001_smile:

  12. My husband owns a real estate company so I know a little about it.:) You want a busy realtor. The busy ones are usually on top of their game. It is not a great idea to hire a realtor who also works another job or is a part time agent. Hiring a realtor who has a "team" can work in your favor, too. They usually have someone available all the time. If you have trouble getting in touch with one then you know everyone else is having problems, too. Don't hire someone who: creeps you out, talks too much, looks disorganized, has problems immediately returning emails/phone calls and has strict hours. We find a lot of business gets done on Sundays! Finding a realtor who has sold other property in your area is a good plan! A common (here) way for a realtor to structure the commission is to get 6% for his/her end of a sale and less of a percentage if he/she represents the buyer, too. I hope it goes well for you!

  13. I homeschooled for 8 years and put my three in school at the beginning of last year. It has been a good experience but we would have been happy had we continued homeschooling, too. I DIDN'T like the co-op/tutorial thing, but that's another issue.

    I don't think your kids are necessarily missing out on anything you will be sorry about later. There are things that they get in school that are different from what you can provide at home, but that's just it, they are different things, not necessary things. When I look back on my feelings about the things my kids might miss out on because they were at home, I realize that it was unnecessary and impossible to recreate these opportunities for them. What we had at home was not going to be recreated at school, either.

    My kids are enjoying school and there are many activities that they would not have been able to take part in otherwise. When we homeschooled they were on year round swim teams, played community league soccer and basketball, and took dance lessons and gymnastics. At school they are wrestling, playing football, running high school cross country, but are still doing community league basketball, etc. They don't read as much at school, the foreign language opportunities are oh, so outrageously bad, and I thank God they had me as a history teacher for so many years because I don't think the school does as good a job of that as I did. (THANK YOU Story of the World)

    I have rambled but I feel strongly about it. Yes, they are missing out on good and bad things. Yes, if they went to school, they would be missing out on the good and bad things you could do for them from home. I think that either way you just have to provide the best opportunities for them that you possibly can and be confident. OH, and love, love, love them because they are home with you. :D

  14. I called my grandmother one evening and asked her what she was doing. She said, (please read this in your best southern accent) "I've seen those Hamburger Helper commercials on TV for years and just decided that I had to try it. I figured it would be so good that I bought two boxes and I just fixed them both in the same pan. I want you to know, have made a big, heavy pile of s#*t. It is so heavy I can't even lift it to put it into the garbage can." :D I miss her very much. She had a way of getting to the very heart of every thing. I still have not ever fixed it but I bet it's good, even though she wouldn't like it. I think the homemade version would be better because you could leave out all the stuff in the ingredient list you can't pronounce.:tongue_smilie:

  15. Oh, it is so good to see everyone's names! I am enjoying catching up with everyone while reading your posts. I don't know exactly how long I've been gone but I have stopped in a couple of times just to lurk. Your posts are so interesting and I've missed out on a lot!

    My kids are in school now and it is going so well. They are in the 11th, 9th, and 5th grades. I get the funniest comments, even after having had them in school for a year and a half now. The one I like the most always goes something like, "Your kids seem to do so well for having been homeschooled their whole lives." "I can't believe that they make straight A's and they've never even been to school!" "They made friends so fast for never having been socialized in school before." BRRRRRAAAAAHHHHAAAAHAAAAAA!:lol: I homeschooled too long to even feel the need to respond. I smile and nod, smile and nod, smile and nod...They love school but they loved home schooling, too. It's all good.

    As some of you might remember, if you remember me at all, I started back to college after the Well Educated Mind came out. I will receive my bachelor's degree in liberal studies in two weeks. My areas of emphasis are English Literature and Psychology. I don't think I ever would have done it if I had not homeschooled, read all the books you fantastic people recommended all those years, and read the Well Educated Mind. When I read it and started following the book in order to educate myself, I felt like I needed to go ahead and devote time to getting my degree and I did. :D I did it all online through my local state university and I am so grateful for the opportunity. I am also so grateful for you all for the motivation!

    I've been working and finishing school and haven't had time to come here but I think I'll stay a little while...you never know what you are going to learn here and I could stand to learn a little! I can't wait to catch up! I have been working on a blog. I took a Writing for the internet course this semester and the blog is part of the final project. Come take a look! http://readengage.blogspot.com/



  16. I stash water in bushes. My neighbors think it's hysterical.:D Take a cheap one because it might get stolen, I know. If I run downtown I either put a bottle behind the wheel of my car so I can grab it as I run past or I carry $5 in my bra so I can buy some along the way. Yes, I use sweaty money...

    I don't recommend upping your miles too much at one time, it might end up setting you back. Have fun! You are doing great!

  17. The previous posters all had good advice, check with a local bank about the HSA or even talk to your insurance representative. I recommend (I'm an inactive insurance agent) finding a good, reputable, local insurance agent who represents many companies. We are self employed at our house and have had an HSA for a few years. The HSA lowers your taxable income! :001_smile: You can use it to pay for anything medical related: dentist, deductables, band aids, prescriptions, etc. We don't have dental insurance so the HSA comes in very handy. We pay no fees for ours, either. We disciplined ourselves to put in a certain amount every month so there is always a nice balance. Once we got to a certain point, we upped our deductable on our health insurance which lowered our premiums and we just keep the deductable amount in the account so we never have to worry! You can actually get a deductable of $10,000 at a lot of good insurance companies and this saves a fortune in pemiums.

  18. We live near Kansas City and we would love to be able to attend a weekend, workshop, or day camp style getaway for homeschoolers. I already visited and bookmarked your website. Keep us posted.:D

    Would you mind letting me know the best way to get in touch with the homeschool groups in KC? I have a lot of fishermen who come here from there. I need to hit the newspapers with some line ads, too. I will let you know tomorrow what I come up with as far and weekends and themes go! Thank you! Christy Shangrilarentals@gmail.com

  19. Sounds very interesting! I'm also in TN, but my husband is currently stationed not too far from Lake of the Ozarks in MO. I'll be burning a path between here & there over the next year or so. Keep us updated!

    I would love to offer you a military discount. Let me know when you are headed this way, it would be a great get away spot for you all. Is he at Ft. Leonard Wood? I am trying like crazy to figure out the best way to advertise there. I have paddle boats, swimming pool, kiddie pool, etc. http://www.shangrilares.com Email me when you head this way and I will slash some prices. :D Christy Shangrilarentals@gmail.com

  20. I live in St. Louis and as a child spent almost every weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. Around the Sunshine beach area too. I have not been back for many years but hear the lake on the weekends are very busy. Would you be able to offer programs to families during the week that they can use vacation time? Do you have a website? Is the resort functioning now? I would be interested if you get something lined up. One suggestion might be to get a booth at our CHEF conference in June with flyers and information. You could really get the word out that way. Let me know if you might be interested in this and I can get you information.

    Yes, the resort is functioning now. I am here painting cabins and tearing out carpet as we speak! Our web site is http://www.shangrilares.com and I am updating the pictures this week. We have done quiet a bit of updating of the cabins since most of those pics were taken. Can I get the email addy or website for the CHEF conference? I would love to look in to that!

    The lake is very busy! I've never seen anything like it. We, fortunately are in a quiet cove and sort of off by ourselves. We have a nice little play area, volleyball, swimming pool, and tons of room to run, play, and explore. It is truly amazing. I am about to pass out because I've been working all day here. My crews have shown up to help with the refurb so I will be able to do some more planning and homework on all this tomorrow! Thank you so much, let me know what I can do to get the word out! Christy


  21. I loved these books as a child and reread them a million times. My kids loved them, too. A few years ago I was able to find (at the library) L'Engle's book, Marriage, A Two Part Invention. I think that was the name of it. It was the story of her life, her marriage, death, etc. The library had the book on tape and the narrator was HER! It was just wonderful. She talks of her husbands death and becomes so emotional, so amazingly real... I was sobbing there on the treadmill at the gym. It was a sight, I'm sure.

  22. It all sounds great. I am going to work on contacting the home schooling groups around here and seeing what I could offer. I have been talking about the living history weekends and such to my friends in my cul de sac, my husband, etc, and everyone says they would drive up here for that! We live 9 hours away, by the way. A Lewis and Clark weekend would be cool here, too. I appreciate your help very much.:001_smile:

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